The Quintessence of Marrow

This is directly targeted to your bone marrow, the intention here is to create a very solid effect of healing and regeneration

It will compress Fa Jin Gong Healing energy into the marrow throughout your body.

See video for more explanations and even comments.

(From Video; This is a unique creation which incorporates elements of Fa jin, fajin or fa chin (fājìn, 發勁), sometimes misspelled as fajing, is a term used in some Chinese martial arts, particularly the neijia (internal) martial arts, such as xingyiquan, t’ai chi ch’uan (taijiquan), baguazhang, bak mei, and bajiquan. It means to issue or discharge power explosively (wikipeadia)

and an electrically charged version of chi to produce a very unique creation designed to work in healing/charging/cultivating way of healing. )

The DNA repair system field set, targeted to marrow

(From Video; This intention behind this and the work is meant to provide a signal that switches on 5 major repair pathways involved in the repair of DNA damage; homologous recombination, nonhomologous end joining, nucleotide excision repair, base excision repair, and mismatch repair.

Meant to initiate a deeper all round repair for things at that level and also provides a deeper energetic renewing of life force.

Use your discretion and be careful as always.

It is presented as is, life long inherited genetic problems may seem a natural ‘part’ of your system so there wont be a reversion, as such a state never existed.

Which means that, this repair system, will repair generally to match the system you were born with.

inherited problems may be harder to change, as there is no pre-existing state, without the problems (if you were born like this)

Now, this is speculation due to how these repair systems work in the body, with their error checking etc.

It may very well heal genetic inheritance, but this is presented here to work on general buildup of errors that occur because of our habits and environment.

Because it is not guaranteed to work on inherited problems.

The mechanisms used here are similar for a wide variety of life.

So you can use this for pets, and even random interested alien visitors.)

added also is a bit of mitochondrial uncoupling, to help use/burn the collected fat in the marrow, providing a high ratio of red marrow, or rather highly charged/energized red marrow, with corrected errors.

The nutrient and blood flow to marrow is also enhanced during this process.

This leads to a lot of very pro life effects and regeneration and easier bone movement.

Use 2 to 3 times every other day.

Its not meant to be used to often after about a week or two as a simple maintenance would be all that is needed after.






Wow… :pray: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Wow…was taking a cat nap and listening to Fa Jin Gong Healing…I get up and load the forum and this is here. Perfect timing. :pray:


I swear to God it is like I have a spidey sense tingling the day when Dream is gonna release something.


This beat is :fire::muscle:


My name is @Gnosticmedic27 and I am the faaaastest Dream customer alive⚡
Reference to the flash tv show opening scene


My name happens to be Barry too :wink:


Wow this is such a gift for humanity.

Hellouuu i dont see much excitement about this release…, so i guess more info is needed to know how big this is:

More about the importance of Bone marrow:

Bone marrow is a spongy substance found in the center of the bones. It manufactures bone marrow stem cells and other substances, which in turn produce blood cells. Each type of blood cell made by the bone marrow has an important job.

  • Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues in the body.
  • Platelets stop bleeding by helping blood clot.
  • White blood cells fight infections.

White Blood Cells

Three very important types of white blood cells are essential to the proper functioning of the body’s immune system, which fights infection:

  • Neutrophils and Macrophages — These white blood cells fight bacterial and fungal infections by “eating” germs
  • Lymphocytes — These white blood cells fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections. T lymphocytes, also called T cells, attack viruses and other germs. T cells from the donor also can attack the recipient resulting in a reaction called graft versus host disease. T cells from the recipient can reject the donor bone marrow cell resulting in graft failure. B lymphocytes make antibodies which help destroy germs in our body.

Many people with blood cancers, such as leukemia and lymphoma, sickle cell anemia, and other life threatening conditions rely on bone marrow or cord blood transplants to survive.

People need healthy bone marrow and blood cells to live. When a condition or disease affects bone marrow so that it can no longer function effectively, a marrow or cord blood transplant could be the best treatment option. For some people, it may be the only option.

Certain conditions may trigger additional production of blood cells. This may happen when the oxygen content of body tissues is low, if there is loss of blood or anemia, or if the number of red blood cells decreases. If these things happen, the kidneys produce and release erythropoietin, which is a hormone that stimulates bone marrow to produce more red blood cells.

Bone marrow also produces and releases more white blood cells in response to infections and more platelets in response to bleeding. If a person experiences serious blood loss, yellow bone marrow can activate and transform into red bone marrow.

Healthy bone marrow is important for a range of systems and activities.

