New Release - Spiritual Growth States of Being

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


Can this one clash with glory?


Initial guess? Probably.
Glory isn’t really interested in “spiritual states”

I’m sure DW will correct me if wrong.


what does this morphic programming do? does it raise our vibration?

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You wanna rephrase this “guy”…
Seems your missing some gratitude about something you got for free and that you have NO idea how to make yourself…

Just a suggestion of course, since you already bothered the trouble of writing the post, then you can at least summon up enough common decency to rethink what you wrote with the tiniest bit of “not being an jerk”-ness… or not.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Okie dokie…
It was fun while it lasted, bub. :wink:




The funny thing is…, when DW quits and is finally sick of people acting like this…
There’s still gonna be like a handful of people who still get access to whatever new stuff he’s working on as a “hobby”.

Two guesses on who’s gonna get access and who’s not.

He’ll post them when he post them…
Guess what? you have absolutely no control of that.


Settle down guys.
Everything is a part of spiritual growth. We all have lessons to learn around here.

Being grateful unfortunately is amongst the last classes. Nonetheless, you wouldn’t want people jumping around directly to the last, so give space for growth.

They’ll come around, even if they took the long turn. Be grateful.


Nope. Not playing this game today. Sorry.

We teach very little kids to say “Please and Thank you” as preschoolers.
Please stop making excuses for bad behavior.
It’s enabling them to continue that behavior and is unhealthy and dysfunctional.


You already know he is not to learn like that though.

Meh. My “style” (liked or not) has proven effective over time.

I have actual real life testimonials :P :wink:




:white_flag: for a few minutes. I’m just stopping by to dedicate a song to Captain for the zillion new releases (DJ mood tonight):


THANK YOU @Bronyraur :wink:


Thank you, @Captain_Nemo, @_OM and @Bronyraur! :wink:



On a related note, the gratitude fields are wonderful for one’s spiritual growth and life, and very underrated.

From a few things Sam has written:

From the Point of No Return article:

  1. Love, Gratitude and Appreciation from Sapienmed. This audio is very underrated as it works to put us in a mind state of abundance of the self. Abundance of having what you want, being what you want and getting what you want. As mentioned before, we get stuck in these negative mind states because of repetitive thinking patterns. Such thinking patterns perpetuate the innate beliefs that ‘I am not enough,’ ‘I don’t have enough,’ and so forth so you end up always feeling a bit of emptiness. You end up not feeling whole. Now this audio is great to listen to after subconscious limits because it puts you in a mindstate of loving and appreciating what you do have and what you are. When you do this, you are sending signals to your mind and the universe that you already have what you want and need, that you are whole…

So your mind and the universe will follow by attracting more of what you want. Those thoughts such as ‘ I am not good enough’ are also directions for your mind to continue making you feel like you are not good enough. We get what we put out. When you think ‘I am good enough,’ the mind will begin to make you feel like you are good enough. From this state, you can easily build up your character and do so much more. Now, I know it’s very difficult to just believe in these things but these audios will make this easier over time.

Something that will also help tremendously is; While listening, think of things that you are grateful for. Grateful you are alive, grateful you have money, grateful you are who you are, ect … Find things you are actually grateful for and then the things you should be grateful for. At first it may be had to make yourself believe these things but over time if you keep with it and you can accomplish anything.

From a forum post:


This plus the Abundance Tag is a great combo for gratitude ;)