New elite brain guild coming

I said many times that a lot will be public, the great majority, but not all.

But i understand that this is a lot to process


That is true. IDK really about which guild to join atm. Have to have a proper decision thought out.

@DR_MANHATTAN how to join if I decide? PM?

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The brain guild has not been announced yet. This is just a heads up, we will open it in a few days or weeks.


Bro is living in the future. :sweat_smile::muscle:

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Yep, it’s coming:

Will this be fitness type?

Who knows.
We’ll see.


No choice but this choice. Not after the brain fields started to really work on me and I understood all the possibilities just within my grasp. I’ll wait by the door, my hat in my hand, hoping and praying I’ll get to be a part of this.

:star_struck: :fire:


This is a way so i heal my brain !?. :face_with_monocle::thinking:

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I’d guess that healing fields shouldnt be exclusive, but who knows. It hasn’t been unveiled yet.


There is no body guild.

When I started the brain guild a while ago, we added 3 other guilds. The soul guild and another

We figured people would show up and create their own little corners like the brainiacs did.

But nope.

I’ll remove those categories since no one ever used them and it’s just confusing now

The fact that people are only now noticing says it all


OK, understandable.

In case someone desires to create a Guild someday, can they do it (will they be allowed to create new guilds)?

(Indeed, highly unlikely that they will want to in the first place)


Maybe the other guilds are in discord groups :)


Amounts to the same, I’ll delete these unused spaces :slight_smile:


Should be possible.

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Hmm. Since dear doctor said that this requires a serious commitment, then let me consider a bit…

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Well not many members have routine collaborations with the Captain on field releases, to lead a guild with a name they chose.

Among those that do/did, I think it was mostly through nft designs, and not necessarily under the group idea of a guild.

Now its being rolled out officially by Sapien Med, and led by “moderators,” which in becoming guild leaders…it raises the question of impartially . And well, potentially so many others that define moderator.

It’s not impartial, why would it be ?

Makes sense for the team to start the dance. We’ve been pre-selected by becoming mods already


It’s important to be impartial, as a moderator. If it’s not, then it becomes a concern. People have disputes, one is favored and another with bias. As a guild leader, there would naturally be a bias towards one’s member. Consciously that may not be the case, but there is always the subconscious and unconscious.

Also, people generally favor those they know & like.

Well, there will eventually be new guilds to be voted on by the old. Come up with an original guild idea and submit it for approval. Then you can restructure your guild to be as purely democratic as you want.

This is the second post in 24 hours where you’ve pushed rather hard on the idea of “the power of the people” in soft-defiance and rebuking of the forum’s existing structure and policies. I’m not saying you’re meaning to, but it comes across as you wanting to push an agenda and we get enough of that out in the world. There is no need to bring the absolute mess of political idealism to something that is otherwise rather harmonious. One’s approval or agreement of/towards something, or lack thereof, does not make it right or wrong. When it comes to things like this, it’s most often about whether or not it works and/or is effective. In the words of my brother’s sensei, how you feel is valid, how you’re trying to apply it, isn’t. When you run up against that again and again, maybe those places/people/things aren’t for the current you. They may never be, or it’s time to grow, and that’s always our sovereign choice.

On the point of impartiality, I’m sure Dr. Manhattan knows what it means, and that’s why it’s good there are rules in place AND other moderators, from other guilds, to step in when a guild leader may not feel free, consciously or not, to be impartial towards their own members.


I’ll reply to that, but the definition was the wrong flex I think

Or maybe you should read it again

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I agree. Just the role definitions and purposes seem divergent in meaning