NFT: Hekate – Torchbearing Goddess of the Mysteries (Radical Change Group)

Hekate – Torchbearing Goddess of the Mysteries, Deity of Darkness and Witchcraft.

Throughout the ages, Hekate has been associated with darkness, nighttime and most especially, the Underworld. Over time she became known as the patroness of witches and sorcery and is associated with mysteries and magical rituals of all kinds.

Hekate is a Goddess of great antiquity. She is primordial, powerful and sometimes animalistic - and yet also sophisticated, modern and capable of adapting to different cultures. She is the Torchbearer, the Cosmic World Soul, the Guide and Companion. She is Mistress of the Restless Dead, who rules over the Heavens, Earth and Sea. She is the Keybearer who stands at the crossroads of life, death and initiation. Her devotees today, as throughout the ages, include philosophers, poets, sorcerers, theurgists, witches, root-cutters, enchantresses and ordinary people.

So begins the The Hekate Chronicles by Sorita D’Este. Hekate’s original mythology portrayed her not as an old hag, but as a beautiful and powerful goddess. Hekate, the ancient goddess from early, pre-Greek mythology, is believed to be a Titan goddess so powerful and respected by her disciples that she maintained control even after the fall of the Titans to the Olympian gods. In fact, she was the only one of the ancient Titans that Zeus allowed to retain her power after the Olympians seized control. Not only that, but Zeus shared with Hekate, and only her, the power of giving humanity anything she wished, or withholding it if she pleased. Thus, she is known as the bestower of wealth and the blessings of life.

Possessing dominion over the Sky, the Earth, and the Sea, she is known as the Goddess of the Crossroads. And while she is well known for her roles within those three worlds, she is also a goddess who bridges these worlds. In that way, Hekate facilitates the passage between realms, linking all gods together, weaving the threads of the universe. Furthermore, she also facilitates communications between mortals and the Divine.

As an ancient deity, her domain is vast. For example, unsettled creatures and monstrous beings are under her command. Hekate maintains a large retinue of hellhounds and is known to travel with her three headed dog, Cerberus. Furthermore, the distant baying of dogs is said to be a calling card.

As torchbearer, she also lights the way through the darkness and the Underworld. Often portrayed as an old witch stirring a pot or an old crone wandering at night with her dogs at the crossroads, she is, in fact, so much more, starting with the fact that she is stunningly beautiful. While she is often called upon by those who identify as witches, she is called on equally as often by those looking for good fortune in war. Skilled in the arts of prophecy, she can bestow the gift of her clairvoyance if she’s so inclined.

Hekate rules over the art of the apothecary. As such, she has dominion over plants, both healing and poisonous. Being a goddess of liminality, she can teach a healing practitioner how to straddle the line between a cure and a poisoning.

Hekate has been loved, revered, and feared over the ages and yet she endures. Today Hekate’s magical traditions are celebrated in every part of the world. Ownership of this NFT affords one a stronger, more direct connection with the Goddess. Only by working with this Divine Feminine Deity will you understand how exactly she fits into your life for her magic is beyond description.


Personal impressions, and additions

When I was asked to work on this theme, my first thought was whether or not we should make a presentation :)
Witch leader, goddess of darkness, patroness of witchcraft, moonlight, night darkness. She is responsible for poisonous plants, gives orders to various creatures and monstrous creatures. The time of her reign comes with the arrival of the night of the new moon…

Rituals in her honor seem frightening to the uninitiated…
Incidentally, Hecate was called upon when the healing of illness under the influence of the rituals of other gods did not take place.
Her power in healing was associated with the knowledge of the power of very poisonous herbs, fruits, roots and potions derived from them.

My goodness… Does this forum need this?

For certain reasons, it was decided not to post the “application areas of NFT”. We thought - if anyone is interested in it, the person will research it himself, find information, and analyze it in detail

I was 100% sure that most people simply won’t understand or appreciate Hecate.
Perhaps many will be frightened by her.

without darkness, there can be no light. She’s the embodiment of darkness, but not in a negative context.
And yet darkness can be beautiful… It’s just that sometimes you can look at the stars

I will describe a very subjective and very strange experience of interacting with her ( as a reflection):

We are used to being awake during the day. In this regard, a lot of interesting things escape our gaze.
The fact is that at night the human senses are activated, for example, hearing (because you cannot see anything in the dark). The perception of space changes accordingly.

