New Audio - Acne Ablation

You don’t need to do for long time. For few weeks would be enough. I got it right at the moment it came out and using just fine. You don’t even have to use everyday.

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Loving the music on this one!


I think this field would be more worth it for someone with a severe case. Not worth the long term side effects for most people IMO.

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Yes, I understand your concern. Actually, you had me thinking kind of too, after reading your post. (Hadn’t really thought about the long term :smile:) But we’ve got the Anti-aging field, and I got my tag, and a handful of other anti-aging fields, so it won’t really be an issue. And yeah, I always use lotion if my skin gets dry, so… But also, I don’t plan to keep using this like for a long time. I just want to use it for these 3 days(at 3 times a day) and I might quit using it after that. I feel like my skin naturally produces more oil than most people(I wake up and it seems like someone just sprayed Crisco all over my forehead and my scalp :smile:) and that used to be very embarrassing for me. Like when I was younger, and I would wake up next to someone, and I would be a straight grease-head. :laughing: But yeah, today is my last day, I think. I still feel grease on my forehead, but I think it’s more on the average level now. So I am happy about that.

Well, my skin on my hands and neck are smooth, but the skin on my face has like a dewy glow to it. Like the complexion I mean. The only time I use lotion, is when I get dry skin.(Since I had super oily skin, even in the Winter time, the lotion would maximize that ‘greasy’ effect if I was not careful.) I like moisturizer better than lotion though. I usually only get dry skin around my mouth(Not the lips), I never knew why.


I will do 2-3 more cycles of this probably just finished first one

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Just bought this one. I don’t have a problem with acne but will be testing this anyway, as a deep cleansing thing. I want a dewy glow too, like @This_Boy_Here :wink:.

I might add that there often is a misconception that oily skin doesn’t need moisture. In fact the opposite is often true. Dry skin can start produce oil to protect itself in lack thereof. But it can be tricky to find the right kind. Sparsely applied hyaluronic acid serum can do the trick, for example.
And drink enough water.


Awesome! Keep us posted. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Pia! Girls always know more than guys in this area. :smile: I didn’t know any of this. I used
to use the Neutrogena ‘Hydro boost’ exfoliating cleanser, that had hyaluronic acid in it, but I ditched it and just use an Olay soap bar to clean my face. Is that good? And yes, I :heart: water. Staying hydrated is great for the skin.


Use a very gentle low pH cleanser. Cleanse only once a day (guys don’t wear makeup for the most part, so once a day should be good, as long as it gets the sunblock off fully). Avoid using anything on the face that clogs the pores. Avoid astringents like after shaves etc., a lot of them are toxic.

As Pia said - the more you cleanse, skin works harder to overcompensate the stripped oils. That wrecks the moisture barrier of the skin.


My sister is a high-end esthetician in Las Vegas, and I’ve learned a bit from her. For the face, she told me that you need to ALWAYS apply water to your face first before putting on any lotion/moisturizer. You want the cream to trap the water on the skin, as it’s really the water that’s needed - especially for extra dry climates.

For the body, she told me to never use any soap that’s alkaline, as it will dry out the skin. This one I don’t understand, but she’s the expert on beautiful skin…


Yes that is a good tip to lock in moisture. :+1:t2:


My female friend recommends this product called Krave Beauty’s Great Barrier Relief. It restores the skin barrier.

I personally just use that snail slime stuff from COSRX as a moisturiser. Used to use that Hado Labo stuff.


The Ordinary is a good brand, I think. Really good ingredients to a fair price.
Lots of serums for those of us who likes to do the K-beauty layering thing.


I’ve been a fan of their products for a long time, even tho some of my favorite products are discontinued.


The founder of that company (Deciem) used to be a friend of mine. Quite a colorful and controversial bloke. He has now passed on (RIP), but this company has always been in disarray, for one reason or another - out of stock, unable to meet demands, discontinuation of stuff, etc.


Was Deciem his last name or does it stand for something?

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Yes, I mostly order from the Deciem website as the retailers in my country often is out of stock. Works very well and at a slightly lower cost even with the shipping.
They also are developing some other brands. Maybe some redeveloping of the company is going on.


No, his last name was Truaxe, and Deciem was derived from the Latin word Decima (“tenth”) - I don’t know the significance of number 10 to him though! He was a crazy genius, but also a very troubled soul and committed suicide by jumping from the terrace of his residence.


My GF is a big fan of the more expensive NIOD line, while my skincare needs are super basic and I just buy only one thing (which was recommended long time ago by Brandon).


Haha! I use that one too!

