New release: ACE OF CUPS (NFT)

Dang I haven’t even finish creating my initial wallet.


Is @GianLee pretty much the ONE thing that every one agrees and likes on this forum? haha


Yasss i fully vouch for him as well :heart:


Love is the most powerful force in the entire universe and for everything



:rofl: so relatable… :grin: :clap:

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Wait until you start watching the goodies unfold in your life and around and come back to say the same :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Gimmeeeee it


Can we not with this AGAIN?

Let people sell them for however much they want to.

Seriously, the level of “I need to control others” is kinda off the charts with this and super unhealthy.

Imagine, someone telling you how to make your money… what job to work…
I doubt you’d take such “commentary” as useful, perhaps even rude.

Oh wait, that’s what many people here do with DW all the time… :roll_eyes:
Guess one day …ONE DAY, it will click…

Until then, can we keep the commentary to a respectful level.


I think so :) As a matter of fact:

As said in another thread today, that’s the kind of guy fitting this description. Naturally. He’s the Ace of Cups. Like Uial is Radiate Positivity, for example.

You Maoshan are certainly one of those who know best that love is not all about “niceness”. It comes up with some necessary slaps at times. Thinking of _OM who slaps totally out of love, for example (or “full of love” would be more appropriate). Whereas some apparent “niceness” or “love-attitude” cases may be only reflecting some ego massage (quoting Dreamweaver) or serve unfortunately more hidden obscure intentions. Happens sometimes… You also know how much this kind of cases did make me lose control in the past. Again, unfortunately.

I was rambling around full of rage against “fake love”.

Then a certain moment has arrived and I started thinking: “Fine… Are you done about focusing on fake love stuff? How about you switching to genuine love? Trying to figure out what it is”.

So I looked at Dreamweaver, for example. I also looked at GianLee. Two men that mind their own business whatever imbroglio may be going on around them. Contemplative (aka action in time/space according to _OM :) They don’t even need to speak, you feel the love transpiring from them (I don’t know if that verb exists lol).

So much so that in the end, one has nothing to do but drop weapons. As effective as the slaps because one doesn’t feel like keeping any idiotic attitude in the presence of such folks.

Sorry for the novel derailing the thread but actually no because once again: GianLee is the Ace of Cups.


And both are naughty :smiling_imp: :rofl: :partying_face:


That’s the spicey part. I at least know that Dreamweaver loves pepper and stuff :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@GianLee is the man. Such genuine and loving energy.


I still remember the day I discovered the forum, many of you @Maoshan_Wanderer @_OM @anon46520955 @Bronyraur @SammyG @Captain_Nemo @This_Boy_Here @uial @MonkeyOwl @Gnosticmedic27 flooded me with your patience, with your courtesy, with your great love. So I am the result of so much love that you gave me :heart::heart::heart: Since that day I have not stopped learning from you, my dear family, all of them somewhere and in their own way, with their own personality, they help me grow! I love you with all my heart, it doesn’t matter if someone wants to kick my ass for saying this :sweat_smile: lol but it’s how I feel for you guys !!! Definitely you are my references and I am sure that you are the references of this beautiful forum, all of us learn and I in an even more special way from all of you !!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Real talk, your humility humbles me man. You inspire me to hold myself to a higher standard. You’re an example to me and many others I’m sure. Much love bro.


Always thanks to you my dear brother !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::smiley:


You give off the “Vibration of Divine Love”, @GianLee. Filled with unconditional love :grinning:

_Om vibrates with the “Vibration of Creation”, clears our junk and low vibrational thoughts, and helps us to see things in different perspectives. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

And Dreamweaver is the “Vibration of Transcendence”, which is uhh, hard for me to describe cause I’m still stuck in duality. :grimacing::grimacing:

But the man is a supreme example for me who has dissipated the ‘Ego’.


Definitely our MVP :pray::heart:

How about _OM being the fierce goddess aspect of Shatachandi?

[handing off the machete]


So you just had the urge to check the shop randomly? Also I see that you have to pay with Etherum, but you paid with card? Thanks bro

yes, they use card

its originally sold in teespring not on veny


Thanks Cap! I’ll be keeping up with Teespring from now on! :eyes:



I felt as if I felt the energy of this field right away after my payment went through. Sure, I was also high on endorphins probably, but it definitely was not just all that, because that feels different. This just felt really good somehow, like deeply safe, well, joyous, and connective.

The next two days, I did not feel much because my energy body had been extremely worn down and my mind and physical body occupied. Had to do some heavy grounding on day 1, and relaxation on day 2, and last night, I finally saved a copy of this beautiful image on my phone to keep with me. Since I felt better then, I also started looking at it again. I hesitated before, because I did not want to do this field injustice by attending to it in a non-receptive state again.

Today I was around a lot of different people, many of them total strangers, and every time, I had a lovely encounter. Or love-ful encounter. I could just feel the love coming from them. There was so much kindness and going above-and-beyond, but with such genuineness and lightness behind it. Everyone was so genuinely nice and it never felt forced. In fact, the encounters all felt deeply connecting and strong in those moments, also all this from my side. There was a lot of extra chatting and smiling going on today, now that I think more about it. But that’s all just outside observations. Inside, I just felt very connected, open and loving / understanding when looking at and listening to each person. And maybe it was mutual every time.

When I left this one store, I suddenly heard this quote form @anon46520955 in my head: “And tbh i dont think i will be selling this any time soon (call it years even lol)” Dreamcatcher - NFT : New Release - #142 by LunaMoon and I thought that was exactly how I felt in that moment.

Thank you @Captain_Nemo for this unbelievable gift! :heart: :pray: :sparkles: This is seriously making life so much more wonderful and relieves so many things I struggled with so badly for the past years… or always actually. I’m looking forward to the future together with this field. Thank you!!! :sparkling_heart: