Official YouTube fields announcement

I’m sorry it was a hack, also very disturbing of intentionality behind it. On the positive side woohoo yay… Happy dance time … I’m sure we can get the comment threads going again… used to love reading them whilst listening. Wouldn’t like the karma that they’ve received from hacking, a lot of peeps on here and that’s a whole lot of energy lol … oops shouldn’t laugh… did anyone watch the Gaia episode on the men that astral travelled to nosey on the war and what happened to them … :flushed:🫣 not good juju… guess it is, what is… looking forward to a renewed vibe on YT… might try and listen more on Odysee though if SM gets crypto currency.


anyone have any suggestions ?

You probably havent gotten any answers because this was not the right thread to put your questions in.

This post was to speak about the missing audios on youtube, update on the situation, speak about how to use the alternatives: Patreon and Odysee.

Not FQA, no for fields advice

Create a post under the “ask advice” category and youll get more help and pls delete the post here after so we keep it about what this post is for :)


Translation of Eloght2604’s posting: “Have you been having problems with the audios functioning lately? From one account, I can’t manage to connect with the energy, but if I do it from another cell phone yes.” @Eloght2604

Maybe speaker has to be cleaned? They can “loosen” from playing sound too loud as well. Quality of speakers in general isn’t constant and maintainance is needed if listened a lot.

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Translation of Eloght2604’s posting: “It’s not the speaker bro, formatting the cell phone with the old accounts works again for a while, but the flow of energy gets blocked again, I can literally feel a kind of energy that is blocking the functioning of the audios, until my head hurts from playing the cell phone where my old accounts are, it worries me a lot that now they are even able to block our access to the energy and the worst thing is that I don’t know how.” @Eloght2604

Translation of Drift’s posting: “They’ve been doing it for some time and mobile phones and mobile networks are a part of it. Do you notice any difference if you use data or wifi?” @Drift

Format phone - reset sound card? I speculate this is ground loop issue. Or non disabled Real Sound, or “feeling” hallucinations, sorry, but they are far too prevalent.

You download stream of data always. If your provider DPI messes frames so badly that it drops them, download audios.

Packet inspection is a thing for years for various reasone, but again this is just perception, although tampering is possible just to hack and install virus, run an ad - most likely, etc.

Translation of Drift’s posting, 2nd paragraph (Sorry, I should have put this in the same reply.): “Anyhow, you have to clean that mobile phone and those accounts, with some radionic machine or something … something that can connect the cleaning with the accounts or the mobile phone. Although if the problem is the accounts you can use new ones.” @Drift

I would recommend just change it, this is hardware malfunctioning most probably related to battery - static leak, grounding of electricity per my diletant thought and such device is simply not safe to use if from technical perspective. Especially no microwaving and further use is recommended.

Translation of Eloght2604’s posting: “Yes, I notice a difference if I disconnected from WiFi and used data, afterwards that was no longer relevant, I also created new accounts, but when I was on the same cell phone, they wound up getting “contaminated” in the same way, I had to buy a new cell phone.” @Eloght2604

Half hypochondria half broken hardware, maybe a bit too much trash in the account backup/bin - look people tell same stuff about literally everything on their Windows PCs with words “nothing was done…but now it’s bugged” and anecdotally it’s fixed temporarily by reinstall - this story is decades old.

THANK YOU!!! The internet truly is amazing :nerd_face::pray:t3: Thanks for the link :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You are welcome!

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Some idiot hackers just bought themselves a ticket to hell…

Enjoy the burn guys

It brings me so much joy to see the re-uploaded videos and hundreds of relieved comments. I just thought, now that the situation has developed maybe the header notification can be updated?

Also, I noticed that now Odysee has some duplicate videos (one re-uploaded and one old “Radiate Positivity” for example). Will the old ones get removed as redundant?

I don’t mean to request anything, just hoping to contribute to smooth operation. :relaxed:
Deep gratitude to Dream, Sammy, and moderators :pray::sparkles:

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Estoy 100% seguro que es una cuestion energetica

Shawn’s Cool Experiments take a look, but I don’t recommend going with this process to be honest, and faulty hardware that is reset by reinstall can show up like anything, note that “microwaving” your phone can only make things worse even if not outright dangerous to use such device, “something was not right” then battery blow up isn’t an uncommon story.