Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated)

Yeah, hypnosis is a good way to get into a deeper and more suggestive state. So it would enhance things.

Hmm… maybe we could make a hypnosis track that enhances fields? No guarantees but might be nice to have a hypnosis track catered to fields.

Affirmations can work but it takes an unbelievably long time for those repititons to take root in the mind. As I mentioned, meditating with the tracks enhance fields quite dramatically. Our energy course enhances fields more as well.




The question was if fields work better when you sleep. They work but they don’t work better than listening when awake. We did not say it was better to listen while we sleep in the link you sent as well. We just said that this is something you can do.

As I said, it still works. Just sometimes the subconscious can reject certain fields since it tends to be quite protective at what goes in and what goes out at night. You aren’t consciously accepting any fields. Your subconscious might be taking in the information and rejecting it because it contradicts with other patterns within you. So I find it to not be as effective as listening to fields when awake.

So you can still listen to your sleep stacks. They won’t hurt.


I really benefited from the guided meditation.

I had an idea but i didnt know wheather it was good or bad.
can you consider an app to make like headspace or other meditation apps i have only had it for 2 days and its been amazing.

the app as has an in app meditation live they have other lots of tips of different meditation techniques and so much more who you should check it out.

How to deal with stress and so much, you can even charge a monthly like patreon

It sets up a day and they have night music and short clips of animals and its been great instead of just waking up it buts a twist makes it more fun


Sounds good. I’m not sure if we’d want to make something like headspace when headspace already exists. We’d do something if we had something new to offer. Who knows. Might be something worth looking into in the future.


True gold :yellow_heart:… no… not ennough.

Quasi Crystal Level :gem: :cyclone: :globe_with_meridians:


Yes i see were your coming from but no idea is original

Yes this is the one i was talking about it does make my arms and legs feel dead. I was thinking to my self why isnt there more


Imagine all the fields have two version avalaible of itselfs. :white_heart: :globe_with_meridians: :black_heart:

:black_heart:Active Listenninng Version (Concentration , focus , etc ) :black_heart:

:white_heart:Passive Listenning version ( While doing homework , cleaning , chatting ,workout etcc etc ) :white_heart:

:small_red_triangle:I mean this already exist : its up to you to use this “mode”. Same field, Same audio . :small_red_triangle_down:

This may be of your interest.

You can use fields like Amygdala Fear Release , The devil . In a active way , while doing some focus and facingg your fears , or whatever the field its his purppose . Perhaps you find a new experience .

This is just my opinion ,you may want to try and have your own experience :muscle: :heartbeat:


100% This will be amazing

Imaigne if it had guided meditation looping in the back or even different guided meditation depending on the audio

for exmaple for the DHT audio u can have “Feel the DHT forum on you scalp” :rofl:


i literally have so many goals i listen to about 10 videos everyday including quadible and it’s totally fine for me. for permanent changes how long till i can stop listening to a field everyday?


im literally so confused on what fields are temporary or permanent changes it would be very helpful if you created a thread for it


Its literally answered in #27

And if you type this:

There are several threads talking about that


Sounds great, I’ll take anything.


Please answer to one more query.
What if I change my phone then it is ok to transfer purchased field directly from one to another or do I need to download them again from the main site?


You can transfer them phone to phone. The fields are the same. You needn’t download them again, of you don’t want.


@SammyG Hey, i have some extra question:

On the enlightenedstates FAQ section it is stated that the fields on the images of the sapien shop Tags are programmed to become a part of the tags they are printed on. Does that mean that after lets say 1 or 2 years even if the protection glass and image get heavily consumed or damaged or even completely removed, the field would be still active there on the steel part of the tag?


If the paid audios are from gumroad, you can just log-in, access the gumroad library containing all your purchased fields/items and you can download them to your new phone if you want to.

With teespring audios, there is no library, so I just upload them to my google drive and download them into my new device.

  1. What is the fields protection policy for sharing in relation to kinship level, and to what extent (and if there is a difference between “legendary” and “mythical” items on that matter), speaking of Parents, Siblings, Grandparents, Uncles, Cousins.

  2. What is the fields protection policy for paid ones in general (excluding the legendary and mythical where it is clearly stated), and how can they be distinguished, where it is not described as having any kind of “protection” and even very expensive (e.g “The Plasma Protocol” and “The Blueprint of Life”). Can these be shared with friends and still work?


Final Boss Categoryyyy Pleaseee !!

:rage: :point_up:

Dont worry my man. :relieved: