New: Dental Care - Teeth Restoration, Kill off cavity bacteria and strengthen teeth

Hey there,

I just released this over there on Patreon, free of charge for anyone who wants to try it:

It uses some new ideas I have tested. To make it short, one day I have had enough and I decided to try to actually kill the bacteria that cause cavities. I did it and I was in pain for a few minutes but after that I had a very clean and polished sensation as I glid over my teeth.
I then proceeded to try to restore the teeth and undo the damage the bacteria did and voila - it worked.
So here I present this to you for anyone who needs it, before I upload it to YouTube

Here is the YT Upload:


What other features?

What do you mean?

What other features, such as regrowing teeth, repairing broken ones and so on

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  • It kills cavity bacteria
  • Restores (repairs) teeth by regenerating the teeth tissue
  • and it strengthens the teeth so they become harder and more robust
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isn’t it to make them grow back?

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If you mean regrow teeth you have lost, no.
I will make a separate subliminal for that


can teeth be re grown at any age? how is it possible

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Well… imagination.
I have no idea how it will work.

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Thanks for that, I think I will try it out at some point.
…“Neville Goddard Revision Subliminal Time Machine” first.

Does it kill only bacteria on the teeth or also in the mouth?
I ask because inside the mouth there are also good bacteria…

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Yep. It is specifically targeted towards cavity bacteria and nothing else

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Has been uploaded to YouTube:

Couldn’t find it on YouTube. It says video un available

Yes, I took it down, remade it and uploaded it on patreon. I will upload it to youtube


hello, could you tell me where i can find this audio
thank you

I think I reuploaded it to Patreon, but I may upload it to YT again

I found ,
I wanted to ask you it does not damage the crowns,?

All it does is remove cavities and ensure teeth are good, it avoids refilling teeth that have an artificial filling

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great thanks for your help,

Does youtube have the latest version of this sub? (uploaded 5 months ago)