Ojas Refined and Defined

Dear all…

Does this field can resolve my issue ordo I need to purchase any specific audio from gumroad.

i would greatly seek good advise and true help from members here.

i am addicted to mastrabation since i am 17…yrs. i am 47 now and 30 yrs i hv been into mastrabation daily. i will mastrabate in front of my laptop daily. I would seek help from anyone here to guide me on the audio i shd listen. Every day its like something wants me to mastrabate to release the semen and once i release i feel nice.

my sexual desires are very high l and most time thinking abt releasing . Every morning I have to mastrabate. I feel like something wants me to cum out.

please help me as from bottom of my heart i need a guidance n change.

I am feeling very down…

mystic guy


Ojas is the right choice, but if you can also buy Soul Core Restoration, so any illicit attachment, like the porn one, will be severed, along with any other and conserve your energy.


Along with Ojas, the Internal Alchemy Crucible and Transmutation and Microcosmic Orbit can help


There is a ton of advice here on the forum on how to overcome this. Please use the search function.

In your situation the audios Exorcism 2.0, Etheric Cord Cutter, Soul Core Restoration, Taffeite, Overcome any Addiction, Ojas and Transmure Lower Basal Energies are an absolute daily must!
Also get the “NoPMO” and Sacred Sexuality" subliminals from Soverein Subliminals (free versions are on YouTube but you should get the full ones).


@Dreamweaver Does this convert sperm cells to ojas ,any chance this field can reduce spermcells,thank you

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I accidentally looped this overnight… Not sure how it happened :man_shrugging:t2: but I woke up with a massive headache


sperm cells can be converted?

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In natural process, sperm is converted to ojas


Lol i think im the only one that looped it and woke up feeling more grounded and fresh than ever :joy:

I havent done it again tho.

And i think its because i do lots of things during the day that are grounding.


I had no intention of looping it. No idea how I ended up playing it on loop?! Haha I will be making sure I don’t end up doing that again!


Lmao Ojas Hangover


Sammy Bro said Ojas field creates attraction. But actually it’s doing the opposite in my observation. I have tested it many times in many occasions. I do attraction spells on myself too. But Whenever I hear Ojas field even on spell days women are not feeling attracted. I can see women are not actually finding the aura attractive enough from this ojas field. anyone else noticed similar experience of NIL attraction than usual from women after hearing OJAS field ?


Can you explain your expectation and experience a bit more in detail?


Women tend to be care-free & carrying attitude of negligence (Nil attraction signs) towards my presence after hearing the OJAS field. Internally I feel confident, strong, calm. But outside world is not reflecting any sort in special way to me.

Internally this Ojas Field is like a GOLD. This totally restores my sexual energy , nerves, strenght, Mind, Vitality in even just within few minutes after ejaculation


How long have you been doing it?

From my personal experience, sometimes internally a state needs to completely solidify from the friction of change before the external perception of you is fixed to that state


I have been hearing this twice a day for past 3 days

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I agree with this perceptive insight.


Twice a day for the past three days isn’t really enough to make dramatic impact within to reflect on the outside world like you expect. I mentioned in another thread that ojas and charisma and glamour creative a nice attractive effect.

Now, Ojas transforms your energy from within. And that alchemical process takes time. Androstenol isn’t working on transforming you and making permanent changes in you.

And is that what you are expecting and measuring results by? Women noticing you when you go out or people looking at you? To be quite frank, that’s not a great indicator to go by.

People sometimes are too busy or focused on other things to notice or look at you. You aren’t on their radar.

And what’s the point of having strangers notice you more if you aren’t going to talk to them? Well in this case, women. They are more than likely not going to come up to you and try to get your number if that’s what you are hoping for.

So are you going to try? Are you going to put your more attractive energy to use? Usually it takes talking to someone or giving them nice eye contact for them to feel something towards you.

Me and dream spoke about this the other day and we think that for some of the men that love androstenol, it’s the attention they like more than anything. To feel noticed. I understand the sentiment behind that as some of us are never noticed and feel invisible. I sympathize with that.

To become noticed makes us feel special in a way. But do you actually feel you are special all the time or is it the high off of being noticed for your heightened male hormones? A high you got to depend off of to feel good about yourself. In this case, it’s not internalized and can be artificial to an extent. Just some food for thought.

I’m not asking or speaking about you specifically by the way my friend. Just speaking in general in regards to this topic.

(I know speaking of androstenol seems off topic but I’m also sort of responding to your post in the masculine energy thread at the same time)


So how does this reflect the previous comment "i have tested MANY times in MANY occasions " ? when you have only listened to it only a couple of times x 3 days? :thinking: