New Audio - Hyperbaric Compressor


:+1: Thanks!


Too much hyperbaric pressure! :smiley:


AmaZing! Highly recommend. Sensing as if “something is breathing you”, or becoming the breath itself. It’s like entering Air and space museum to experience timelessness.

02 is critical in cellular respiration - the cells of living things break down glucose with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

I am also using this as a booster for longer breath holds when diving underwater - anyone who has tried Wim Hoff’s breathing technique will understand the benefits that come with this field.

Sidebar note: please use with Discernment as per Dream’s instructions. @Captain_Nemo to confirm. Prolonged exposure to 75% oxygen induces inflammation in the lungs (similar to radiation injury, oxygen “overdose” has the ability to generate free radicals.) To counter any potential side effects, and given that major nonenzymatic intracellular antioxidant is glutathione (GSH), which is able to reduce free radicals, you may want to use Dream’s glutathione field as a supplement to this field.


Can you inform me about the sale please?

@Anjoluz, you can find the details here:


Thank you @Maoshan_Wanderer .

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Hi @SilverZuzu, if you’ve not tried the new Hyperbaric Compressor field, it may help you.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy speeds healing of ligaments and tendons, amongst other things in need of healing.


Research referenced by Sapien. Sorry for the translation. I think many will be interested :slight_smile:

First study of its kind: oxygen reversed aging of immune cells
Scientists from Israel said they were able to partially reverse the process of cellular aging in humans.
Every time a cell divides inside the body, youth eludes us. This is due to the shortening of telomeres - structures that are located at the tips of our chromosomes and act like caps on laces, protecting their ends from destruction. Each new generation of cells has shorter telomeres.
Now, scientists at the Tel Aviv University of Israel said they were able to reverse this process and increase the length of the telomeres of cells of the immune system in a small study involving 35 patients over the age of 64.
All participants received five hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions per week. They spent 90 minutes each time in a pressure chamber with oxygen. The therapy lasted three months. As a result, the telomeres of some of their cells increased by up to 20 percent! We are talking about cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, T-helper cells, B-lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Scientists measured the length of their telomeres.
This is an impressive statement. For the sake of fairness, we note that other scientists have previously stated about the “rejuvenation” of cells. However, all of these studies included fewer volunteers.
In this case, the main disadvantage is also the small sample size. So the results will need to be replicated in the future before we can talk about the discovery of a generally affordable method of potential rejuvenation.
Potential, because no reliable link has yet been established between aging and shortening of our telomeres. But, apparently, hyperbaric oxygenation does affect telomere length, at least this topic definitely deserves further study.
At the same time, there is a clear link between telomere length and health. “Longer telomeres correlate with better cell function,” explained lead author of the recent work, Dr. Shair Efrati.
Efrati said that his team was inspired by the study of twins conducted by NASA. Then one of the twin brothers was sent into space, while the other remained on Earth. The significant difference in the length of their telomeres indicated that changes in the external environment could influence the main cellular changes that occur during aging.
Whether people want to sit in a small tank every day for the fourth part of the year is a matter of preference. However, future research is likely to help make this process more efficient (at least for some people).
By the way, there are many ways to accelerate the destruction of our telomeres. Lack of sleep, too much processed food in the diet can lead to this. Some studies have shown that having children also negatively affects telomere length.
Among the measures that make it possible to reverse this process or at least suspend it: the presence of physical activity, proper nutrition, possibly taking vitamin D, if there is a lack of it in the body (but this is also not known for certain).
It must be that the aging process, which is complex from a biological point of view, cannot be unambiguously linked to telomere shortening. And it is always worth remembering that cancer is also associated with the ability of tumor cells to bypass the problem of telomere shortening. So from this Holy Grail, scientists have yet to learn how to drink in small sips in order to avoid the risk of accidentally “poisoning”.
The results of the study were published in the open access journal Aging.


Omg, no wonder I couldn’t sleep last night. I saw this playing before I went to bed. I felt so alive because of the oxygen… I was wide awake… O_O


Thank you for the tip! Added it to my playlist.

I now listen to 2 loops of HC + 1 loop of Glutathione morning and evening. It gives roughly 1 hour of exposure.

I bought it for the long term benefits, but there are short term benefits aswell. Yes to Oxygen!


I bought it last night and played it …big trouble for me!!
It triggered acute pain in both my hips , lower back, pelvis and my tendons in my right buttock, hip and lateral thigh. Spent many hrs. including overnight to lessen the pain.

Dont want to dissuade anyone from buying this. Ive had trouble in these areas for over 1 1/2 yrs. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis of the spine and pelvis for years but just diagnosed 1 1/2 yrs ago and acute tendonitis in all the areas I mentioned (above) for 1 1/2 yrs. If u have basically normal functioning or only slight problems…go for it!


When I was younger, I think I was 12 or 13, I did this therapy 5 times a week during summer holidays, so 2 months. Instead of 90 minutes straight, they would do it 45 minutes, then an hour break, then 45 minutes. I felt really really good while doing it. There was a few days the pressure would be too much and my ears would start bleeding, but overall it was very good. Being a kid though, I hated that my summer holidays was spent doing that so I didn’t allow myself to get the full benefit


And now this therapy has reached a new level. No side effects, and oxygen chamber seats. After all, we have our Captain …


No, you misunderstand,
the damaged cells are absorbing oxygen,

Do you know why a cavity is painful, then slowly the pain goes away?
the nerves either die off or become dysfunctional.

What do you think happens when they they are repaired and the unattended damage has spread?


Is there any way to get around the increased pain it causes besides perhaps limiting the time I play it?

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Hey SilvereZuzu! These two fields can help with pain and the progress of healing


@SilverZuzu You could also add in the Hepatocyte one to reduce inflammation on top of what @GoddessAndGodOfAll suggested.


Thanks ryantraveling-I played that and the Glutathione vid right after the episode, didnt help at all.


Thanks TheAscendingBicep- I use Reiki Message or Muscle Message (spa) over Pain control for pain and the Arthritis field doesn’t help.