Official YouTube fields announcement

And I would like to add information that youtube has deleted a few major youtube subliminal channels in the last weeks. I wonder what they’re trying to do.


My guess is that having “Medicine” as part of the name of the YT channel is what upset the powers that be. Allopathic medicine has long had virtually a stranglehold on the field of healing in the U.S.A. Alternative medicine (homeopathy, acupuncture etc.) has been under the thumb of Big Pharma, backed by the religion of scientism. Anyone who does not subscribe to the standard mechanistic explanation of reality is ripe for being cancelled.


The symmetrical Face is not on YouTube music

Ya. Now I’m not sure if dream will re upload anything there. And my playlist just gone into nothing sigh. This is like a weird dream you just want to get out as fast as you can lol.

This is the weirdest day for sapien medicine users!


Like Imogen, I’d bet that any effort to re-upload videos to YT will be wasted effort. If Sapien seeks to appease YT by re-uploading the videos while trying to comply with whatever they * currently * claim their policies are, they will soon discover some new policy to justify removing them. It’s what’s called “moving the goalpost.” Just watch and see.

Youtube’s actual (unstated) policy is to disallow the expression of points of view that do not accord with the party line (scientism, a purely materialist conception of reality, political correctness as defined by them …).

Knowing SM, he’ll doubtless want to continue to make his work readily available - at least in part - to anyone wishing to access it. The trick will be to find a low- or no-cost substitute for YT, and this is where IT folks may have some good ideas.


Nasty censorship this is getting out of hand across various platforms…

PI told me same shit happened to his videos and he just decided not to upload them again because it was a losing battle with these “tech overlords”


The “youtube overlords” sure are scared of “some sounds” aren’t they?

Meanwhile in some recommended videos there’s costantly stuff with thumbnails that border on porn/fetish stuff


This bothers me. Aren’t advertisements basically subliminals? But those cannot be skipped. Meanwhile if you want to listen to a sub you have to make a conscious choice. Also who forbids people from putting subliminals in any video you watch? The only difference is that one tells you in advance if there are some


This is an ongoing issue. And I’m investigating it and should have an answer by tomorrow morning or evening. Sorry for the stress this has probably caused ya’ll :pray:


as an option, I propose to create an initiative group of people from different countries to organize information groups (without the right to sell fields) on the Captain’s fields in different social networks of different countries.

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Para Telegram?

Problems never come alone.


¿Ustedes han estado teniendo problemas para que funcionen los audios ultimamente?, desde una cuenta no logro conectar con la energia, pero si lo hago desde otro celular si

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I think here is what we should do…

  • Take a deep breath, say a prayer and do whatever it takes to center ourselves
  • Wait patiently, so that Team Sapien will take a stock of situation and work around the current predicament

Universe has a way of re-aligning things automatically and usually she gets it right :sweat_smile:

A certain gifted friend on this forum sent me this very apt verse from the Gita a few seconds ago (I am sure many of you saw Oppenheimer):

In battle, in forest, at the precipice in the mountains,
On the dark great sea, in the midst of javelins and arrows,
In sleep, in confusion, in the depths of shame,
The good deeds a man has done before defend him.

Note: While this verse is popularly attributed to the ancient Bhagavdgītā, it is not the case. This is a verse from one of my favorite poets - Bhartr̥hari, from his work Nītiśataka:

वने रणे शत्रु्जलाग्निमध्ये महार्णवे पर्वतमस्तके वा ।
सुप्तं प्रमत्तं विषमस्थितं वा रक्षन्ति पुण्यानि पुराकृतानि ।।


which channels ?

Español bro


Imagina que no sólo están quitando los videos sino además usando tecnología energética para bloquear a los antiguos usuarios…

La cosa es que siempre usé youtube porque me funcionaba mejor y puedo hacer playlists. Los videos descargados funcionaban, pero no tan bien. Aparte youtube me funciona pero ninguna app para música o playlists me ha servido.

Entonces has probado a cambiar cuentas? Suena como que es más por el móvil. Prueba a limpiar el altavoz (hay apps que lo hacen haciendo que vibre el móvil y lo colocas en varias posiciones…en teoría limpia el polvo o lo que tenga dentro). Depués prueba a reproducir desde youtube o patreon, y luego los audios descargados.

No es que tenga una solución si notas algo…yo simplemente sigo usando youtube que es lo que me funciona.


Imagine they not only take videos down but they’re using “radionics” to block the long-time users xD

But the thing is…I always used youtube cause I felt it working better and making playlists is easy…and it just works. Unlike all the other apps I tried on phone.

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So…anyone knows if they are geo-blocked or they are just down?

My only VPN is Opera’s which settings are “europe, america, asia, optimal location”…so I think I may still not be able to access anything xD

Thanks for the update, I hope you wouldn’t lose your channel. If I remember correctly it already has a strike from the male enhancement video. Thinking about multiple sub channels being deleted the past weeks, I think this community is deliberately being targeted I guess.


No es el altavoz hermano, formateando el celular con las cuentas viejas vuelve a funcionar un rato, pero vuelve a bloquearse el flujo de energia, literalmente puedo sentir una especie de energia que bloquea el funcionamiento de los audios, hasta me duele la cabeza con tocar el celular donde estan mis cuentas viejas, me preocupa mucho que ahora hastan sean capaces de bloquear nuestro acceso a la energia y lo peor es que no se como

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anyone else think the government realized morphic fields and subliminals are the way to escape their bullshit and now they’re trying to stop it? :raised_hand: