Environmental Energy Accumulator

Can I overcharge my room with energy using Environmental Energy Accumulator?


Lately, now that I have been going back to work, I leave this track running from 8.30 am to around 6 pm in my room. When I come back home, I can sometimes feel a nice buzz! So far, I have not felt overwhelmed or overcharged but I also use the Automated Grounding audio before going to bed everyday. I also get a sense that my dog tags seem to growing faster when left in this room.


Using this before Advanced Healing. Good stuff.


Bro why would you want people to cast whatever they want on you. Especially bad stuff, that’s not cool! Unless you have the best protection their is and nothing can penetrate it except positivity :slight_smile:


Can I play Energy accumulator , like on laptop, and some audio field on the phone simultaneously?


Theoretically yes, if I understand Dream’s post here:


But I think this creates the two videos at the same time problem. The sound-waves might interfere with each other and make each other less effective.

@uial theorized that playing the accumulator before any other audio might improve the effects of any field you listen to next:

Atmospheric Vibration Raiser and Raise Your Vibration raise vibrations for your environment and you. Environmental Energy Accumulator can help with manifestation. Perhaps playing these energies for your environment or before listening to your playlist might help



Ok… If I play Energy accumulator on laptop, and the audio on headphones while everything is playing simultaneously and I dont hear the Energy accumulator…
Will it still impact the sound-waves and cancel each other out?


Try it out. I did the exact same thing with Quadible Integrity’s SuperNaturally Handsome formula.

Felt like this combination made it more effective, but it’s been a while, since I used it…

Never tried it with another of Sapien’s fields though.


So you hear both fields at the same time?


Do you get results with playing the field on your phone speaker (assuming it’s mono not stereo)? So any mono speakers will do, even laptop inbuilt speakers?

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Let’s say you use the idea that Neville teaches for pure intentions, such as bringing a sick person to better health, helping a poor person gain a stretch income, etc etc… I can’t see this backfiring on anybody, so I guess your best bet is to let people be unless you know they would like to gain something, and have intentions that don’t come from the egos desire to control

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Very well said Sammy! My father use to tell me. “Be open to everything and attached to nothing”. Openness allows you to gain wisdom from everything all around you. Nature, children, adults, animals, etc.


Just a reminder of how great this field is. Sometimes you might feel like your environment is stagnant, and this is definitely the field to go to. I’d recommend playing radiate positivity afterwards to reprogram the neutral energy in your space.


Hey guys I’m just wondering. This doesn’t remove energy from tags right? Cause when I was listening to this I’m wearing mine

I hope it’s all fine

No :)

The only sapien fied (As far as I know) that effects “magic” items is the curse removal, but even there a protection towards sapien items/fields is added.


I’d love to hear more about how you were told not to mess with certain people and what type of manipulation you use on the daily. Thanks

How does one do this? or where did you learn?

Try this with your NFT servitors.

I’m still exploring how to best use this, but if there’s a mass of clean energy in your room its possible you could make your servitor appear before you energetically.


A most fascinating read, thanks all…

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