Plasma Protocol

Confirm it works. I listened to it 3 times last night 1, 2 and 3, and the next morning I felt that the detoxification effect was very good. @Pk67


Can also confirm it works, especially PP1/PP2


Would anyone know if any of Plasma Protocol targets Bone Marrow?


I’ve also wondered the same thing!


It looks like we are just going to have to keep wondering man :joy:


DNA repair does.

For even more targeted there is quintessence of Marrow


Hey Thanks @Zen :raised_hands:t3: Quintessence Of Marrow has been on my list of fields to get for a while now but It will have to wait sadly. That’s why I hoping maybe that it would be covered in Plasma Protocol. Could I pick your brain if you don’t mind, which field do you think is best out of Bone Marrow Regeneration and Chi Compression To Bone Marrow?

I would have thought Chi Compression but I noticed that Chi Compression was released before Bone Marrow Regen so it has me a bit confused. I’m just trying to figure out how to make my stack smaller but get my WBC’s back to normal range.


when you say Bone Marrow Regeneration do you mean:

What the programming in this video does is energize and enhance your own existing marrow production and the quality plus quantity of it. This can be very helpful in your own natural internal regeneration and healing.

Chi Compression in Bone Marrow

Prana or life force is the vital energy that keeps the body alive, and channeling that energy to the different organs in our body is equally important to maintain a state of good health. Our bones are living organs too that provide structure for our body, protect all our important organs and help us nourish our entire body by producing red and white blood cells.
An ancient Taoist practice that uses this life force to restore health and give strength to the bones, is ‘Bone Breathing’.
The practice uses breathing and visualization to bring more healing Chi into the bones and joints.
This Video/Audio, automates that process for you, by using energy/psychic work, frequency progamming etc.
Listening to this will compress that chi into your bone marrow to rejuvenate and energise you.

it seems they both work on energizing and improving the quality and quantity of bone marrow just different approaches, maybe do a review with your findings. Try one of the two for a week or two and report how you feel. Maybe try a week using both and see if there’s any difference in your being.

As far as plasma protocol i would assume Protocol 1 would be most suited to bone marrow as it does work on your bones.


Sorry yes thats the one I was speaking about.

Ya that’s why I’m still not sure which one to remove from my stack. I have Covid at the moment and I’ve autoimmune and very low WBC’s so that’s why I’m trying to figure out which is best to help build up the cells to fight it off because it is taking a big massive dump on me at the moment and doesn’t seem like wanting to ease up yet unfortunately. My stack was crazy big and I had both of the Marrow fields in it so I’m just trying to get it down a bit smaller and with the help of Plasma Protocol. I think I had close to 50 different fields between my two stacks so it was definitely too much.
Thanks for all the info man :pray:t3:


perhaps remove everything from your playlist that isn’t aiding in this at this moment.

load up on vitamin c and d (helped in my experience)

Hope you recover soon!


That was my issue, I made both those stacks to combat the Covid :joy: I might have went a little overboard :joy: I had every organ field and every field to help each System in the body because it went straight for the attack on my kidneys, Liver, lungs and nervous system and its put a crazy amount of inflammation through my body, especially my chest and stomach so I stacked up everything but I’m swapping a lot of them out now to just use Plasma Protocol instead, I was afraid I wouldn’t be strong enough for it while going through this but so far so good :+1:t3:
The Vit D & C I’m taking everyday also.
Thanks for all the help :pray:t3:

Thanks man :ok_hand:t3:


I believe PP1 does.


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: General Discussion

Been listening since January… started getting double vision for a few seconds then pain In my head, I stopped all fields and putting them back found it comes from plasma protocol 1, any ideas or suggestions? Cutting back has helped and it’s getting better!

Sounds like you came up with the best idea/suggestion already! Good for you.

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Has anyone done the hyperbaric compressor and plasma light route?

or are any owners in here able to describe a difference between manually combining those 2 audios?

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Just started listening to this again (all three in a row once) after a few months, and yep, strong as ever. I was just fine a couple of hours ago but I’m chained to the toilet now. “Pain is weakness leaving the body” and all.


Hope this field coming soon with update version

How long it take please

@SammyG @Captain_Nemo

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It has never been said it will come back.