Circulatory system

The circulatory system touches every organ and system in the body. It involves a number of different cells with a variety of functions. Red blood cells transport oxygen to cells and tissues, platelets travel in the blood to help clotting after injury, and white blood cells travel to sites of infection or injury.


Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that gives them their color. It collects oxygen in the lungs, transports it in the red blood cells, and releases oxygen to tissues such as the heart, muscles, and brain. Hemoglobin also removes carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a waste product of respiration, and sends it back to the lungs for exhalation.


Iron is an important nutrient for human physiology. It combines with protein to make the hemoglobin in red blood cells and is essential for producing red blood cells (erythropoiesis). The body stores iron in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. Most of the iron a person needs each day for making hemoglobin comes from the recycling of old red blood cells.

Red blood cells

The production of red blood cells is called erythropoiesis. It takes about 7 days for a committed stem cell to mature into a fully functional red blood cell. As red blood cells age, they become less active and more fragile.

White blood cells called macrophages remove aging red cells in a process known as phagocytosis. The contents of these cells are released into the blood. The iron released in this process travels either to bone marrow for the production of new red blood cells or to the liver or other tissues for storage.

Typically, the body replaces around 1% of its total red blood cell count every day. In a healthy person, this means that the body produces around 200 billion red blood cells each day.

White blood cells

Bone marrow produces many types of white blood cells. These are necessary for a healthy immune system. They prevent and fight infections.

The main types of white blood cells, or leukocytes, are as follows.


Lymphocytes are produced in bone marrow. They make natural antibodies to fight infection due to viruses that enter the body through the nose, mouth, or another mucous membrane or through cuts and grazes. Specific cells recognize the presence of invaders (antigens) that enter the body and send a signal to other cells to attack them.

The number of lymphocytes increases in response to these invasions. There are two major types of lymphocytes: B and T lymphocytes.


Monocytes are produced in bone marrow. Mature monocytes have a life expectancy in the blood of only 3–8 hours, but when they move into the tissues, they mature into larger cells called macrophages.

Macrophages can survive in the tissues for long periods of time, where they engulf and destroy bacteria, some fungi, dead cells, and other material that is foreign to the body.


“Granulocytes” is the collective name given to three types of white blood cells: neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. The development of a granulocyte may take 2 weeks, but this time reduces when there is an increased threat, such as a bacterial infection.

Bone marrow stores a large reserve of mature granulocytes. For every granulocyte circulating in the blood, there may be 50–100 cells waiting in the bone marrow to be released into the bloodstream. As a result, half the granulocytes in the bloodstream can be available to actively fight an infection in the body within 7 hours of it detecting one.

Once a granulocyte has left the blood, it does not usually return. A granulocyte may survive in the tissues for up to 4–5 days, depending on the conditions, but it can only survive for a few hours in circulating blood.


Neutrophils are the most common type of granulocyte. They can attack and destroy bacteria and viruses.


Eosinophils are involved in the fight against many types of parasitic infections and against the larvae of parasitic worms and other organisms. They are also involved in some allergic reactions.


Basophils are the least common of the white blood cells. They respond to various allergens that cause the release of histamines, heparin, and other substances.

Heparin is an anticoagulant. It prevents blood from clotting. Histamines are vasodilators that cause irritation and inflammation. Releasing these substances makes a pathogen more permeable and allows for white blood cells and proteins to enter the tissues to engage the pathogen.

The irritation and inflammation in tissues that allergens affect are parts of the reaction associated with hay fever, some forms of asthma, hives, and, in its most serious form, anaphylactic shock.


Bone marrow produces platelets in a process known as thrombopoiesis. Platelets are necessary for blood to coagulate and for clots to form in order to stop bleeding.

Sudden blood loss triggers platelet activity at the site of an injury or wound. Here, the platelets clump together and combine with other substances to form fibrin. Fibrin has a thread-like structure and forms an external scab or clot.

Platelet deficiency causes the body to bruise and bleed more easily. Blood may not clot well at an open wound, and there may be a higher risk of internal bleeding if the platelet count is very low.

Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic organs such as bone marrow, the tonsils, the thymus, the spleen, and lymph nodes.

All lymphocytes develop in bone marrow from immature cells called stem cells. Lymphocytes that mature in the thymus gland (behind the breastbone) are called T cells. Those that mature in bone marrow or the lymphatic organs are called B cells.

Immune system

The immune system protects the body from disease. It kills unwanted microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses that may invade the body.

(Taken from


could this field possibly stop people who need marrow transplants?



Of course


Believe the hype ya’ll. This one is gold!


And since we have so many members in their 14-20s having good bone marrow is crucial for their development, a young person with leukemia has a much lower rate to survival than a full adult because of the weak poor bone marrow.

