New elite brain guild coming


Look, I don’t want to be mean or weird or stuff like that. I don’t want to write articles length content.

I suggest you take a small break to process things clearly.

I get it, this place it’s important to you and you like the old way it was. Now it’s changing.

It’s difficult. It’s ok.

I’m gonna have to start replying on multiple threads to every reply or quote you take from me and it’ gonna be sports-like.


I don’t think you’ll enjoy it more than I


Saying its not impartial means that disputants are not treated equally in a dispute. Which I don’t think is what you meant or I may have misunderstood you, hence the definition displayed so that we’re both clear on what is meant by the word in usage.

I don’t have a preference for the old or the new. The names of roles and their purposes are clear.

You managed to get one of the definitions, the most specific and irrelevant one. For context, we’re not a tribunal or Justice system.

Here’s Cambridge

Of that’s not enough (this is Cambridge) keep going with other dictionaries. This definition is like half example I think. But still enough to get the idea.

If anything, Dream is supporting us and has even said so in the other thread.

Best behavior and efforts get rewarded. It’s not a communist government. He is free to prefer some people and encourage some behaviors.

I feel it’s weird that I have to say that out loud
The man said it himself too


“Look, now he’s bragging about it”


Listen all of this, we put the ideas in your mind, that’s what talking is. When you read what I say, you think of it.

That’s why you feel like there is something. We’re telling you

Maybe there is too much subtext

Same on the other thread


Yes, that’s what impartial means. We agree on the definition.

You wrote

As in, it is not the definition. As in, we are not impartial.

I don’t think it’s what you meant, but its what you wrote, and are still keen on.

There’s no doubt. I think this is understood by most. But it’s irrelevant to my point.

One can look up what guild leaders do, and why they exist. To further the success of their own guild. It is not uncommon for guilds to compete or enter into conflict. I don’t know what the case will be here, and maybe that doesn’t matter.

I’ll drop all this though, as it doesn’t seem to be necessary or thought of as of interest.

No the “it” refers to the subject we had established.

What you think is not impartial is indeed not impartial. The situation, the decision isn’t.

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Hence the Public voting.
But we’ll get into the details later.

We’ve considered things like that and want to make it as fair as possible within reasonable limits.

Well, I had to say the reasonable limit part.
But it just has to work practically speaking with other practical limitations.

So far, each guild has the same representation and mod/admin power.

It’s not impartial, it’s balanced


How I would of wrote it:
We exchange ideas with one another. We write through a forum.
When we read another’s words, we process meaning.

Differences in how one views and places another…and the intention beneath.

True impartiality is fucked anyway. Either totally detached, or completely uncaring. Some of the worst atrocities could be committed from a place of pure impartiality. As with anything, too much, and it’s poison.

And it’s true with anything. Too much philosophizing. Too much pedantry. Too much debate for debate’s sake. Too many innuendos.


how do we join this new brain guild?