Official YouTube fields announcement

Brilliant haha

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Yes! Letā€™s wait until Sammy finishes his investigation and the truth will come out

Dr Virtual, some YouTube audios are placed on Gumroad, maybe this solution can also be considered in the future, and the audio files can also be saved


It looks like the voice in me saying to discontinue listening to the self-love stacks wasnā€™t ego, after all, but instinct. There are chunks taken out of all 4 phases.

Iā€™ll wait and see what happens before I decide whether to unsubscribe from YouTube Premium and up my Patreon subā€¦or not. Itā€™s just too soon to do anything rash.

Iā€™m still having hard time downloading stem cell and scar tissue removalā€¦ Is anyone here able to send me that field? I need that for healing my frozen shoulder.

Thanks. I got it now :pray:

hello, do you have their official website, thank you


So it seems that Odysee has a download option.

I am not sure if the fields would work the same way as they would with Youtube premium downloads as they are still within the platform.

or downloaded format of Patreon files.

Maybe a mod can further clarify?

Just woke up struggling to breatheā€¦ went for lung fieldā€¦ gone. Heart fieldā€¦ gone. Used these for years?? Yesterday, wealth fieldā€¦ gone. wtaf?

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Do we have to sync our youtube account with odysee for fields to work

Yes unfortunately the audios are gone due to either YouTube or something else. Hopefully soon it will be back again on YouTubeā€¦ Soon.

No. You can download the app on google play or apple Store. And just open the app without needing you to register

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what do you mean by phases?

Platform doesnā€™t matter, just some players (now far less than before) might have worse audio codec. But Odysee returns AAC as its audio, so itā€™s Appleā€™s native format and supported virtually by any other decent device.

Decent like practically anything that is better than a brick :slightly_smiling_face:

Could the fields be downloaded off of odysee? the looping in playlists on odysee isnā€™t really good.

Dear friends, this has been a downer for me and I suppose for many of you. I was just going to listen to some audios before going to sleep as it has been my routine for quite some time (like everyone here) and I find that the videos disappeared, but after reading all this thread I see that nobody really knows what is happening but I think not It is a purge or an attempt to censorship on the part of YouTube, as most say.

This seems more like the typical case of a hacked channel, I know several people who have experienced it, the strange thing in this case is that they did not change channel name to Tesla, which makes me believe that this attack was not for the purpose of deceiving or scam but for personal reasons, someone simply wanted to harm dream and his community, hacked his channel and deleted his videos. (also it may not be personal, sometimes they hack channels and delete the videos, to sell it) A clear clue is that the deleted videos say ā€œdeleted by userā€.

The good news is that everything can be restored by youtube, the times Iā€™ve seen it they take a couple of days to reupload the videos and they start with the oldest ones first. Letā€™s just hope that SammyG gets in contact with the staff that handles these cases. And letā€™s send positive energy so that everything goes well. :pray:

P.S: @SammyG I recommend that you make sure that the passwords and emails of the other channels are safe and if they are the same as sapienmedice, change them as soon as possible.

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Idk if itā€™s just me but the fields from Odysee just feel somewhat stronger? Or at least I can feel it more. Idk if itā€™s because Iā€™m using youtube (re)vanced and that somehow lessen the quality or I get more sensitive after using fields for a year and just coincidentally feel the field more as I move to Odyssey? I honestly donā€™t know which is which.


Yes, most probably time of use, total time under exposure is one of the primary drivers of ā€œfeelingā€, but itā€™s rather same for any activity. The more and longer you do something the more you progress.

Si es a mi bro, si pongo esas cuentas en el celular nuevo igual se contagian y deja de funcionar la energia de los audios

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if youtube is the one removing the videos, sync your channels with odyssey so they can still be there! :heart:ļøŽ

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You can buy that audio from gumroad. Itā€™s like only $2


Thanks, I know. I wasnā€™t asking for myself - I was thinking about the public self love stack playlists Iā€™ve created. So many fields are now missing that theyā€™re not serving their purpose.