Imagine a warm summer night. You are on a path that leads to a dark, dense forest. No one is around. The moon is shining. Sounds of unknown animals can be heard from the forest. You see some movement, lights… You hear footsteps and a presence.

Fear? Fear is born from not seeing what you hear. And accordingly, you can’t keep the situation in perspective. At night in the woods, a lonely person gets scared because he loses control of the situation: it’s dark, the sounds are strange, the environment is unfamiliar. You feel like a helpless victim.

That’s her, Hecate. She is watching. She likes to be a little afraid. She associates it with respect for her person…

On a warm moonlit night all the mystique gathers into myriad purple grains, scattered before me, before the strange light deep in the forest. I am at a loss to guess: what is the main thing at this time? The illumination? But it is not.

The moon itself, big, dispassionate, flies in the dark sky through the sparse smoke of the clouds. I sense something. Light is the point from which one counts the beginning. And in a sense, light dominates some of our concepts and our perception of reality. A lot of thoughts. For me, the world is several times bigger at night than it is during the day. And behind the “scary” darkness you can see huge space, huge potential.

In total darkness, it’s scary. But there are many lights in this forest - the fear passes. I am forced to follow a premonition… I know that I am strong. Now for me the premonition is a game, a trap for revealing meaning… And the strangeness and mysticism remains…
Whether as inertia, or whether I feel more than I know…

Summer country nights. Every person fortunate enough to spend a night in the countryside at least once in their life will never forget those memories.

Away from the bustling city, in the heart of wildlife, one feels an integral part of this magic. Only in the embrace of living nature can a person feel the true beauty of the night silence, the shining stars and the mesmerizing beauty of the bright and clear moon. Because of the powerful development of all spheres of human life, it seems that people are becoming more and more separated from all things natural and alive, losing their true human essence. When one is alone and there is forest, night and silence all around, one begins to periodically freeze and listen. But when you consider that Hecate has been with me all this time, the darkness becomes a true friend. After all, Hecate is depicted with a torch in her hand
and with dogs like that, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

ps. it’s an amazing experience. It may sound meaningless - but it is the first reflection in dealing with her


The Great Mother Hecate is listening, observing, nodding and she said now, “she approves”. Always a good idea to approach her with respect, and she is absolutely deserving of the awe and respect she naturally commands.

Fear, like lust, is very very valuable, especially when transmuted - compared to other emotions; the impact of this transmutation is a rapid, and life-changing ascent. And Hecate, the Triple Goddess - does that verily - fear, anger and lust transmutation - the maiden, mother and crone that she is…

Not to digress too much, our school of Tantra is centered around Tripurasundari or Srividya, the highest archetype of Divinity in Indian Tantra who is also the triple goddes (Bala the child, Sundari the maiden and Bhairavi the mature one). While Hecate is focused on entering the alchemy through the darker aspects (like Kali), Tripurasundari is focused on the aspect of light (which are two sides of the same coin).


:pray: :heart:



I had never ever ever heard of her, yet i know if i had before i would have fully adored her.


Gimmeeee her @Ugninis :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I get a feeling in my gut that Luna will be besties with Hecate :slight_smile:


My Witchy soul says yesssss :laughing::heart_eyes:


Incredible, VMMS, and All Involved!
Thank You for Ushering in this Great One!


Wow…the scene with Hecate in Macbeth is one of my favourites in all of Shakespeare. This looks really profound!


A very mysterious lady. A goddess who causes awe. You look at her and realize that she will listen to you seriously and she can take serious measures. My acquaintance with the goddess was not easy. Unpleasant situations were worked out in the dream, some deep fears came out. I was talking to my friend and he says it well. Let the work go on. Everything superfluous, everything that we hide in the depths of our soul, everything that we are afraid of and hide from ourselves. This needs to be seen, realized and conclusions drawn.