Common conditions in growing kids/teens:

Aplastic anemia is a rare but serious condition that occurs when a child’s bone marrow produces too few of the three types of blood cells.
This occurs because the child’s bone marrow fails to produce enough stem cells, the basic cells that give rise to the three blood cell types.

The low number of red cells causes a drop in hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to tissues of the body. A low number of white cells makes a child very susceptible to infections. And a low number of platelets causes bruising and bleeding because the blood will not clot normally.

Bone Sarcoma:

The most common type of bone tumor is bone sarcoma or osteosarcoma that develops in growing bones. Bone tumors may be benign, which is more common, or cancerous. Both types may grow and compress healthy bone tissue and absorb or replace it with abnormal tissue. Benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body and rarely are life threatening.

Scientists aren’t sure what causes bone tumors, but they tend to occur more frequently in adolescents and young adults.

Ewing’s Sarcoma:

Ewing’s sarcoma occurs in the bone or close to the bone, most often in adolescents between the age of 10 and 20. It occurs in about one teenager in 50,000 and accounts for about 30 percent of bone cancers in children. This cancer most often is found in the arms and legs, particularly the thigh bone. It also may involve muscle and soft tissues surrounding the tumor. Ewing’s sarcoma cells can spread or metastasize to other areas of the body, including bone marrow and the lungs.

Prior to adolescence, the number of boys and girls affected by Ewing’s sarcoma is equal. After adolescence, however, the number of men with the disease is slightly higher than women. This may be due to the increased rate of growth among males during adolescence.

Hodgkin Lymphoma:

Lymphoma is the third most common childhood cancer. It is cancer of the lymphatic system, which is made up of thin tubes that branch like blood vessels into all parts of the body. These lymph vessels carry lymph, a colorless, watery fluid containing white blood cells called lymphocytes. Along the network of vessels are lymph nodes, groups of small, bean-shaped organs that make and store infection-fighting cells.

There are clusters of lymph nodes in the underarm, groin, neck and abdomen. The lymph system also includes the spleen, the thymus and the tonsils. Because the lymph system is so extensive, lymphoma can start in many locations and spread to almost any organ or tissue.

The main malignant cell of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the “Reed-Sternberg” cell that originates from B or T cells, cells that contain antibody molecules. Several types of Hodgkin’s disease also are associated with the Epstein-Barr virus, a member of the herpes virus family and one of the most common human viruses.


Leukemia, the most common form of childhood cancer, is cancer of the blood that develops in the bone marrow. But still can develop at adult life

Signs & symptoms

Like all blood cells, leukemia cells travel throughout the body. Depending on the number of abnormal cells and where these cells collect, patients with leukemia may have a number of symptoms, including:


Children with leukemia often have fewer than normal healthy red blood cells and platelets. They lack enough red blood cells to carry oxygen through the body, which causes a condition called anemia. Children with anemia may look pale, feel weak and tired and bleed and bruise easily.

Recurrent Infections

Although children with leukemia may have a high number of white blood cells, these white blood cells are immature and don’t fight infection. Children may experience repetitive viral or bacterial infections. They often have symptoms of infection such as fever, runny nose and cough.

Bone and Joint Pain

Pain in bones and joints is another common symptom of leukemia. This pain is usually a result of the bone marrow being overcrowded and “full.”

Abdominal Distress

Abdominal pain also may be a symptom. Leukemia cells can collect in the kidney, liver and spleen, enlarging these organs. Pain in the abdomen may cause a loss of appetite and weight.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes under the arms, in the groin, chest and neck may become swollen when leukemia cells collect in the nodes. Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures that filter the blood.

Difficulty Breathing or Dyspnea

With T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia, leukemia cells tend to clump together around the thymus gland. This mass of cells present in the middle of the chest can cause pain and difficulty breathing. Wheezing, coughing or painful breathing requires immediate medical attention.

(Taken from


The Ojas Marrowed and Shaken not Stirred feels very physical and palpable. This one is more subtle but is getting deeper, faster…

I am going to stack the two and I have a feeling the results will be great!! :partying_face:


while reading the description , i have no idea why, i kept thinking about ojas shaken field .


cause they both work on Marrow… :wink:


ok :pray: thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ohh I’ve always been wanting to be more consistent with the bone marrow field! This will definitely help with that! Thanks!!

The internal healing I feel from bone marrow field is so refreshing! Feels like it gets my body energized and back on track! So i can’t imagine how it’d be with this one!

(I also know i have a lot of internal stuff to work on so this is just exactly what my body wants!:pray:)


Next purchase for sure