Neurotoxin K17 (Artemis Series)

Define Intuition :smiley:

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Not sure it can be truly defined.

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There you go

I mean, I get your point, just there is still the same issue as with “creativity”.


Just using your post as a prompt, not replying as a correction.

I don’t think it’s hard to define, nor is it, as suggested above, principally, a function of IQ. It tends to be a matter of experience or hard-wired genetics.

In practice, intuition is very common with subject matter experts (and sometimes complete novices) and not some much the middle of the experience curve. A small indication allows the expert to divine the essence of a situation even though it would be difficult or impossible set forth the reasoning process used. In fact, the reasoning process, to the extent it existed, has been converted to a heuristic. A lot of physicians can look at someone and, on a first visit, know their diagnosis; the exam is an insurance formality. But if there was a boosted intuition field, someone without medical knowledge couldn’t match a doctor’s performance even if they played remove subconscious limits 3.0 and boost intuition 2.0 24/7. It’s the same thing with creativity.


It‘s an interesting ability which supposedly derives from the subconscious mind, and has some ties to our gathered experience as well yet isn‘t something that can be acquired only through our intelligence itself, which makes it very tough to grasp…

I’m my opinion, it‘s a very curious phenomena that manifests in so many occasions which we ain‘t capable of perceiving logical, and still solves tasks / difficulties without having a reasonable thought pattern for it. I guess, it‘s something which is going to be explained some day through science how it really occurs.

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