One more addition to this, because some people here need to hear it multiple times before they allow the message to get in:
But, there is no such thing as “fate”.
Except maybe for a few major events / points in life that are orchistrated by one’s Higher Self and been put there as part of the incarnational plan.
Everything else however, is subject to your personal manifestation.
But, you will often call it “fate” and experience it as “fate” because the origin of the manifestation is unconscious and coming from the subsconscious mind.
Because 99% of one’s personal reality bubble is manifested by the subconscious mind.
While one is focusing on daily stuff, playing video games, driving the bike, chatting with people etc. the subconscious mind is constantly doind the actual work and the heavy lifting of manifesting one’s life circumstances.
…the unconscious conscious,
by either becoming aware of it and making a new decision,
and/or by changing your deep subconscious core beliefs (via fields, subliminals, energy psychology techniques, higher beings intercession, support from aliens, grace from your Higher Self etc.),
…what is being manifested in your life will APPEAR as if it is coming from an external source and not from yourself. It will APPEAR as “fate” and “luck” and “external circumstances happening to you”.
And, your EGO will use this mechanism as an argument to blame the outer world for everything that you are not happy with.
It will use it to push you, to one more time, put off your responsibility for your manifestations and the shadow work that needs to be done, and will continue to try to keep you in your loops and your so called “currently comfortable” reality. Because the ego is afraid of changing roles and believes that it must encourage your to stay in your current role in order to survive.
Ego Dissolution is only the first step of the equation.
What comes after is the shadow work and the reprogramming of the subconscious mind.
And THEN, you will short-term and long-term manifest a new personal reality.
Maybe many of you already noticed, that there are exceptions for everything in life.
There are exceptional people who achieve exceptional outcomes.
There seems to be people everywhere for whom in certain life areas, certain “rules of society” seem to not apply at all and these people seem to be “put under exception” by some “higher powers”.
How do you think these exceptions take place and manifest themselves?
Do you want it too?
These higher powers are already within you – in your precious holy Subconscious Mind.
And so with that, in the end, it is…