NEW RELEASE: Biochemical Album ❤️

New release - Biochemical Album

(Generally 2 - 3 times is good enough)

Norepinephrine - This stimulates your adrenals to produce norepinephrine and a little bit of adrenaline, helpful in weight loss and getting the extra push needed during work out.

Be careful as it can also increase your heart rate.

LGD 3303 - This Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) is probably one of safer of all available, used to help grow and enhance muscle while promoting weight loss without causing too much organ specific Androgenic effects, like body hair growth, etc.

Hunger Inhibitor - uses the actions of leptin not leptin itself, to let the brain feel less hungry. works on (hunger-blocking effect on the hypothalamus )
Unconditional Androstenol - The same androstanol from youtube but with unconditional love and a few tweaks to help reduce the alpha male problems.

@Captain_Nemo i don’t know what to say man… I… I love you… :’) thank you man this is a dream come true… man… this is amazing news big brother, I was in bliss when you released test 2.5 but now this… you’re just spoiling me man! Thank you so much!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!


Unconditional Androstenol?

There won’t be anymore guys who want to fight with me due to androstenol field? And I will stop to be angry and smell like goat?

That’s the reason I stopped with this field, maybe this one is more promising🤔 who knows


You will still smell like a goat, sorry :stuck_out_tongue:


LGD 3303 is gonna increase your gainz by ridiculous levels bro.

Knowing you tho , dont spam it for an hour or so lol.

Use just 3-4 times a day at most, be careful with this lol, its OP as fk.


Haha hell yeah bro! :grinning:

I just (kind of) meditated to it for 3 times with a huge smile on my face that only got wider each round it played, I don’t think I’m going to be needing our alien friends for steroids any more! :slight_smile: won’t abuse this for sure… this is a legit steroid lol

@SammyG hey bro do you know if this field would be more effective after eating some fatty foods? That’s how I would always listen to the test booster since I theorized I would need fats and cholesterol already in my system to be able to produce more test with the field, would the same go for these SARMS or is was my theory wrong all along?

I just listened on an empty stomach since I just woke up but I couldn’t help my self and listen to this before breakfast lol I just couldn’t wait! Oh and can you tell Dream I love him pls :heart: Haha he made me day once again!


Was just reading more up on sarms I don’t think it deals with hormones since as the name suggests it just deals with modulating the androgen receptors in muscles lol

But my new question @SammyG @Captain_Nemo , I learned that the half life of LGD 3303 is 6-12 hours, so would it be better to listen to this once in the morning once in the afternoon and once before bed? To continuously have the sarms in my system 24/7 or does this work completely differently and 3 times in a row would work just fine?


Is this Patreon exclusive?

For now I believe so brother

Gems to enter into battle /Training Mode :)


Nice when I read album I thought it was for his music channel jaja

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And I thought it was his work out music jajajajajaja

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Oops bro i didn’t see you made a new release already for this! Sorry lol

How safe is LGD 3303? Doing a search of it, alotta people are saying it causes supression/shut down your test without proper pct and this is coming from steroid forums and reddit.


Well it is a steroid bro, just listen to the test booster and I think you should be fine but I’m not 100% sure


Well it’s not a steroid . It’s a sarm, that’s the whole point of sarms not ingesting hormones. It only targets the androgen receptor .


He should put up a warning though, theres gonna be people that will abuse it and listen to it way more than the recommended amount and end up messing up their test


That’s right, my bad lol

No Problem

So is it safe to use it 2-3 times along with Test? Will it have any negative side effects?

Think so too. Also it’s not clear if it has the same side effects as the actual sarm.
I’ve read adding 20mg pregnenolone per day greatly helps with suppression, since pregenolone cam he converted into every hormone in the body .