Ojas Refined and Defined

No problem bro! Ummm, this will be my first day. I’d literally asked him like 30 minutes ago. :sweat_smile:


Haha, thanks! I guess I will add it to my list and try it myself!

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No worries bro! Haha, I take it you are having the same problem huh? :sweat_smile:


Yeah man! :rofl: :joy:

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None of those scales really work, you can easily manipulate it… if you step on it, drink 1.5l water quickly (ok as quickly as possible without getting sick :D) and step on it again, it won’t be consistent.



Your thought has infinitely more value than 2 cents … :+1: :wink:


If anyone is still going to abuse this audio or something powerful like it

I hope you don’t since you’ve read mine and monkeyowl’s post.

But if you still ignore the warning and loop this and feel the effects we felt

Then use “Energy body/Aura deep clearing cleaning”

Works faster and better than grounding audios.


Actually they do work, it says in the manual not to weigh yourself when you come out of the shower, wear socks and so on …
So if people dont read the manual ,their loss :man_shrugging:



I meant spiritual cents :slight_smile:
Just two. One black. One White.



Hey. A bit of advice. If you’re having any types of fungal symptoms, even sporadically, keep running that field. It’s still in your system 24/7 and affecting you 24/7 in some way whether you’re having a flare up or not. Gotta keep it working until it’s completely gone … like really really gone.

Mentioned this to monkey owl as well regarding some skin stuff. She’ll come around too. Might be a karmic thing that has to be played out for a little longer though :wink:

But seriously, this advice is coming from the bottom of my heart. I’d rather someone avoid years of struggle and hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars looking for answers. The parasite destroyer field is also excellent, btw. See what works for you.


Thanks !I tried it but I get horrible detox symptoms . I do feel better for a while after that but when I stop listening everything returns. So I’m going with caprylic acid in the hope that i can detox this stuff, while beeing still able to have a life lol

Detox is GOOD. If it’s too much, just take it slower so that the symptoms are manageable. The problem with caprylic acid is that the fungus in your body will mutate over time to become resistant to it, which brings you back to square one, or worse. The fungus destroyer field uses a different method of killing the fungus; a method that seems to stay effective over the long haul.

I wish you luck either way. You can PM me anytime if you have any questions :beers:


You may want to check also m-state silver and see if that works better for your fungus problem. Perhaps with the heavy detox, you can try to reduce the amount you listen to the audio, even just half the length of the audio if you find it gentler.


I’ve tried all that. But don’t want to derail this thread even more. thanks for your suggestions.

Back to topic.
Somebody know if dream will release a tejas audio?


He may or he may not. We’ll have to wait and see.


Didn’t read the warning about not looping until now, but I’ll share my experience with doing so:

I had a wild ride in my 20’s and I’ve had a few friends pass away from living a very similar lifestyle before I settled down and decided to take responsibility for my actions. To cut it short; what I did probably wrecked my dopamine, my soul, and a lot of other things. I won’t disclose what it is but you’ll pick it up.

I’ve been sober for about 7 months now, and while that is a massive improvement, this Ojas field along with Negentropic Jing & Shen truly restores a lot of what I lost in my youth. A lust for life, a warm inviting aura, appreciation for the small things. I understand that there’s a lot of concern for looping this, especially for people to get high, but I admit to doing so because it truly does feel like a cleansing elixir.

I think for a lot of people who are in recovery, this would be an exceptional and powerful field for physical and personal growth.


Tbh I have a feeling you and I may have lived a similar lifestyle by going from you wrote about your dopamine and soul etc, congratulations on 7 months… I’ve been clean for a couple of years now and trying to undo all the damage from that lifestyle! Well done for making it this far friend! Dreams stuffis helping us fast track the healing we need


Thanks man! Glad to meet a fellow recoverer

There’s nothing like Dream’s work in terms helping you clean up your own mess. Recovery isn’t easy, and I’ve been abandoned by those I loved because of the mental issues that were exacerbated by that lifestyle. When I had to go find help, perhaps the divine powers that be led me here and now I’m doing amazingly, more mindful than ever.

There’s always physical detox, but spiritual detox; especially internal alchemy is heavenly. I’ve seen posts where some mention that doing certain things (besides the obvious) raises your Shen at the expense of your Jing, so it’s likely that it either drained or disrupted my Ojas as well.


Thanks so much for recommending this movie and also @_OM. I watched the original, almost 2.5 hour B&W movie on YT and loved it. Really interesting/relevant storyline, superb acting, and the ending was just wow❤️ Highly recommended.

Loving the Ojas field too :+1: