Ojas Refined and Defined

Thank you. If it is dependent on body’s fluids, why is it stated in one of the replies that nofap is not necessary for this field to work while fapping does just the opposite?

I don’t recall that this field is “dependent on body’s fluids.” I think that’s something that you’re adding into this conversation.

Because this field helps you to enhance and accelerate your production of Ojas to offset your fapping. (Mind you, if you’re fapping like a crazed weasel, even this field might not be sufficient. If that’s the case you might be better served by fields to address that issue first.)


Ive been using this one miracle of a audio since like 3 days and i realized that it makes you soo hungry! like i know it turns three dimensional materials into higher energy which is ojas but it truly is amazing how this works! I just ate dinner today and i listened to the ojas audio maybe like 3 times and damm im hungry asf!

I wanna ask you guys, what are the miraculous experiences you had with this audio?

ahhh im excited! My upmost gratitude to dream seeds and sapien med! Truly a higher conscious beings!


That’s actually a really cool discovery


Ive been using this one miracle of a audio since like 3 days and i realized that it makes you soo hungry! like i know it turns three dimensional materials into higher energy which is ojas but it truly is amazing how this works! I just ate dinner today and i listened to the ojas audio maybe like 3 times and damm im hungry asf!

I wanna ask you guys, what are the miraculous experiences you had with this audio?

ahhh im excited! My upmost gratitude to dream seeds and sapien med! Truly a higher conscious beings!


This audio really transforms the mindset, I have the Ojas paid version as well but this really goes above and beyond in terms of mindset while the ojas paid version goes beyond healing.
This also makes my skin,aura,self,mind vibrant and clear.


By paid version you just mean the marrow edition?


haha! If so you probably need the golden elixir too, for me it helps to create strong energetic boundaries, self containment and satisfaction of just being

@anon46361632 :relaxed:


Was your reply to me? Or to the OP?

ah yes the OP for jindan. I was loling at your comment :relaxed:


That’s cool. I guessed that (and I’m glad you appreciated my wacky humor! :bowing_man: ).

I was asking because the system notified me of your reply (probably because you replied to my post–the quote function, although helpful, does that misdirection–rather than the Reply to Thread button ). You might want to edit your post to @ the OP so that the software notifies them of your helpful suggestion.

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Hmmm, interesting. I have three children already and do NOT want more, and given that I’ll be 40 soon my body thanks me for that. Given all that, I really could use my kenstral energy for other stuff at this point, whilst it’s still active in me. I will definitely be giving this a shot later when I’m out of range of the children. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Edit: kenstral? Menstral. :grin:


I may try this suggestion of Negrontropic Jing, first before this feld, which I bought a couple of weeks ago

currently am down to 4 again

soul restoration dan tien
soul resotration heart
Nego Jing
Ojass Marrowed

but I did O recently after 21 months, and I felt bad, but it was something of an accident and certainly not intended, though I have not felt, too bad, at all, though the first 4 days, I was a bit tanked

I also take he sho wu daily

I discovered the life force field today on sapiens channel

holy god, that is powerful


Does this speed up the digestion process i.e the creation of seven bodily tissues?


Not sure if this is appropriate but when I listen to this I have sensations in my genitals like I’m having an orgasm but it’s internal. :thinking:


Welcome to the forum!

That was a polite and clear description.

Your experience would be in line with what this field does. (If you haven’t already, please do read the rest of the thread above so you’ll see what I’m meaning.) Your sensation might just be your personal way of interpreting the additional or awakened energies that this field is providing to you.


Damn Sammy, drop some wisdom for us man.
How have I only seen this comment now. I tried telling my brother the same thing. But, what good.
He does not care. Spends all time trying the get the attention of others.


For the first time I am feeling this audio. I actually felt something in my heart. A tiny vibration that’s it.




Just a little biohack for anybody who is feeling stuck, stagnant or trapped in life, literally or metaphorically.

Find yourself a field where the energy feels freeing or expansive. It’ll be different for everyone but Ojas is certainly an incredible place to start.

Don’t worry so much about what the field does on the surface. Focus on how it makes you FEEL.

In psychology, there’s a little trick where if you hold a smile on your face for a few minutes… you can’t think negative thoughts, as hard as you may try.

Action steps:

  1. So find your expansive energy and really bathe in it.
  2. After a few minutes, try to gently think of your stagnant situation.

The intensity will probably cut in half, if not completely dissipate. The time spent bathing will be different for everybody. The Stranglehold of suck will eventually just pass on by like a cloud in the sky.

Then just shift that expansive energy focus on the stuff you do want.

Bing. Bang. Boom.

Similar the nlp swoosh technique but with a deeper rooted cleaning.

Have fun out there.