New release: ACE OF CUPS (NFT)

Beautiful! Im very happy for you :heart:


Thank you so much!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:


This is a beautiful, beautiful field. I had a particular experience with a stranger and I can’t divulge too much but what I can say is I felt an indescribable feeling of instant connection without any words spoken & unintentionally discovered a new skill/ability I wasn’t aware I had. Without a doubt this experience was the result of this field.

Outside of that one particular experience, I’ve noticed I’ve felt a much deeper connection & flow with everyone I interacted with. People seem to feel very welcomed by me & seem to want to talk an almost unusual amount. It has been quite a unique experience.

This could be the result of New Perspectives field & some other work I’ve been doing, but I feel that this field has undoubtedly also helped me tap into a the “inner child” experience of life. A lot more joy & harmonious love seems to flow throughout everything.

I haven’t had the field for very long & I’m sure I have merely scratching the surface on everything this does, but still, it is beautiful experience I have been humbled by & am deeply grateful for. Thank you so much @Captain_Nemo!!!


!!! (for the big ballers)

new bid!


Let’s please keep this discussion focused on the effects and questions of this field. Thanks!

Nah its cool to post the bids he wasnt judging or anything



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Question, I cant find this image on Instagram. Will the image on teespring have some of its energy?

There will not be any energy from this item coming to you, unless you purchased the NFT on Teespring. I think the one that you are referring to or that you were referred to would be this Ace of Cups here:



My 3 weeks review:

As soon as I acquired the NFT, I felt that unconditional Love pouring from the picture and soon after the urge to share that Love.

Despite meditating with fields for the last two years, this was the first time I could feel it outside of the presence of a Guru.

After a couple of days, the feeling became way more subtle but my reality slowly started to evolve in a more loving way and it felt like being in a loving relationship with the field.

It feels this field is still working deep in my structure to help me be a vessel of Love. Being able to receive it, pour it, while purifying my intent and making the right connections.

Also gaining maturity on what it is to be a “vessel of Love”.
Making the necessary mistakes along the way, so I can learn and purify where I am coming from, but also be firm on what I do not accept from human relationships.

Some meetings got cancelled spontaneously and non beneficial connections got sorted out naturally, some friends called me out of the blue to “get some news”, I am getting to know some people way deeper (the nicest aspect so far), etc.

Aside from that, definitely recommending the tips from Luna in the Dreamcatcher thread to stare at [pick your mandala] while listening to BoL…
First time I did it, the experience was quite hard to describe with words.

Thank you Captain :pray::heart:

Edit: I discussed with a few that were unaware that those NFT pics need to be used as a mandala for maximum efficacy (my experience at least), keeping it in the pocket and going on with your day. Have a try if you own one :slight_smile:


Beware of scammer claiming to being able to sell you dream’s NFTs, especially on gumroad.

As of today, NFTs are bought/sold/exchanged on venly market. (After initial offering from the store)

Ofc you can communicate with members on on the forum in regards to the exchange of goods but you MUST transfer the NFT to the other user wallet (on venly)

As far as I know this isn’t possible on gumroad.

(Sorry for the spam in all nft threads)


Whats going on with thiiiiis

Ugh i missed this one! Id be all drunk in love using this haha

New reviews any one?

It didnt bother me fully having missed on this one because i got the Love Tree one. But trees take their sweet time to grow :sweat_smile: in comparisson to this.

Soooooo since no one came forward to swap the extra copy i have of The Magician for the 9 of pentacles, if any one wants to exchange this x the Magician, let me know here :wink::heart_eyes: