Frivolous (Sapien Medicine album)


How about this Mushroom.
It’s called Aurelia Aurita.


So, I’ve been listening to The Shiny and Revitalized Hair audio for 6 days, 3 times at night while sleeping.

My hair feels soft, shiny with newly trimmed ends, as if I’d just stepped out from the hairdresser, wich is not the case at all.
Haven’t been to one for over a year. I’m planning on getting new highlights/lowlights to update my old outgrown balayage, so this audio will come in even more handy, to counteract the damage from coloring.
As this audio also has the hair growth booster, this will be excellent for keeping my hair as long as I want to.

Definitely a favorite in my beauty stack!

Thank you, thank you @Dreamweaver !

I’m such a sucker for beauty stuff… :wink:


That would be great if it could straighten a deviated septum!


It was designed to also help with that.


Though Captain playfully named this album ‘Frivolous’, going by all the love it is getting, the name should be “Nothing Frivolous about it” :partying_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :partying_face: :sunglasses:


Sounds like part 2


Otherwise I already have a naturally straight nose, but thanks so much for including the septums!


a beard field in the "“Nothing Frivolous about it”!!?!!?!??!? Just an idea haha @Dreamweaver


I would find it cool to have a separate hair follicle repair or hair follicle regenerate field…

Would it work if stem cell were targeted to hair follicles?

Some of my hair follicles in my mustache are damaged because of me and won’t grow back again. Therefore, when i grow my mustache it leaves patches :cry:. That doesn’t look good. I wanted to experiment growing a long and proper beard and mustache but said stuff it lol, because of the patches.


There is already one Epic Beard Growth Gumroad or Patreon

Edit: to add the Patreon link

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Hey man theres a “epic beard growth” field on patreon and the shiny and revitalized hair field should help make your epic beard even more glorious!


Sorry didn’t see yuichi and Trevor’s post lol


it would be great if you could make an audio for aesthetic ear correction with the golden ratio like for the nose.

Since my young childhood I have always had a fixation, an aesthetic complex on my ears.

It’s a small detail but for me it would be an incredible change if I could fix this :slightly_smiling_face::pray::sunny:.

Thank you for everything you do :heart:


@Dreamweaver Can we listen to the nose one for hours?

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Have no Idea. Ask @Dreamweaver about that. :slightly_smiling_face:

Im pretty sure a new

Hairloss/grey hair plasma audio is coming soon :rofl::rofl:

@Dreamweaver has been delivering fire after fire so fast :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:


Hopefully @Dreamweaver comes with the fix!


Dear Captain you are a miracle!!! Thank you so much for everything that you do for people and the world


Have you tried listening to the DHT field before hand?

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Did everything I possibly could

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I see… Well man you can keep grinding it out… Maybe listening to less fields and just focusing on fields for this can work, but I’m sure there’s other things you’d like to work on as well and wouldn’t want to drop lol

Also give this field a listen first thing in the morning as your beard grows faster when youre awake than when you’re asleep for some reason

  • Plasma to mitochondria (to prepare you and your cells for the entire stack)

  • Flow of jing a few times or the negentropic jing if you have it (to prepare you to get the most out of test booster and DHT)

  • Chi elixer a few times or negentropic chi (chi is contained in hair)

  • Test booster (to prepare you for DHT and epic beard growth)

  • DHT (to prepare you for epic beard growth)

  • Ego dissolution (to get rid of your egos interference with getting the beard you want)

  • SLR (to remove any limiting beliefs around you having the beard you want, I’d suggest thinking of all these limiting beliefs you have around having the beard you want while listening to target them more directly)

  • Epic beard growth

  • Torsion field (to prepare you for plasma)

  • Plasma (plasma makes every stack more effective)

  • Love appreciation and gratitude (to put you in a state of gratitude in preparation for higher being experience)

  • Higher being experience (see yourself with the beard you wish to have)

  • Love appreciation and gratitude again to seal it off (appreciate and feel gratitude of how effective these fields are working for you now and the results youre bound to receive)

Fields to consider:

  • IPF

  • Vibration of creation

Regular use of these two can help the hole process i explained at the end of the stack regarding love appreciation and gratitude and higher being experience… Vibration of creation also helps to create anything you wish to manifest