Conceptual Realizations

This is a very unique field with very unique benefits. This is what I have experienced!

Pretty much any social skill you can think of, this audio has increased it considerably. I am more aware of others emotions, I am willing to listen to people and I am also able to contribute to the conversation a lot better than before! I also smile ALOT more in conversation than before! Something that is also cool is that I can read between the lines with ease now.

Interestingly enough, this has made me a lot more well-spoken! When I speak now, there are no more ums or filler words, I just say stuff directly and clearly. Also the speed and tone of my speech more controlled and balanced.

This has made me more open into chatting with different people! I start alot more conversations with strangers now. Furthermore, I get into deeper conversations more frequently now, it is actually amazing how enjoyable talking to people is once you get the hang of it!

I may be tripping, but I am quite sure that I understand animals a lot more now. I remember I was able to somewhat interact with a squirrel when I was sitting out at my garden! I literally have never had this kind of experience with any kind of wild animal before!

This has the communication between my servitors and higher self a lot more easy. It is like I can translate the feeling or energy into words? (I hope that makes sense, idk how else to describe it)
Because of this translataion ability, I feel like I can actually understand my servitors and higher self a lot better!

Thanks for reading this review and I am so grateful for Captian and Sammy for this audio!


I like this field!

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As discussed in today’s therapy session :grin: :laughing: – get this field ASAP!


I kept saying this is going to be my next field… and then I kept getting other fields. Not sure when I can afford another field.

To be honest, being an audio is a drawback for me, I prefer NFT tags now. But it’s in my “next 3” LOL. I really want Shielding 3.0



One more addition to this, because some people here need to hear it multiple times before they allow the message to get in:

But, there is no such thing as “fate”.

Except maybe for a few major events / points in life that are orchistrated by one’s Higher Self and been put there as part of the incarnational plan.

Everything else however, is subject to your personal manifestation.

But, you will often call it “fate” and experience it as “fate” because the origin of the manifestation is unconscious and coming from the subsconscious mind.

Because 99% of one’s personal reality bubble is manifested by the subconscious mind.
While one is focusing on daily stuff, playing video games, driving the bike, chatting with people etc. the subconscious mind is constantly doind the actual work and the heavy lifting of manifesting one’s life circumstances.



…the unconscious conscious,

by either becoming aware of it and making a new decision,

and/or by changing your deep subconscious core beliefs (via fields, subliminals, energy psychology techniques, higher beings intercession, support from aliens, grace from your Higher Self etc.),

…what is being manifested in your life will APPEAR as if it is coming from an external source and not from yourself. It will APPEAR as “fate” and “luck” and “external circumstances happening to you”.

And, your EGO will use this mechanism as an argument to blame the outer world for everything that you are not happy with.

It will use it to push you, to one more time, put off your responsibility for your manifestations and the shadow work that needs to be done, and will continue to try to keep you in your loops and your so called “currently comfortable” reality. Because the ego is afraid of changing roles and believes that it must encourage your to stay in your current role in order to survive.

Ego Dissolution is only the first step of the equation.
What comes after is the shadow work and the reprogramming of the subconscious mind.
And THEN, you will short-term and long-term manifest a new personal reality.

Maybe many of you already noticed, that there are exceptions for everything in life.
There are exceptional people who achieve exceptional outcomes.
There seems to be people everywhere for whom in certain life areas, certain “rules of society” seem to not apply at all and these people seem to be “put under exception” by some “higher powers”.
How do you think these exceptions take place and manifest themselves?
Do you want it too?
These higher powers are already within you – in your precious holy Subconscious Mind.

And so with that, in the end, it is…




That’s why. Raise above it.

In the end you all gods. Playing amnesia


I’ve had this audio for maybe a month now and have been listening to it consistently for that same amount of time, usually once a day, maybe twice spaced out throughout the day, sometimes on walks, sometimes as I’m laying down getting ready to fall asleep. It’s not something you can put your finger on directly, but you can tell in the background going through day to day life that you look at things a little different, that your understanding of situations, people, conversations, information seems to be deeper and especially more objective. I had a neighbor describe a scene to me from his memory of an event that took place in an era much older than me and it was like I could feel exactly what he was describing, like I was in the memory with him. It was as if I understood the emotions and nostalgia he had for the memory that I had never felt before, and sitting there I had a new nostalgia I wasn’t aware of before.

This field isn’t the most obvious as some of the others, but when you start to understand the deeper layer of conversations, interactions, and even written works, you realize the power you now have. It’s like removing a layer of obscurity and getting to the heart of the matter. It has made me really listen to what people are saying, because the words coming out of someone’s mouth is never the real message. It’s the silence between the words that conveys, and this field makes that silence speak to you.

The other thing I’ve noticed is that reading “signs” and synchronicities has been much easier to do, as well as understanding meaning when reading tarot. Especially with tarot, as it isn’t about memorizing meanings from a book and then playing jigsaw with the draw, it’s more like looking at the images presented and reading them as the newspaper of you, or what or whom. This has really helped me get out of my own way and help understand what is really being said, good and bad.

