Ojas Refined and Defined

So like, @Maoshan_Wanderer told me to check out this field when it’d first came out. He didn’t hype it up or anything, but he did say something along the lines of us being blessed that Dream had made this one for free. I’d tried it but only for one or two loops, and it had felt nice. Several different people had asked me what I had thought of it or whatever, but I never really cared about it too much. But then one day, my bro, @anon31415926 convinced me to use it, saying it was detrimental for spirituality and on his top 5 list. So that day, I had my dragon manipulate the energy to 3 times stronger, and engorge me for like 3 or 4 hours. Lol. That’s when I knew I was in love. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I felt like I popped some Mollies, or sniffed some Meth or something. Haha, but minus the comedown. And minus the extreme animalistic horniness. It also made me feel extremely grateful, euphoric, positive, and really playful. And my consciousness expansion was through the roof. And then realized, I had been understimating this field. Since then, I always get my dragon to give me some loops of this every morning, for about 2-3 hours. Now I know what @Maoshan_Wanderer meant, this field is a HUGE blessing fosho. Thanks Dream.


Also, to be clear, when I’d started this field initially, I had not read anyone’s post here. I hadn’t been following the forum threads for some months prior, dealing with my own personal problems. And the reason why I’d intially used it, was said in the post above. I had no clue it could make me feel as if I was “high.” Nonetheless, that is what I’d felt, and so I had posted it. Can’t hide or lie about what I’d felt. I am only adding this because I had scrolled up a couple of posts, and seen people were using it to get high? I continue to use it because I love the feeling of being extremely grateful, blissful, playful, having an expanded consciousness and etc. It was how I was when I’d barely done touched down from prison last year. I don’t judge those that get high, but I am through with drugs, my personal choice.


I think some might have got confused with my reply some days ago about what id felt after looping this at night.

When i said i woke up feeling super grounded i didnt mean like energetically grounded, because i said i was just feeling so sure of my thoughts, decisions, etc i think i should have said more like confident and empowered. Because i also said…” i felt light like flying through the day doing my things like carefree without worries” so i guess thats the high feeling but its not ever like a drug high more like ascension kind of high. Your consciousness is not trap here in the 3D kinda feeling.

Also i want to clarify that i dont just go spamming an audio without taking into consideration what could happen. In fact im usually one here that is always scolding others and annoyed when i read “i oVeR diD sO AnD So”, also my capacity to take on hard stuff might be higher than others, but still i ALWAYS test an audio one time and then build from there, i think you guys know by now that i love mixing and doing different testing to discover new paths to grow, but if you remember my stacks when testing are always super mild 1 or 2 times each :woman_shrugging:t2:

Please keep that in mind when you read my reviews, as others have said i too dont want you guys going crazy with the new stuff or without reading and asking first. its better and easier to build than to reverse. :raised_hands:t3:


Even if we loop , can ojas be made by body overnight? i hope not , so i would say we can do 1-2 times a day and let the process flow

Do you have a passion for Writing Essays?





I do hope Luna does. As Luna seems a lovely person, just sharing her whole experiences with the rest of us also.

I also need to thank @_OM around.
Because his testimonial backs mine and adds a perspective that I sometimes forget, which is: we are inevitably at different “spiritual” experiences.
When I mention “Celibacy” or Qi Gong, or energy practices, I forget that many are not attuned, nor have done them or gone through most…

So I will give an update to my earlier update also:

I use this field once or twice a day (depends).
You know the old saying about “too much of a good thing”?

The reason for that being is that OJAS replenish your entire body, your energy. It is like a nonphysical energy that charges you. If your body is not used to it, it will be overwhelming.
This energy is also demanding and needs to be moved around, so a certain experience is needed to know what to do with it.

A simple metaphor:

You know Ayahuasca? The usual people that go through extraordinary experiences, usually travel long distances to meet a CERTAIN SHAMAN for a CERTAIN DOSAGE, throughout a CERTAIN RITUAL/PRACTICE. You don’t just go around and do drug as you’d please because there is a huge possible side effect. Instead of awakening, you can actually repress life altogether. Think about killing yourself, see monsters and entities…etc… You want none of that, do you?
So, you go with someone’s experience to do so.

Don’t play around with powerful conceptual energy fields.
This one and the The Internal Alchemical Crucible are great tools. To be used responsibly and not looped or whatever.

If you want to overwhelm your system, face severe detoxes and what not just to feel tingles and high, these are not for you. You’ll face a huge energetic toll later on.
If you want to just be “happy”, eat chocolate, overdose yourself on a little dopamine and what not.

And even so, you know dopamine is great… But you hardly overuse it, right? Why so…Why? Because you also know of the huge crashes afterwards.

Your body inevitably (“re”)balances itself, usually into seemingly worse shapes.

Careful, if you place too much on you it will crash, and energetic repairs take too long to do.
One of the reasons I had to go through a meditative/celibacy journey a few years ago…

Don’t place too much on your energetic body, our be prepared to pick up the pieces of it.

My 2 cents.


Also dates apparently, I’ve seen an “Ojas drink” recipe on some of the Ayurvedic sites I’ve been browsing, it was fresh almond milk + dates + honey and I think maybe cinnamon.
Also Sadhguru mentioned in several interviews that in his yoga center the day starts with a small ball of neem and a small ball of turmeric on an empty stomach and the reason for that is ojas.


What is the maximum number of times that we can loop ojas without entering the misusing territory?


Depends on the person. I played it once today and had a nice lift just from that. I’d say that typically 3-4 listens would be the high end of what’s really needed for the desired effect.


Yepp, certainly.
I didn’t want to write a whole novel about all my impressions, but this was definitely one.
In fact there is still a lot of ojas and I feel it flowing.
I only listened to some of my morning playlist today, ex ojas (e.g. pos/neg planetary, not “heavy” fields) and stopped 2 min into plasma as it did not feel right. I’m taking a break for the rest of the day ex. cognitive tag and schuman resonance.

I agree with the rest of the post as well.
I don’t have as much experience as some of you guys, maybe about 10 years prior SM with some breaks during, and I am completely unsure whether I should do my usual practice (very similar type of exercises like the star exercise) because this is not the type of feeling/energy I am used to and I do not know how the two mix. I think all I am going to do today is some easy yoga and meditation.


I listened just half a time yesterday. And its crazy how different I feel today . First of all I slept like a rock , super deep sleep,which is normally not the case for me . that’s awesome. I felt so relaxed and refreshed. My mood also increased a lot . Yesterday I felt pretty anhedonic. Probably from a nootropic field that I tried over the weekend ,but today mich better mood.
I also felt like I had a lot better connection with all the people I was dealing with . It was easy and natural and (almost) everybody was on my side.
I just felt like I got more attention and felt more attractive, I literally could feel a pull to some people ,like they were drawn to me . But I also looked a lot better , like my face so shiny ,the eyes glowing, my hair soft . I also look like I got a tan .
Now the downsides . I got a very stubborn foot fungus that got worse . When I started listening when it came out I also noticed it got worse ,but didnt make a connection to the field . Now I took 1 or 2 weeks brake and after listening yesterday it got worse again .
The other thing is I gained weight:/ from yesterday morning to today morning I gained 700g ,which is like a pound and a half. And to my depsaitlr I have to say when I look at my belly it also looks like I gained a little . So its not like I gained just muscle or whatever . I was just starting to loose weight so that’s a bummer . But maybe it’s a coincidence , I’ll keep observing.

Overall great field . I hope I can balance those side effects (maybe trejas will help?) .
Great combo with the blarney stone.


Indeed, I have finally got a chance to go outside and People look at me like i am from another planet.


I am just jealous she writes really well.


2 to 3 I think


We have great writers indeed :pray:


Have you tried listening to the fungus field for your foot? And other medications? I think I had this when I was a kid/teenager BC of the swimming lessons and also sometimes in student dorms (shared bathrooms lol). Extremely efficient home remedy is a foot bath with water + vinegar for like 15 mins every other day it will go away very quickly.

And don’t worry too much about the weight, this can easily be linked to water retention… If you weigh yourself daily, then write it down each day and look at weekly averages and compare that.
I can easily gain 1 kg temporarily by eating stir fry made of veggies and fake meat quorn, the sodium content is crazy both in soy sauce and the fake meat…


Yeah I tried the fungus audio . I dont need to use it any more since I have it under control with caprylic acid normally.

I actually have a scale that shows water weight and fat so I know. I knew people were gonna say its muscle or water :D but I’ll continue for a day or 2 then I’ll see since before there was a steady trend downwards and if it’ll be upwards then I am quite sure it’s this.


Some other things I had forgot to add about this field. I was reminded this morning that it gives my skin a light golden hue(I am naturally a light tan). Similar to when I used to roll. Other reasons why this is my all-time favorite field, is because @Maoshan_Wanderer told me Ojas strengthens your whole energy body, and makes it robust. He said also that, it’s impossible to pin-point and say Ojas does this, and does that, as it does too many things to be all labeled here. So it helps with healing too, and I am still working on healing my melanoma. I also noticed it helps me be more resilient with things. I mean, I am already so, but it heightens it to the max, because like I said, it expands your overall consciousness. This field could easily be all kinds of different fields in one. (Become whole, Confidence, Hope and happiness, Social Mastery, Shen, Norepinephrine, Oxytocin, etc. in one) And when I say it makes me grateful, it makes me feel like how I did last year. Even the most minute things make me teary-eyed. Makes me realize just how blessed I am.

I have been recently noticing drawbacks after maybe almost 2 weeks, dumbing it down to just 2 sometimes 3 hours a day. I guess the Ojas has been building up or whatever, and it’s heightening my libido. Which is something I don’t need right now on this lockdown. Lol. So @Maoshan_Wanderer told me to add the Microcosmic Orbit to see if I notice a difference. Might just dumb it down to one hour. This field is absolutely amazing. Also, to people that are using any fields, do what works for you. I never go by other people’s posts, as I know my own body. So what might work for one man/woman may not work for the next. That goes for more or less. Know your body. Don’t jump head first.

Edit: I forgot to mention, that I had quit telling my dragon to manipulate the energies. It’s already refined and defined, so I’d realize that was just the OCD part of me doing that. (Was why it was making me feel ‘high.’ Lol. Also, one more drawback is if I’d used it too late, I’d have a hard time going to sleep. Other than that, :+1: :+1:


Thank you for this testimonial!
Did you use old or new Microcosmic Orbit and for how many times?

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