Dreamcatcher - NFT : New Release

If need a hand i can adjust it


Eh it’s too late. Already done. I had no idea what my original post would even be controversial. My mistake.

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Yeah thank bro. Probably best you delete my posts permanently, while they weren’t intended to cause controversy, they will only cause further tension.


Ok if its your wish :+1:

thanks for all for being here :clinking_glasses:

lets find more treasures :pirate_flag: :x:


It’s best for everyone else probably. If other people want to speak about the same things that’s up to them. But, @Kay mentioned how it could be affecting our Capt. and that’s the last thing I want to do, as he is so appreciated.


I was hesitant to post more reviews of the NFTs i have since it seems to be causing so much controversy… and last thing i want is for my reviews to look like

“oh look how much im enjoying this awesome thing majority of you cant”

But then i decided id do it because I want to express my gratitude to Captain for creating these rarities, sure i could just message him, but i dont think is fair that we should appreciate these like hiding.

And tbh i dont think i will be selling this any time soon (call it years even lol)

Because this among other beautiful benefits it simply is :

LOA at its finest :ok_hand:t4:

Mastering LOA is a long long long and not so easy process, and even when you got the swing… life and circumstances happen and then you are set back and have to start all over again, and keep your awareness on alert for when its going on a different direction, tho the most important principle of LOA is precisely not to think about that which you want to attract… but even when you swear you dont think about your wishes… you do…

This has become the best automated dreams retriever and since i am feeling and observing it is so, then now im sure im not thinking about anything.

I just keep getting myself surprised by things/people/situations falling at my feet that i knew i wanted or that i didnt know i wanted, with how things are moving in my life, fast fast fast.

This thing in just 4 days has literally taken the wheel… and i am just witnessing in awe how everything is unfolding right in front of Me. For Me to enjoy.

Ive been playing before going to sleep:
Feng Shui x 2
Some times Dream of Purity x 2

And sometimes i still write things I want just because, but i feel like i dont even need to do that anymore.

And then i loop through the night:

The Tower of Power :heart_eyes_cat:

Those 2 (ToP + Dream Catcher) are literally carrying me in a cloud floating through my days collecting goods without extra effort, just doing my part.


Actually I have been WAITING to read reviews because I have been so curious about this field. I’m really glad you shared! :smiley:

Ah… I get it now: “dream - catcher” :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Do you see particularly beautiful and maybe foreign-to-us colors with this in dreams or when looking at the image (since it’s activated for you)? Because Dream said to “enjoy the colors” which really had me curious :blush:


Oh, and this is so thoughtful of you! :heart:

Yes!! :100:


No lol haha ive been dreaming a loooot for sure

Always weird ones at first then beautiful fantasy movie like ones :slightly_smiling_face: but colors seem normal to me, ill keep u posted if that changes x


Finally printed these out (walgreens $0.35 a piece)


I can get arms like that at Walgreens??


Where? I only see a super fit arm :nerd_face:


It was the fee it took to cover the images a bit :upside_down_face:.


Does it matter if I blur the image?

For example like this?

Why? Why would you want to blur such a beautiful image? :woman_shrugging:


The appeal of having text over a blur image.


I’ve definitely been sleeping on this field (no pun intended :wink:) largely because I wasn’t paying a ton of attention and wasn’t entirely positive on what this field does. But just this morning after another remarkable experience it hit me what this field has been doing.

I’ve never been a morning person. Not even close. Keep in mind, I’m a college student. But now looking back, it seems that since intertwining this field with New Perspectives that has changed dramatically in the sense that my morning is joyful regardless of what time I wake up and how much sleep I’ve gotten. So that is highly highly abnormal. Most mornings now I have a blissful dream near the end of my sleep and that state carries into my waking day. But it doesn’t just seem to carry into my waking day. It very much alters the way my whole day flows because that initial lightness and joy I experience from the dream floats with me through the day. I’ve never seen that before, and in my entire life before this field (that I can recall), I’ve only had one dream ever that’s blessed me with that type of state and experience.

Of course, this is my entirely subjective experience and as with a lot of Captain’s fields, I’m sure the experience would be personal person to person. And though I’m sure the personal work I’m doing as well as fields like New Perspectives have very definitely enhanced the effect of the Dreamcatcher throughout the day, these experiences I’ve been having recently while dreaming seem very much intertwined with this NFT.

My deepest gratitude!!!


This one stimulates dream activity.
I wait until I´ve slept half the night before I put it under the pillow, otherwise it feels like I´m not getting enough deep sleep. Only dreaming.

One experience a couple of days ago:
I´m resting on the bed while my partner and our daughter are baking and making noise in the kitchen. While listening to the sounds I suddenly hear a mans voice speaking to them. I go out and check what´s happening and it turns out it´s a gardener who wants to make changes to our garden. We step outside to look and it´s absolutely fantastic. There are new trees and bushes and stuff, and everything is beautiful.
Then I wake up!
The transition into the dream was completely seamless. From lying in bed listening to my family the dream just started without interuption. Very weird!


That sounds amazing!! :relaxed: I’m curious :blush: I felt the positive energy about your garden from your post. Has this dream inspired you to make those changes to your garden in real life now? (only if you don’t mind sharing this of course :blush:)


No, I view it as a symbol for my inner planes. I always do that when I dream about my house/home.
The fantastic changes to the garden is probably a reflection of all the growths from Captains fields.


Beware of scammer claiming to being able to sell you dream’s NFTs, especially on gumroad.

As of today, NFTs are bought/sold/exchanged on venly market. (After initial offering from the store)

Ofc you can communicate with members on on the forum in regards to the exchange of goods but you MUST transfer the NFT to the other user wallet (on venly)

As far as I know this isn’t possible on gumroad.

Happy dreaming