Vibration of Creation

Hey vibelisteners​:see_no_evil::sweat_smile:

Has somebody experienced high pitched sounds in the ears (feels like my whole brain…) all day long with listening to this vibe?

My ears are ringing since I bought it two weeks ago and played 1 to 2 times a day… I read that it could be a sign of vibration shift… In the past I thought it’s a personal sign of overwhelm, but I listened to 26 different beats for weeks now and everything was fine, after I begun with star exercise.

Now I heard two inner voices, one said reduce the amount of beats, it’s more sinful for you… The other said it’s all fine, go on… I heard of the first voice, it wasn’t easy, but I cut down to 15 fields… The ringing is still present. Then I thought it could be the quasi crystal and cut it off too. Hmm the ringing is still there… And I’m a little bit scary that it could become permanent… But physical and mental I’m very fine… I don’t know, eventually some know this from him/herself…

The other effects I recognized were vibrations in my whole body and some emotions/thoughts came to the surface. But it was till now easy to let go.


Before we come to spiritual conclusions it’s best to see if anything could be wrong physically. You could try the hearing loss recovery audio for some time or a brain audio like brain regeneration or plasma brain of youth because tinnitus can also be a brain related issue

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I experience this on and off during meditation with VoC.
No set reasons or triggers.
Sometimes it’s only in 1 ear - mostly left ear

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any more testimonials on this?

I’ve got some cash saved up for the coming black Friday discount -if it happens-.
Trying to figure out what is best to invest in. This and BoL are on the top of my list. and maybe negentropic jing.


Buy with the discount, time to rise my vibration :rocket: :triumph:


We’re revisiting Dexter right now!!!

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sorry, i missed this.
I have severely reduced my stacks since major blueprint and exalted state… and i havent added this one back in.

I still firmly believe that if someone is interested in spiritual development and “leveling up”, this is the field they should get. The alternative is, not counting the other vibes, light and vibrational guidance. But this field is in a more affordable price range and also i personally still prefer this one (sorry OM lol).


Thanks, I actually got it 2 days ago, and wooow! definitely a great choice.


I just purchased this Treasure for us using our Cyberweekend discount!
Thank You Dear Captain, SammyG, Dream Team, and Forum Guides!!!


I have one tip perchaps mentioned before or not: Combine Vibration of Creation with 3 loops of mstae iron, Vibration of divine love with three loops of mstate copper and at end Vibration of transdescense with 3 loops of msate gold. After all of theese 3 loops of Cosmo-Volt.
I have discovered that my life until now had traumatised my left part of my body and the second of the above combos had me hmm get rid of things the first time im my life…


I’ve had this one in my morning stack for a while now, as apparently it was noted this can replace the energy blockage removal audio. However, I don’t feel the “removal” sensation, like with the removal audio.

I don’t get the euphoric feeling, as with the dream seeds raise your vibration audio, it seems to be a subtle, but compounding increase to my vibration.

I’m commenting now, because I have began to feel it more the last few days (although, I’m currently on a 3 day water fast, maybe that’s why).

My current morning stack is as follows:

PONR x 2
Auric and Energy Body Repair x1
VOC x 1
New Perspectives x 2
Maha Ganapati yagna x 1
Shatachandi Yagna x 1
Quasi crystal x 1
The Rite Of Passage x 1
Pure Magnetic Heart x 1

I’m feeling a lot less “bothered”, lately. I think that’s the best way to describe it. I’ve always been a super skeptical person, but I feel a lot more “laid back”, if you will.

This stack seems to be a lot less “intense” feeling than the regular morning stack/booster. But, I don’t feel as tired in the afternoon.

Maybe I’ll try VOC as my mediation audio. I’ve been using cone of power lately, and have been seeing coincidental movement towards my desires, but they’re mostly money related.

Touching on the ringing in the ears - my right ear has been ringing lately, but only in the evenings. It only lasts for 30 secs or so, and is intermittent.

Long story short - I don’t intuitively know which audio is doing what for me at the minute. It’s hard to say how this audio specifically is contributing to my life, but I’m enjoying it. (I’ve taken a great deal of interest in ploughing my money through gumroad lately, haha. But some of these paid fields really, really intrigue me.)


same… I was literally thinking about this today whether I should add Energy Blockage Removal since I felt Vibration of Creation cannot fully replace it, I mean, every audio is unique.

So I decided to keep both, Energy Blockage Removal first then VoC :D

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Concerning efficient stack building it’s best to put Auric and Energy Body Repair before PONR at the very beginning of your stack as a primer and Quasi Crystal after PONR as a booster for the fields that come after, just saying. :dizzy:

I’ve tried both, I feel it works best with quasi crystal at the end of this stack. I don’t think there is a “correct” position for it. You’re absorbing the energy regardless, alongside the other fields.

Sometimes I listen to auric repair at the end of the day if I’ve gone a bit hard on the fields.

I don’t feel auric repair is doing much good by being at very the start of the stack, for me anyways. PONR is quite heavy on me, and that sort of picks me up if I listen to it 3 times in a row.


Yeah I added it back in yesterday, totally different sensation!


I have VODL and been using it since March 15th. Now the question is, when should I get VOC?

I see that this audio clears up clutter from the organs but I don’t see that in the description for VoDL.

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Personally one should be sufficient, but if you really want the full experience go for it.


Using both would be great as well. With VOC doing the clearing and then replacing what is cleared with unconditional love


Looks like VoC seems stronger than VoDL to me personally overall. VoDL hit me really hard in the heart center when I first started. But man…only using VoC 2 times while sleeping…just woke up so tired. VoDL never made me this tired unless I looped it for hours on end.

VoC made me feel kind of numb in a sense in my left side of the body. I know it sounds weird but it’s true. Meanwhile my right side was vibrating just a little bit.


I had always been tired with VOC too , and I don’t why . And also I feel the sensations on body more profound with VOC.