This has helped me realized how simple life can be. I am the one who creates the complexity, the stress and the suffering in my life, and this helps me identify that. It is so hard to change when you aren’t able to see yourself objectively, so this helps view yourself from the outside when you reflect. When you combine this field with things like The Unbreakable and Blueprint of LIfe, you have this incredible combination of healing, objectivity and motivation to act on these newfound realizations and implement them in a positive way that is true to you. I tend towards the more “minimal” side of things, and this helps me see how I can make more room for the empty spaces, the space for which and in which the magic happens.

The only negative I can really say about this field is that it hasn’t really helped much with bible reading. I will continue to experiment with it, but feels like a different wavelength that doesn’t really connect. It might be because the text is written on so many different levels that you have to really go in reading for one particular interpretation for this field to be useful, otherwise there are too many meanings all at once to really uncover and make sense of them…all at once! However, for dream interpretation, conversations, tarot, general reading, interactions with people, understanding events, and seeing the deeper meanings of the seen and unseen, this works.


For me, this is the most powerful field, I have tried. I can feel this field clearing my energy body in a deeper way than in other fields.

I also tried this field in a LSD trip: AMAZING! I got into a network of beliefs/thoughts/fears, it kept growing deeper into the field i went. It was like the trees showed me my subconscious network.
This together with unconscious clutter, WAW!

It’s like the fields in general work in a much deeper level, when you are taking LSD at the same time. (even though LSD alone is very clearing/cleansing too) :slight_smile:


In case anyone is wondering, this field SERIOUSLY ACCELERATES LANGUAGE LEARNING.
Currently I’m learning Japanese. Before this field, the process of learning vocab went like this…


  1. I introduce myself to the japanese word
  2. Read it several times to get a grasp of it
  3. Create a flashcard on anki and regularly review it to make sure I memorize it
  4. Once ingrained, I need to conceptually understand it and form an image in my head
  5. After I need to see multiple examples of how it is used in Anime, Real Life, manga, etc
  6. I need to practice using it several times to gain fluency of the vocab
  7. Regularly review it until it becomes 100% ingrained (this takes a few weeks to months for me)


  1. I introduce myself to the Japanese word and instantly understand everything about it (concept, usage, pronunciation, image, etc)
  2. Right away I am able to use the vocab fluently
  3. Only a brief review every few weeks is needed in order for me to ingrain it!



I got this beautiful field yesterday afternoon after receiving my salary :slightly_smiling_face: . I didn’t expect to collect so much, more than I thought :star_struck: .

Now I have another of sapiens medicine’s most important energy fields.
I look at the time while I write, it’s “04:40” :grin:.

Thank you captain nemo, my angels and guides, the universe, the earth and everyone who helped me get to where I am :relieved::pray::heart::sunny:


I’m super excited for you, this is my favorite field ever. :blush: When I first got it it hit me like a truck, with the most profound clarity I’d ever experienced; I was aware of all thoughts going through my mind, could pick up any of them, dissect it get to the core belief just like that.

It faded eventually but it’s slowly coming back after a few months of consistent use. It makes you a captain of the boat, and it’s only a forward path with this one because consciousness cannot retract


A lot of folks did the job already, but as described above this may be one of the most important field available as of now.

This makes life and leveling up so much easier.



It makes it easier to see things clearly, see through BS and it has increased my emotional intelligence and intuition!


For those that own this field. Does this help you process information at a faster pace and also think faster? I am glad this field is still on gumroad, as I thought it was taken off too.

Bought this 2 days ago, there are a lot of changes, it seems to be stronger than any brain audios, I’m playing a lot of thinking games and also study for school, since I use this audio, understanding things is EASIER, I see patterns in everything. I’m learning Chinese too, everything was harder before but now it’s easy.

I always was an empathic guy but cold appearance, it boosted this, listening to people is way more interesting, understanding body language, understanding the true meaning of words, the discussion are better and as an introverted I’m surprised suddenly being very talkative.

Being able to even “predict” what people are going to do/say is weird but enjoyable. Finding myself smiling, laughing and looking at people way more.


@Hauru I share you and the members :grin:

For a few days I feel good in my mind :relieved::pray::heart::sunny: . it’s so pleasant this feeling of well-being !!!
Every day I listen several times in this field and also during my sleep.

I focus on the present moment and give all my intention and time to people who want to interact with me.

I sympathized with a women :heart:. I feel so comfortable and she feels it :blush:.

there is another woman, a work colleague with whom I also have an attraction
:heartbeat: .

For the same professional side I am comfortable, relaxed, without the fuss :pray: . Good relationship with customers and boss.

Today I won €50 by doing a plumbing repair (an owner’s mobile home) outside of my working hours.

Things are going great for me right now :relieved::arrow_up:

I also listen to the field the k2 stone several times on repeat. the pendulum told me that it also contributed to this state of well-being :pray:


brother, Great experience looking forward to sharing more experiences in the future @Limael


This helped me a lot recently, talking to people is way easier and it happens a lot that I finish their sentences, but I try not to do it, people tells a lot “yeah that’s what I wanted to say”, “how do you know?”

It helped A LOT, I did an excellent impression on a school interview. The person felt listened, understood, she seemed to enjoy the moment and the discussion. She said, I was saying exactly all she wanted to hear.

I always struggled for reading body language, now it’s really enjoyable to talk to people because I understand them more and show them more interest.

Also people can’t deceive me anymore because of not understand their intentions, it’s the biggest life changing thing for me.


Patiently waiting for @JAAJ ‘s manifestation book to come out