NFT sent to wrong email

I had a trade with a member and was so excited I accidentally mistyped one letter on my email :frowning:

This has never happened to me before.

Is there any way to recover the NFT?


Ask the recipient to send it back to you?

No idea who got it is the thing.

My email had 1998 in it and I typed 1999 by accident, so the NfT I was receiving went there instead :confused:

Well, you know the address of the person who got it.

Yeah, I could try emailing the stranger and asking. Although it’s probably pretty unlikely they share my almost identical email and have a Venly account.

what happen when nft is sent to address with no account on venly
is a possibility venly automate a creation of account for them?

thinking maybe the person was meant to know of sapien work

It’s one more solution than you had 10 minutes ago.

(Do you KNOW that they have a Venly account?)

I think you can’t do that?

I tried it once because I just wanted to check it (you need the pin to actually send it) and it came back with an error. It didn’t get to the point where you are prompted for the pin.
But I don’t remember if I had @…com in the address though, it may have been that… but I think the error message said there was no venly account(?) / Wallet (?) Linked to the address so I couldn’t send it. I’m not 100% though

Good luck :grimacing:


Damn hope the nft come back again

That’s why with venly its kinda scary to type the email… Have to check multiple times to make sure the email is correct :sweat_smile:

Gotta be careful

Sadly it was already associated with an account :frowning:


Contact Venly immediately

So they can reverse it

And send screen shoots of the conversation with the person you gave the email to or got it from and send that too

If it didnt bounce back it means indeed someone has that email address, hopefully they dont know about nfts or trust an email with a link saying click here to receive your nft etc and delete it :raised_hands:


Yes we can.

The person would get an email from venly with instructions to open the wallet.

Just like we did the first time we got an NFT bought on Teespring


Yes, this is always the first step in any online transaction problem.


Yeah, the chat with support function on Venly isn’t working for me. I emailed the person directly though. Hopefully they will send it back or something gets figured out :crossed_fingers:t3:


A tip for future trades that I started doing, is to buy a cheap $1 dollar NFT on Venly and test send it to the person you are trading with and ask that person to send it back to you, then you know that both you and the other person has the correct adresses :slight_smile:
And then after that you do the real trade.



Not sure. Tried it on my computer and phone and I’m getting an error. No chat icon

Logout and in again?

And try on the venly market chat if you dont see the icon

Click on the profile icon and a list drops one is contact us, or support

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Sorry at the bottom (contact us or support)

That will open a window giving you first option to find answers through FAQ

And at the end they ask if you found the answer or you still want to talk to someone, say yes then the chat will open