Ojas Refined and Defined

I woke up this morning feeling a bit discomfort like pre menstrual cramps and i was already late for work, when i feel that even before the cycle begins it means it could get strong rapidly and i didnt have time to play other fields i could in that case for the cramps so i continued listening to my morning stack and thought of stopping by a pharmacy on the way to work for some ibuprofen 600 lol (guys might not understand that but cramps pain can get reaaaaally awful and unbearable and very fast)

All of a sudden the pain was fully gone like if nothing at all were happening, nothing.
I checked what was being played and from when i was feeling the pain to when it was gone my play list had

Blue print x 1
Ojas x 2

Thats it i guess BoL got me aligned quickly restored normal functions and Ojas did the magic on that area.


Edit: its 5pm and still no pain or discomfort at all


Listened to this for the first time at 3 loops, felt what seems to be my crown chakra rotating around my head.


Should I use this instead of Transmutation and Microcosmic in my stack?

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Some people told me it replaces it. I prefer to still use transmutation in the end. For me, Ojas are essential, and microcosmic orbit is very useful and important



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Forgive me for being blunt but wanna have a definite answer on these:

  1. Does Ojas help stop masturbation or conversely it takes stop masturbation for Ojas to work?
  2. Can we use it the day we relapse or it is better to wait a few days?
  3. What is the best time to use it, before bedtime or in the morning? Or when one feels the urge to fap?

You can use it any time, independent of your sexual habits :sweat_smile:

There is added benefit of using it after “relapse”.


I am currently playing this 3 times and I feel so high :joy: I feel like saiyan full of energy


Is this an energising kind of field? I’m planning to start this. But it’s bedtime in an hour or so. I don’t wanna risk loosing sleep over this. I’ve read comments about it energising people.:sweat_smile:

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Why you are so funny with your pics, Imogen. I like it very much. :laughing:

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Lol :joy:

It energized your body. Mind and spirit. But I was listening to this while my stomach was so empty and I barely want to eat but after listening to it. Couple minutes after that I just want to eat. And I did. I made fries and fried egg and it’s 11 pm here :joy: and I’m just eating like it’s morning time. Also I think I will listen to ojas more often. Cause I just realized how amazing this is. Sometimes I forgot to listen to ojas because I’m too depressed. But this field help with lifting up your emotion. Which I should be more focus on this. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ojas. Repel negative energy. Automated grounding. Salt cleanse audio. And subconscious limit removal. And lastly gratitude audio will make you high for the whole day :joy: even when things seems so negative. You just feel unbothered


I find it to be an energizing field, but for me personally, not overly so. I do tend to play it more in the morning or early afternoon (times when I can most benefit for this field’s energy).

Because I’ve gotten my listens of this field done for the day, I’ve not had to worry about playing it later at night, so I haven’t had the opportunity to find out if it would interfere with my sleep. (So far, early afternoon has been no problem for me. Don’t forget that we’re each different with our own reactions to and interactions with these fields.)


This audio is so amazing! The energy I get from this and attract I seem to notice from others is unlike anything I’ve tried before.


What if I combine ojas one and this and ancient arts videos?

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Those are good combinations. I do it.

Does Ojas have pheromones effect? I smell very pleasant after using it for week. I smell like I’ve been in the forest.

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For the first time, listened to Amygdala, followed by Crucible and Ojas. Halfway through Ojas noticed that my lips were numb, lol. Crown is pulsing and I’m on a cloud . . .


So what would be an ultimate stack with ojas?

Do any of these fields already incorporate the ojas?

Plasma protocol
Cosmo volt.

Should I add ojas or anything else?

Considering that Maoshan wrote this quite recently, it still applies. You may browse this thread for further info about what is encompassed by the Ojas.

Ultimate, I don’t know but my night stack starts like:

Blueprint of Life (“reset”)
DNA Repair (to provide a “repaired” basis to the other fields that follow)
Plasma Protocol

I don’t use Torsion and Cosmo-Volt every day. But when I do, I place them like you did.