Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation (The Blessings of Saint Biceps)

Taking 3 minute breaks between sets browsing insta while sitting on the machine…? :joy::joy:


ah yes, this can be an issue. Perhaps solve this one way or another and then worry about the gym.

maybe do some home workouts? (i think frequency here is key since i take you don’t got an abundant amount of weight lol)

have you tried photosynthesis and hunger inhibitor? these two work like magic within 15 mins I can go from my stomach is eating itself to lifting without any feeling of hunger.

LMAO, hey I do it sometimes when Im not really feeling it :) like that one time, i thought i saw someone from the forums in the gym. :) I just try and not to be on a “hot” machine or bench :)


You might say that. I mean, I’ve got a fair amount of bodyweight (6’5.5 and 220ish lbs), but that’s not what you’re talking about. I’ll go researching.

That’s a great idea, I’ll try it.

And I’ll keep experimenting with other fields for energy/motivation/drive, I’m just sick of feeling tired and over the hill at 26. I’ll try anything.

Did you seriously just write you needed anti aging because you were beyond your prime?? Are you serious?? :laughing::laughing:
You’re in your mid 20s!! Maybe out of shape but anti aging won’t solve that :sweat_smile: workouts and lifestyle change will :wink:


What can I say? I’ve always felt old, even as a kid I always had the feeling that I don’t have long to live. But even if the fields are just a placebo it’ll help (and also help prevent ageing happen in the first place). But I hear you about the workouts and lifestyle change being the main focus.


Yeah you’re not alone with this on this forum ;)

But physically speaking you are actually in your prime, the brain is not even fully developed until you’re ~25… I totally get that you don’t feel the best, that happens. But you CAN change that! :slight_smile:
Use plasma light if you’re not already, and the general fields for muscle building.
Imo this field would be an overkill for you at this point, maybe it’s better to sort things out first, get the right habits going and then add this if you still want to.


I read the beginning and I was like I’m going to the gym !!! hmmm… nah not really, but for a moment you had me, that’s how good it was :joy: :+1:

Also… :cough: :cough: nice pics above :ok_hand:


If your not using muscle recovery than your missing ouf, def a must in any gym stack here I just did legs last night and i played muscle recovery, I’m still able to move


Well , stop living in the mind :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also listening to BoL + Youth Recapture daily will quickly bring back the youthful feeling you lost somewhere growing up. I sense a deep rooted soul crack. Maybe even from other places and times :wink:

Note: if you are going to reply please do it under BoL thread so we don’t derail this post x


In glad you felt inspired even for a moment :muscle:



Hey my brother @Zen !!! the man who will soon be a world renowned fitness figure, the man who is building lean mass second by second !!! I just saw your results and they are amazing! wao !!! awesome brother !!! I congratulate you!!! to continue advancing with your great empire !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


What’s your daily calories intake & height bro?


Did he say why it’s possible for micronutrients like vitamin C, vitamin D, and creatine, but not for macronutrients like protein or fat?

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Because your body has an inactive gene that can produce vitamin c, and we already produce vitamin D and creatine in our body’s… We don’t produce macronutrients though


This is irritating. Both yesterday and the day before I worked out hardcore (for me anyways) and both nights I slept terribly.

How & when did you listen, how many times? Focus more on the recovery audio after workout.

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He (live in the mind) doesn’t own this audio, so it’s not something that this audio caused****!


My height is 5 10

I don’t measure my calorie intake :upside_down_face:, kinda just eat 2-3 times a day big meals homecooked meals. I stay away from fast food or street food.


I just slept really badly after working out. The night before last I wasn’t tired until the wee hours of the morning, last night I had a headache I couldn’t get rid of.

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Tried few days without test + hgh + biceps, and yesterday and today did 3-5 biceps, 2hgh,2 tst… Must say, the difference is huge… Workout pump, willingness to train, strength, recovery…
