Official Astral Travel Thread

That’s my question because some of us may prefer certain techniques over others. Unless we can all come to a concensus on what sources to use. I think Robert Bruce may be one we can all agree on since we know Dream also likes his work.

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I think maybe a field that is a combo of Essence of Faith and Prayer and Higher Self Connection concepts could be useful for this.

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if it is made, instead of Higher Self Connection shouldn’t it be Imaginarium Divine. Imaginarium Divine is updated form of Higher Self Connection, right.


Yeah, sure. Concepts of Imaginarium Divine + Essence of Faith and Prayer. Sounds good.

but i think we should wait what dreamy or sammy says , dream is very clever in approach he takes

Yeah but isn’t this what he wants us to do? Suggest things?

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I don’t think you will need any permission, chakra stuff or anything, you’ll be propulsed in outter space thanks to his fields, xD !

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So, what kinda concoction of concepts do we needs for getting out of body? Let’s think of that.

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ok true now i re read what dreamy says , he says give topics and he will create 3-4 fields for the same , so yes then i will go through robert bruce , did you ever read william buhlman astral pdf , his work also seems popular in this area

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I plan on reading both William Buhlman and Robert Bruce today.


if you read both in single day , you will directly astral project may be

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I’m wondering if help for visualization is necessary. I’m not sure how much participation is going to be needed from us or if the field will do it all. Because I was going to suggest visualization sub fields.

Haha what’s the specific Willian Buhlman reading you suggest?

William Buhlman stresses on this , but i think robert dont care or may be i didnt skim the book properly

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he has audios for every stage with hemi sync , but they are not morphic etc


Thanks. Ok, so we should all come up with a list of step by step process. I think mantra pronunciation is really important. I got close last night with the Laaaaa Raaaaa mantra. It gets the masculine (solar) and feminine (lunar) energies spinning. I hope he can maybe incorporate some Essence of Mantra energy sub fields.

I don’t ever see people talking about mantras in their techniques.

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We should post our step by step lists at the end and let Dream decide what to use. I think they’ll be pretty similar.

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Ok agreed ,

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i think yoga nidra is a great prep stage