This is a very astute and helpful observation. Thank you!

PS: Also very brave of you to see it through. Well done! :sparkles:


In light of BrightLights testimony, it reminds me that this can be posted here as well as emblematic of one of the good, non-creepy ways that Hekate works with us. She’s formidable, for sure, but she isn’t arbitrary or unreasonable. And, if you’re brave, she’s always the light in the darkness.


Oh, how beautiful it is. And at the same time, she is very understanding and caring. When I wrote the last review, the goal was for people to take it seriously. And I had a feeling in my chest, as if they were telling me, calm down, everything is fine, everything will be fine. It’s such an adult concern.
Panda is great)))


Goddess Hekate, has so much to offer. Yes, for shadow work but, in her role as psychpomp, also for ancestral work. And being that She is the Goddess of the liminal states she can help you to get from “here to there” - astrally, dimensionally, but also personally as in personal transformation. Her importance in that regard cannot be understated. And while I wouldn’t say she’s easy to work with, I will say the work is very gratifying.

Plus, little known fact, Captain designed both the Hermes (also a Liminal god) NFT and the Hekate NFT to work separately or together as part of a sacred union (you’ll notice she has his glyph @ bottom right on her NFT and he has her moons across the bottom of his). In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you have one then you have the other vis-a-vis the mutual symbolism… meaning you can choose to work with them separately OR together. Brilliant innovation by Captain!


Here’s a great article that sheds some indirect light on how it was that powerful women, for whom Hekate is emblematic, came to be characterized as “ugly” and “scary” and characterized as a “witch” in the pejorative.


Here’s a great quote from someone describing Hekate’s energy or rather, how it feels in her presence.

“I shall leave you with this example from the essay Following Her Moons (Extracts from a Travel Journal) by Andrea Salgado Reyes in the anthology, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires which I edited in 2010. In it the author writes about an experience she had on 23rdMay 2009 in L’Isle-Adam (France); whilst her account is not entirely based on historical accounts of the deities she names, it has validity in the 21st century as an experiential account of how the Goddess is experienced now:

“A presence appears while I am writing some notes for a course. I challenge it, demanding its name. The presence grows stronger until I feel the whole room vibrate with its energy and psychically see a large form appear, as tall as the room is high. It is female and dressed in a simple cream robe. Spontaneous writing:

“I AM the light-bearer, the Luciferian force, the maiden with the shining torch, beloved of the Gods and beloved of the Titans. I am Hekate beneath the Earth, Demeter on the land and I am the mother of all, the sky goddess Isis, Hekate and Demeter are one goddess. Three aspects and one child, the sacred Persephone who represents humankind.”

Andrea Salgado Reyes, 2009


Association with Luceferan whatever seems to be the cultural conditioning of the person having the experience. Just wanted to add that before Hecate gets fully associated with Abrahamic Lucifer and his cult and gets called “satanic” :sweat_smile:

The other day, one of the Western authors described Kali as “the force of Lucifer that rebelled against the paternal god” and I wanted to say - “please do not apply your Abrahamic conditioning and concepts of today’s feminism to ancient and timeless entities”. Nothing wrong with that, these entities have been viewed through various cultural lenses across time, but that does severely limit one’s understanding of them due to hardened belief system around some of these faith-based religions/concepts.


Good point! I think in this regard it is important to point out that “Luciferian” in this context is intended as an adjective (in spite of the careless capitalization) to imply “a bringer of light” as opposed to “Lucifer, the Fallen Angel”.

Thank you for pointing out that important distinction @Maoshan_Wanderer !


More insight on how it is to work with the Goddess Hekate…


Does she know this was a private community nft btw.
Designed by people who wanted to work with her?

Along with additions etc.
I mean, well i suppose most people do believe they know everything and anything different makes them upset.

Dont be bothered by it VMMS, I know how excited and how much you guys put into this.

Ahh well.
I did ask yesterday I wonder how all this looks from the outside.
We really are hated out there eh.