Ojas Marrowed and Shaken not Stirred

Clean up your diet and increase your sleep quality.


That’s sorted long ago.

Negentropic jing->chi->shen and then Ojas could amplify it?


Definitely do


Get sunlight and vitamin A


Use 11th power before all internal alchemy fields :)


Too late now! But you can see how it went

What is the sunlight and vitamin A purpose for this?


Only had this for 3ish days and already noticed most of these benefits coming in. Skin most prominently and now my eyes catching up.
What I also noticed was a major sense of assurance within myself that is like a deeper and more subtle version of extreme self confidence.
I also got stares and attention from all eyes on the first day using this but less so on the 2nd and none on the 3rd.

Today (the 3rd) I felt like I might have used too much jing-chi-Shen and was actually drained by the 2 Ojas fields for the first time. After feeling it out what I really needed was a few loops of the internal crucible to stabilise and transmute my energy.
Since catching this I’ve changed my playlist to this and it’s got to be the best set up I’ve ever had for vitality and overall mental/ physical energy.

  • Quasi kinetic crystal
  • Black Martian Jing
  • Ojas marrowed
  • Ojas normal
  • Internal crucible

I agree with this post in general - but keep in mind every single picture there is photoshopped. All of them.

A picture can never, ever capture the real aura/energy of a person, nor the glow, nor the intensity/sparkle in his/her eye. Same with mirrors, which is why I always suggest not looking in the mirrors and judging yourself - some days you’ll feel on fire and feel like you look amazing and perceive yourself that way - but what if you notice something the next day that bothers you, a pimple, puffy cheeks, tired eyes. It’ll sit in your subconcious and leech on you.

Mirrors do more bad than good in general and can never reflect your aura or glow. Only others can see it and feel it around and on you.

Same with people who are obsessed with physical fields and look in the mirror every day and wonder why they never get results. Duh. Because you keep reminding your subconscious about your looks, it takes a long ass time to erase the long ingrained self image you have in your subcoscious and perceive yourself as something else, something better. Don’t ruin it by day after day reminding your subconscious of your old, shitty self image.


This is true on a pure superficial picture level.
However, a picture also acts a psychic/radionic link to the respective person and your Subconscious Mind downloads a concept about that person when you look at them.
If you are psychic or very good at conceptual realizations (aka bringing those downloaded concepts up into your waking consciousness), then you can get a very good scan or feeling about the person on that picture.
All people are energy-reading each other all the time, including through pictures, videos and even just by thinking about them (!) – in most cases unknowingly and subconsciously of course.

I think the physical mirror simply enhances the picture and belief of yourself and your looks that you already have deep down in your Subconscious Mind.
Someone who deeply believes that they look awesome, will be reminded that they look awesome.
Someone who deeply believes that they look poor, will be reminded about that and have that belief confirmed.
The outer reality is always a mirror and reflection of your deep innner belief framework.
Adding another layer of mirror (physical mirror) is already part of the outer reality that is already reflecting your inner world.


I agree - but I find it hard to believe you can sense the same tension and energy through looking at someones eyes in a picture versus looking someone in the eyes in real life - that is true energy. But I do agree with the point, because that is obviously how mandalas/tags work. I just feel it’s hard to sense the real energy of a person in a picture compared to that of standing near him or her in real life.

And I also agree with the mirror, but I still stand firm with that I don’t believe you’ll ever be able to see yourself, your glow, or your own energy the same way other people see it, by looking at a mirror.

And it requires you to feel that you are perfect looking in every way - which of course is possible with a lot of self love (which you are an expert at so I don’t doubt that you feel that way). However I do feel that the vast majority of people will do more harm than good by constantly checking themselves in the mirror, that alone indicates insecurity.

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As explained it is almost never about what you consciously believe, what you consciously perceive or what you consciously are able to do or think that you can.

Your Subconscious Mind downloads all that information either way and all the time, 24/7.

The only challenge is bringing that information up from the Subconscious Mind and translating it a “language” that the waking consciousness can understand and grasp (that’s what the Conceptual Realizations field and the Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT do for example).

That same people should also stay away from Instagram and TikiTok, because everytime they see someone better looking, it is reinforcing their own deep belief of insufficiency. Social media feeds are ENHANCERS of your existing deep core beliefs. They can make you feel like even more like a winner or even more like a loser.


That is pretty much exactly what I wrote yes, regarding the subconscious mind - that’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with positive people and just disconnect from all the clutter and shit, including TikTok and Instagram

Even you should stay away from those places, everyone should stay away from it - it does not matter how much you love yourself, it serves no purpose for you to hang around in motivational hijacking-places such as tiktok, instagram etc (unless you do something professional that requires you to upload stuff at instagram)

Even if they make you feel more like a winner - you base that feeling on external sources and validation which makes you a loser in the end, still, unfortunately.


SM friends, because of all your amazing testimonials, contributions to this thread, I bought this just now. Thank you all. :100:

My question is, how long does it usually take to receive the other email (for download link) aside first email that had been sent right away after you purchased from Teespring?

Because I bought some items from Gumroad, and they were instant download.

Thank you in advance! :pray:

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If you haven’t gotten it within 1 day I would send them an email.



Okay I will email if ever. Thank you!


Finally I got It :partying_face:

I love the guitar instrumental, sounds an impromtu jamming as me and my former band used to do. Wel I am still capable of playing impromptu, my forte actually :sunglasses:

Thank you that it is the year of the rabbit as I am tiger, one luckiest year signs of this year! :partying_face:


Oh God, this feels good… Listening at this moment. I feel a jitter like energy flowing into me, feeling it in my teeth too. :tooth: :tooth: :tooth:

The essence of youth :baby: :baby_bottle: is finally within my hands :raised_hands:

I feel like I wanted to lift weights due to the surge of energy I am feeling right now. This feels more like in physical effect department not just circulation within the energetic field of my body.

Bravo to the Captain! and thank you!


I guess I am that excited.

Okay, after my initial passive listening for like 7 loops and now just about 5 hours have passed already, the energy remains. I feel more alive, I feel good physically, mentally. I still feel energized, or rather revitalized as that is the right description of what it is.

I still feel I wanted to lift weights but for the time being i will just cherish it.

Since I was really feeling awesome at this moment, I looked myself in the mirror, and ohhhh! My face! looks revitalized :100: Not haggard looking, no stress looking face!

I will use this everyday and see my progress after a month.

I am really feeling good.



Can I replace the “Ojas Refined and Defined” with this? I see in comments, some users listen both, but I don’t want big stack


They’re different. Ojas refined is for the whole body, and this targets the marrow


For me personally, Ojas Marrowed feels more like a more physical version of Jing, while Ojas Refined feels more like a more refined version of Shen. Hence, I still use both.