Official YouTube fields announcement

Yes, I understand that’s how it works. I just worried a bit that some people might ask “which one should I add to my playlist” etc. I feel like I gave myself needless anxiety now. :sweat_smile:
Anyway, it’s great to see that videos are rapidly coming back on YouTube. :sparkling_heart:


Actually I think it’s very simple - infection from a bug which is a leading cause and in a person who as community expects can thwart off many illnesses easily like Dreamweaver it might not have been looking like a big problem which is also mixed with a great burnout from overwork. Migraine is notoriously hard to find a cause, until it resolves, becomes forever chronic (what is the root cause also a virus of unknown nature? there were pandemics in the past like lethargic encephalitis which is still an enigma and some recovered from it relatively unscathed until chronic complications kicked in), or grows into an acute threatening condition that is much easier to understand, but very bad for a person unfortunately.

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I can understand why you feel slighted about the weird questions angle because you were one of those people who sent me a message. If I offended you, I apologize. It was indeed an emotional reaction that stemmed from the feeling that when these kinds of things happen, people tend to make it about themselves. Not saying you did but one of the other messages I recieved was as egotistical as a message can get. ‘So we aren’t getting fields anymore? I still need chubby cheeks field and only dream can make it.’ That really put a dent on my patience.

Because in a situation like this, the main concern I have is if my friend is okay and is he going to recover. I’m not thinking about fields or what this does for his reputation. This entire forum, our youtube channel could just be zapped out of existence and I still wouldn’t care as much as I would about my friends well being. And then on top of everything, I’ve had to be taking care of a newborn and post partem wife. I’m not asking for your pity but I’m sure you can understand why I would lose my patience and feel that the timing of these kinds of messages are inappropriate and even selfish.

That being said, I’m not particularly calling you selfish and you are indeed entitled to ask questions. That isn’t a crime and it’s not like you are fully aware of the circumstances at play. But understand from my position, I’ve been dealing with the youtube hack and my friend being sick (this was new, wasn’t chronic or had any history. It is recoverable), so getting messages like this is rather disorienting. Rather than people concerned for my friends well being, they made it about themselves and that bothered me quite deeply.

Despite all that, I still took the time to go onto this thread and address your concerns and some of the other questions people asked me.

I understand that as a leader, I must not allow my emotions to get in the way and answer any and all questions effectively. I apologize if I haven’t done so to the best of my ability but I’ve really done all I can given my present circumstances and I doubt most people would have done any better.



Infinite admiration and respect for you


Yeah no one could have done even close to any better. For those of you who haven’t been through the newborn stage, it’s not like the movies. You’re sleep deprived, the baby is probably crying on average 15 times a day for as long as it takes you to figure out exactly what they need and guess what? They can’t tell you. So it’s very stressful. That’s with two people going full force during the newborn stage. Now imagine you have to not only take care of the baby but another person in addition, you’re not sleeping, and now your best friend and business partner goes through something extremely stressful as well.

He’s a saint. Understand that guys


You’re doing fine, and you don’t owe any of us a thing.

Dream’s clearly a private person and you’re not obligated to provide any details about his personal life and/or medical history to anyone here


Are you a shareholder of Sapienmed? Do you purchased something that requires customer service from SM? Guess not, then let Dream/Sammy have their privacy and rest, why do you think you are entitled to know the details of whatever happened, because you spend some money on their products?

Again, privacy is important and should be respected.


I just have this good feeling that Dream is going to recover quicker than expected and this encephalitis is going to think twice the next time it thinks about getting near him :zap:

Onward and upward everyone :sparkles:


Allah is with dream :heart:


This isn’t a request, but I’m putting it out there if you decide to consider it.

Maybe new video releases could be uploaded as music tracks/albums so they appear in the releases tab in youtube. The hack wasn’t effective with those, so it could be a protection layer?

I see youtube changing things every damn day, so yeah I understand if nope.

And there is no odysee back-up of Sapient Wellness. I know it is a smaller channel though.

Again, you probably already know, but I’m putting it out there just in case.

And now that I’m at it, congratulations and my gratitude to the mods for how well they’re handling everything :bowing_man:



Can we have the kidney, liver, lung restorations, the antioxidant formula… some of the old very strong longetivety series reuploaded on YouTube.

Those are some of the best medicines available in this universe which helped so many people.

Will be really appreciated if this can be done.
Otherwise also it’s okay…

Odysee has the fields… and it’s a cooler site.


Kidney: Kidney Regeneration Energetically Programmed Audio

Liver: Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor Production. (For Anti-Allergic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects)

Lungs: Lung Restoration and Strengthening Ver 2.0 (Morphic Field)

Antioxidant: Antioxidant Formula

Klotho Booster (Longevity Series)
Induced Sestrin Proteins Production (Longevity Series)
Mitochondrial‐targeted catalase (Longevity Series) (Energetically Programmed Audio)
GPDL1 Booster ( Longevity Series )


Thank you so much @anon67686978

If you don’t mind me asking how do you search and find these videos on Odysee. Neither google search or odysee search seems to give me the accurate search results.

Also do you by any chance have the link for the Kidney & Adrenal healing field on Odysee

Once again thank you so much


I just went to the channel page:

and scrolled down to where it said “View More”, and then I clicked “View More” on the lower right.

And then I used the search box in the lower right corner: