Official Astral Travel Thread

I can’t speak to any of that or for my other selves. :joy: funny to think of though.

Spirit Guides on the astral are often other incarnations of ourselves.
Because who else can help you best than you yourself?


Freakin hell I was just thinking about NoFap earlier, I’m going back on!


If you want serious progress, it’s indispensable


Yeah I know that. Just saying I’m not about to go around having random astral sex :joy:

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How does the astral body look? Anyone who went on a travel, explain what it looks like.

I’m in the middle of Robert Bruce online class, and maybe something to add to the first stages of going into OBE would be parts or all of the Spa Days album. He states that muscle knots/ tension can hinder exit from that part of the body. I can imagine that releasing tension from the organs and the bones would help too. Pain from injury ( or chronic) can also hinder,so perhaps the pain field too.


Ah you read my mind. I was hesitant to add those to my post up there though. I do think it’s a great idea.

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It takes on whatever form you imagine it to be. You can look like everyone you want. You can look like an elephant or a fairy or an alien with ten legs or a chair or just an energy ball. On the astral plane form follows intention very quickly. The higher you go in the astral planes the faster this happens.


Yeah you can say it’s more ductile/pliable and protoplasmic.

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And how do you get back in your body?

Thanks. I’ll try this. So I guess I was i was onto something when suggesting the Meditation audio be a subfield.

Do you listen to this while doing it?

Like really I don’t have much experience on this topic. Reading Robert Bruce atm.

But I guess it’s something like that

  • The audio for prep work - To remove blocks, fears, creates the right mindset, helps train the brainwave state
  • The one before the OBE attempt - helps to relax, charge the energy.
  • The one for the OBE attempt - creates the trance state, assists with the OBE and the mindsplit or whatever.
  • ???
  • And lastly the one for memory recall - one that helps to remember the OBE experiences.

Ryan Cropper

Guess you shouldn’t refrain from talking about it… even I don’t conform to asceticism in name of spirituality. Now that you mention why, it makes sense. Who wants a toffee when you can have decadent brownie :joy:

Apart from dream, Sam, Felt I should personally thank @Gnosticmedic27 , @JAAJ , @Maoshan_Wanderer , @_OM and many others who makes this forum what it is worth of .
Your comments, discussions, insights are of immense help towards greater spiritual journey.


Thank you too. You and everyone else make this forum what it is too. We are no more important than anyone else.

But, must respectfully disagree that NoFap and Tantra with a spouse is in anyway ascetic.

Anyway, can’t wait til we can all come to a concensus on a method for these fields.

Btw, @Jennyfire @Baya @GCSHIV and @Vesparda, I just spoke to Captain and he said that we all have to come to a concensus on a few different methods for a field together and pitch it to him. Maybe tomorrow we can each make an official outline and all compare ours, then agree on what to keep and throw away.


I didn’t mean you.
Sorry for not clarifying it. I meant, many religious scriptures , interpretation and so called spiritual leaders promote asceticism without elaborating why? Simply calling it sin or inferior desires won’t suffice.

Now when people like you show the deeper understanding, it all makes sense.


Ah I see. Yeah exactly. Spot on. There are very good reasons for it. Anyway brotha have a great night. Off to bed for work tomorrow.


For the dream recall, I found this. A 2011 study showed that people who have more theta/alpha brain-wave activity in their prefrontal cortex after waking from REM sleep have better dream recall.

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