NFT, mandalas, tags and fields

Well long time ago…

You could buy Sapien dog tags, (Military Chains) that had an image on them on which there was a field.
You wore that tag, and it worked for you. These tags (e.g. glory) were more advanced that the mandalas you could find on sapien instagram for free, which you’d print on paper (e.g. lion’s courage).

But then!

A terrible disaster came, the covid, which made the deliveries extremely long up to months, so Sapien decided to cancel tags.

But now!

Well the tags we knew are now getting upgraded, by captain and are now sold in the form of NFT images, which are meant for you to use some online service and place the image on a dog tag for yourself and they deliver it to you, abd you have your tag!
You can do it by any online company that does that. Brcause of that Sapien does not have to bother with shipping and stuff.

And also if you lose the tag, you cab easily order a new one. As you have the image and are owner of it.

Well i also suppose these nfts, new ones you can use them as we used mandalas and print them on paper and carry them around…

Well you want to have them near you so that they work on you.

Am cut them yeah, just dont cut half of it or something like that but cut around it so you have a nice whole mandala with you.


Thanks again :)
Now I am in India so these deliveries etc and the online company might not work for me or be too expensive even if they do deliver. I am considering with starting to buy one from the candle series… since its cheap and even if i am not able to work the logistics out its fine.


I see, are you sure there is not any conpany in india that would print them out? (Taggieees :grin::joy::star_struck:)…

But yeah the candles, lol i just did it like that

I think it worked.

Lol until i turned it off, and destroyed it with by pouring watter on it.


Such a beautiful thing… and i see its printed in black and white … not sure why… maybe it still works. And why did you pour water on that nice thing :sweat_smile:


Yeah it should work black and white

xd, I had to stop the fire somehow!


Yayy you tried it.


The originals i tied to the scents if scented, it would still work like that,
where the scents linger, so does the field.


You are a magician … it can get so much creative … you can just put fields to anything :heart:

Yeah, gotta make sure abundance flows in every possible way xd


Next time you can try stopping the fire by covering your candle with a plate or something else that’s fireproof. This will suffocate the flame and your candle will safely and easily go out.


Yeah, although I won’t go and use/burn my plates. :grin: Even if it doesnt fire up, it will get a bit smoked at the back, and I don’t intend to eat a smoked salmon any soon, otherwisee a smoked plate would be perfect for it :joy::slightly_smiling_face:

(I haven’t tried it so i could also be wrong)

But if there is something else I find I’ll use it i guess.
It would not work for every type of candle though, like those which don’t have glass around them.

whats wrong with usual blowing out the candle :thinking:
what am I missing here?


Fair enough. (In a pinch, you could face the underside of the plate to the flame or use an old pie tin, which are readily and cheaply available in my country.)

Speaking of a pinch, you can simply lick your fingers and pinch out the flames of these candles. (And hopefully, you’re not trying to attach printed NFTs to these, because that could start a fire. But you sound smart enough to recognize that, good for you.)


Absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. I had assumed that our friend had had a reason for not doing that and went from there.

By all means, blow your candles out.


Ah not much, :D

For those who like to play candle magicians, might take this advice, but with this field it very likely doesn’t matter at all, as it is a strong and powerful field.

But to make it funnier I took advice of someone saying that if you blew the candle, you break the spell/intent.

Then just to reconfirm, I found this link confiring what that someone said

“Don’t blow out your candles if you can avoid it! Use a candle snuffer or else wet your fingers and pinch the flame out. When you blow the candle out, there is the possibility that you blow away the power of your spell so it’s definitely better to snuff it out.”

But I think we should not worry too much about it here, as it already works when you fire it up and all.

Butt. On these the flames can be bigger I think or at least on these that I have, well then this would happen lol


Of course

I’m glad that i do :grin::joy::+1:


This isn’t a spell, it’s an energetic signature, so impossible to blow out.


You guys talked about nft mandalas… Do they also work as a phone background screen and can they grow in that way? :face_with_monocle::grin:


Yea of course, I just find or found it interesting to not blow it :slightly_smiling_face:

They work when you look at them, or have the background open

but I don’t know if they grow, probably do, but for the time you use them.

And if you change the background it probably restarts or something
if you then try and out it back up
So I’m not sure

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Seconding what Rose is saying here. This isn’t a spell, so those rules don’t apply here.



Although try not to crop the image too much to fit your screen. It seems that’s a difference from the old mandalas that had been on Instagram .

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