Official YouTube fields announcement

Just a thought @SammyG … if it was a hack shouldn’t a new channel be created instead with all these videos. Because the same channel can be hacked again… likely no ?

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Not how it works… Changing your passsord and increasing security protocols is what you do. Creating a brand new channel does not make a new channel safer…


To everyone newly subscribed to Patreon looking for a way to loop the fields offline, or maybe for someone looking for a VLC alternative;
if you’re an iOS user, look into “Glazba”. It’s imho far better than VLC, adding fields and creating stacks is waaay easier and the user interface is nicer too. You can create stacks by dragging the fields from your folders, it’s very cool.


Hi. Are the videos posted by "Deleted energy work videos"on Youtube safe to use?

Also is the Foot Spa Feet Rejuvenation video the best all around one for feet? I thought there was possibly another just for feet one that i cant find…Thanks

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Well, no one is saying they arent, but

Channel was hacked, los of audios deleted.

Now other channels are popping up uploading. Even if their intention was to help… one really shouldnt arbitrarily go and do that when it was announced the audios would be re uploaded, makes you wonder if that good intention was really good.

Specially now that Sapien is uploading as fast as they can considering how busy they are.

46 videos have been re uploaded in just a few days, so i rather wait for them to put bk up THEIR videos.

And use Patreon in the mean time.

That shows support.

As for the feet rejuvenation… yeah thats the only one. And i think that one is back up in the channel

And welcome to the Forum


Thanks. I’m making my mom a Youtube foot stack and one of the videos was only on the deleted energy channel…I’ll just use the Odysee one for that video to be safe.

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Which one?

Automated calves and feet muscle workout.


As many of you who with patreon know, Dream was diagnosed with encephalitis. It is a brain infection and it was rather severe for some time. But it is now subduing and with time, we do believe dream will make a full recovery from it.

That being said, I’m getting weird messages from people who are completely taken aback that someone who creates fields could ever get sick. Dream has mentioned in this forum before, that he has gotten covid before and it got him pretty bad. I’ve gotten covid pretty severely before as well. Nobody, no matter how powerful they are, is completely safe from getting any sort of sickness.

And the most difficult person in the world to heal is yourself. Especially when you are sick yourself, it isn’t so easy to create fields or use your mind to change your state of being. You’re not at your best.

And encephalitis isn’t some field that was ever made or given thought to so healing himself wasn’t as simple as ‘aha! I’ll just play this field on or replicate this thing on myself that I did before.’

On top of that, while he was getting severe migraines, he and doctors were having trouble diagnosing the issue in the first place. So this wasn’t just something he could just poof away.

So, I really would appreciate if people stop sending me messages like that. And please, stop the constant blame of entities, the cia, aliens, youtube, tptb agendas, ext on everything… It is really an unhealthy mindset to carry and afflict to everything that happens in the world. Things happen. There isn’t always some malicious evil cause behind it.


Hi, Norman_Smiley!

Cropped rose welcome


wish Dream all the best of healing!


is there any way i personally can serve in this situation?

as for general advice in the past with first waves of covid

N- acetylcystein at very high dosages (sth like 1800 mg daily) was sth that helped my situation i believe i cought the “british” type. second wave. i took 1800 mg /day first week, then 1200 mg/d second, 600 mg/d third then i stopped.

i certainly believe this threatment helps with all blood vessel issues due to covid. also brain i fathom.

if you feel the same you can share this to Dream. and also please do tell also in PM if i can be useful in other way.

the fields are his, do you fathom it will be a good idea to send somekind of healing…example Max Heal or Blessed path?

also we used dexamethason 6 mg daily (for 10 days) for severe covid cases and an antibody called paxlovid (for five days) .

although those things are given for acute covid infections i fathom they can be given for his issue too.

sure hope for the quickest and most painfree recovery of him.

really shitty a person like him with his brain capabilities to get such a thing exactly to the organ he uses most and best. really hope for the best.


Im not Sammy but let me jump in here because i think its very important.

I know we love Dream and wish him recovered asap.

So its normal to feel the impulse to try to help a dear one, specially him for which we have profound gratitude.

But we gotta give him space. He can do it alone.

Remember this post?


A bunch of Us were doing just that.

Using all tools we have with full intention, day and night.

It was so much that we were overwhelming him, thats why he came and said that.

So we stopped and gave him space.

He will recover at his pace with his own strength and power.

We just have to hold that space of love in our hearts for him and wish him well.

Continue appreciating his job, help others to keep growing through his tools, support each other and believe in him.

@WasheYoursSins @Sarumann33 and @everyone



it’s all good, I didn’t saw that he sent a msg about the amount of energy that ppl was sending to him

thanks for your effort, Luna! :heart:

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i was only asking. have personally not send anything in his direction.

this said it still is if i an be of service somehow i will be glad to serve.

if space is needed i ll give space.

whatever is needed.


Maybe weird for you to receive, but yeah it is concerning for people outside of the circle, those not in-the-know. How could anyone not find it shocking, knowing how powerful these creations are? Like it or not, you and Dreamweaver are public figures. You’ve created and are guiding a community of diverse people who don’t know all of the things you know, especially when it isn’t communicated effectively. This isn’t a judgement on your work, and things have been stressful on your end to say the least, but you have to realize the position you are in and what that means for the people you lead.

This is just my $0.02 from someone who sent a weird message because getting an email from patreon that Dreamweaver has been extremely ill and not on “vacation” was a shock.

PS: I just want to add that PR is very difficult and there is a reason the people who are good at it make a ton of money doing things that look simple and easy. Knowing how you are perceived and what to do about is something companies spend innumerable sums on for good work.

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14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Disputes Thread

Thing is, he was on vacation, taking a break from it all when this occured. So the vacation wasn’t a lie.


This is because the Odysee channel is linked to the YouTube channel, and all videos uploaded to YouTube are automatically uploaded to Odysee