Ojas Refined and Defined

So when you do the deep cleaning with this and prepare for the day to come while your body and mind are asleep, do you just listen to this or insert others as well?

After the ngtopic three treasure this one audio should be ta nuclear bomb

Aight, let me give a quick honest review about this one.

This is outstanding and most likely underrated. So, Ojas. I remembered when I first started my celibacy path, I was mainly focused on me and my studies. Abstinence came as a natural event.
After a while, you start to acquire a certain glow to it. Even better your body becomes fit, light, and you become in sync with it.
This normally is a process that takes a FEW MONTHS.

I’m sure anyone who has done it with other spiritual practices can confirm this. Such as @_OM, @Maoshan_Wanderer just no name a few…

Now what if I were to tell you that you can experience the same after a few days on it?
You’d think I was crazy, of course.

This is a real life cheat code. When I hear this audio, my body gets replenished. And the feeling is the same as I was meditating for hours, flowing, and highly focused, pure of sexual thoughts for months.
First of, you will get most likely hungrier. But on the other hand, you get better control at what you eat! Nonetheless, your capacity to process the food is amazing! After a few hours it is done.

Don’t even know how to address how good this is! Lol

Then, another aspect of it is the healthiness of your skin, your mojo, your glow…
Well, I could write for days… But, I’ll keep it simple : You get in days/weeks with some people try to accomplish in months/years of preparation. Your body and mind will level up.

If you also put in the work, I can’t imagine where this will get you.

I will report back in a couple of months too.

I can’t believe this is on Patreon also. It is one of those I would expect to be paying for (and highly for that manner). Dream for sure wants higher folks around here.

Maybe he is getting tired of the YouTube comments… Ahah


Just this one, usually when i loop an audio at night its just that one whichever is


Ok this may not be the most constructive review, though I don’t think there has been a warning about overusing this one. If there is, i’ll delete.

Ojas is the only field I like the “high” of after looping for an extended period of time. Sorry for the comparison really but it feels like mdma, but better in a way.
I had it quietly playing in my room while working today for an extended period of time (I’d say maybe 3-4 hours). I was getting quite antsy, like couldn’T really sit tight and had a lot of energy, but then it only really hit me when i finally went outside from in front of the screen.
It was amazing, I was not listening anymore - I left to the shop at just the right time to bump into someone which turned out to be important (I literally never bump into anyone). I had a smile on my face, I felt like I was radiating happiness. Think of the “high” of being extremely happy, I’d compare it to falling in love as well. Like everything is amazing and you just want to smile and dance.
There was nothing special about me, completely plain clothes, no make up, hair in a bun, and literally everyone was staring at me - not uncomfortably long though, but everyone noticed me for sure. The guy passing me by, the middle aged women on the street, people from cars, everyone.

Edit: As I wrote below, I wouldn’t recommend it - for hours after I felt off somehow, not like the “ungroundedness” i experienced before, but it was something similar.
I started looping grounding + ESS servitor and taking off the tags about 4 hours after I had stopped Ojas.
I felt something like expansion, a lot of energy, but “fine” and buzzing energy, not comparable to the strength of e.g. Kundalini (which I know from way before SM). Sensation was shifting to the astral as well which personally I don’t like, but just as I was giving focus to it, someone called me on the phone so that was helpful.
I realized I would not be able to sleep so I ate the most “junk-ish” food i had, which was a can of tuna in itself lol, and did something targeted to balancing excess energy in the heart area, which I felt expanding the most (through a breathing technique and pressure)… then finally i suddenly got super tired and was able to sleep.


Because she is cool :sunglasses:


Lol i have never ever felt that and i loop that video day or night, day at least 5 to 10 times every day sometimes more and night ive done it maybe 3 times (nights) but I practice several other stuff outside audios that can bring me back to balance. And several servitors or dragons around.

The only symptom i get when im overwhelmed by looping its a sharp headache very few times or audios ive experienced that (quasi crystal, crystallization from the course and platelet plasma) but i didnt have much food in my system and or hadnt slept enough hours the nights before. when I remembered or realized that, i ate, drank water, took a nap and wore the Schumann tag. and good to go again.


Consider this the official warning.

@everyone don’t overuse this one. Or others like it.

Fields that give abilities like this throughout history have always been attained by people who put in decades of consistent hard work, persistence , and discipline with a devotion to a “higher purpose” under tutelage of someone else who had done the same, etc…

To no one in particular, these fields aren’t for “getting high” (soon to be written topic that’s going to upset a few)

And lastly, misusing the fields makes it less likely that other fields get released to the public…read between the lines and count to 10 before getting insta triggered to what I’ve written…


Okay, I’ve deleted it.

Just to note, I also lost track of time as it was playing very quietly ( I was otherwise in a call during about half of it, so didn’t really hear it), so the primary aim was not to “get high”.


Please restore what you wrote.
It’s about learning for others…not punishing what you did with out knowing.


Aaaah :joy::joy:
I didn’t take it as “punishment” but just wanted to avoid giving people the idea in this case. All restored. :)


Oh fk i almost loop bc i love mdma XD


Yeah I wouldn’t recommend honestly, I’ll write an edit tomorrow when it’s over, I still feel different although I stopped playing it about 5 hours ago.

Also drugs are not good for you, I havent touched them in years :upside_down_face:


i’d like to agree with OM in this!

balance is better than excess in this case (my belief). consistency is better than pushing my energetic limits (my belief).


I think it increases your internal energy. Liike giving you more stronger and positive aura.
For example: A monk like positive aura


I’m not kidding about the honey comments. Honey is a very pure and clean source of energy and nutrients and is easily transformed to ojas.


Lol I don’t know if it’s healthy or not (honestly don’t care lol) but nowadays thanks to this field I am sleeping only 4 hours and feeling whole day still refreshed and energetic, no need for long sleeping anymore lol

This field is really miracle


Yeah, I feel like less is more with these types of fields. Playing it a few times and consistently using it over a period of time would probably bring better and healthier results.


Yes, it is truly a treasure Dreamy is releasing such fields to everyone. :pray:

Let’s not misuse these fields, @everyone.


Man, that looks good

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