Ojas Refined and Defined

Ty very much!
I’m still getting used to the forum. I pretty much read every post in the ojas thread before I asked.my question.

I guess im just looking for the ultimate health and wellness stack with out playing redundant fields.

I will check out BOL. Thanks again!


You’re very welcome :)

I hope you enjoy more and more over time.

I’m fully with you on this! If you knew the number of times that I re-adjusted my stacks :)) Some fields always remain with me though. Even “old” ones that possibly have enhanced alternatives now. Like I said in a few other threads in the past, the fact that they slowly grew up over time makes me feel more comfortable while using them. Less “consuming”, more organic, you know. And also a bit of sentimentality (good memories with them) and faithfulness to old friendships, you know :)

As for the redundancy part: when I can’t figure it out after reading related info on the forum or elsewhere (or if the info leaves me doubtful), I just listen to myself. Inner kind of listening. Call it guts, higher self info, whatever… Sometimes coupled with guidance fields like Imaginarium Divine, Personal Supporter, LVG, etc. At the end of such listenings, I usually “know” which fields I should discard or keep. Usually, if not always. Because so many parameters to take into account. But mostly, even just the simple reactions of the physical body let you know anyway.

The same kind of listening also tells me “don’t use X or Y field that way, would be a mistake”. An aspect that I ignore sometimes :p but only sometimes.

I usually avoid saying stuff like “get this or that at all costs” but… that field was truly a must in my and many other users’ case. It wouldn’t be exaggerated to say that there was a life before it and now another life after it ;))

Either way, I hope you make the most satisfying choices for yourself :)


You are amazing, thank you for helping me on my journey :smiley:!


This is the most effective and one of the fast working field of sapien medicine.


After watching sadhguru’s video I guess Ojas is helpful after death too.


I’m not seeing sexuality as something dirty anymore, and I’ve noticed my fetishes dissolving. There’s also less guilt and shame when I explore my body.
Still got a way to go but this is a big progress :)


Would Marrowed and shaken not stirred replace this?

To me, the descriptions seem very different between the two. What bits of the description are you seeing that suggests to you the one could replace the other? (That could help us help you understand better.)


Better mindset towards sexually


I’ve read the description of Marrowed and Shaken Not Stirred again. It works on the bone marrow. The bone marrow is not usually connected to mindset.

Unless I’m missing something that you’d like to add in, I’d say, no, Marrowed and Shaken Not Stirred doesn’t replace this, for your goals.


Not only a beautiful field but this is still one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard


is this considered part of the max 4 fields per day
It’s kinda Physical but also now

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Soul restoration,the 3 treasure audio and if you want should get the sigh energy sexual implant fields ,that it clear up every golums,sucubus and incubus that are inside of you ,also blueprint of life help alot with that ,i been suffering from this addiction to ,and is the worst thing I feel you :disappointed:,i can handle it now ,but the those entity sucubus ,incubus and golums are everywhere


Anyone using this after eating?Or want to add the information ? . Its suposse to help you to integrate the energy from the foods.

Other thaan that its soooo goood… Makes everything better .


It help my digestion ,yesterday i pop like 3 times ,rather than 1 or 2 ,and i was listened to this field before sleep the other day before


Should the honey be consumed at any particular time of day?


/this field / Ojas make your spit like honey , you can swallow to check that!


hahaha Akira you ok?


It isn’t a lie