I jumped in because i’ve gone through their process myself. From my expierence, which i’ve already relayed, it is not practical for somebody who is very eager and highly motivated (which again, i said in my previous post) because you are constrained to set limit to the amount of kriyas, however their style and teachings may resonate with certain people. Yogananda’s writings are truly amazing, and “consciousness” is actually embedded in them, so the readers actually gain quite a lot. But for someone who has a lot of time and is very enthusiastic about spiritual practice may want something “more” and may to go for hours on end. That’s what I wanted others to know about before they jump in without any other information - I thought I was quite clear on that point? And objectively, don’t you think its a little crazy that a person has to ask their organization’s HQ to be “allowed” to do more kriyas?
And like you, I have multiple Gurus so I have a certain perspective so I also spoke about my personal expierence to help. Maybe they’ll look hard for a true Guru and their spiritual path will be hastened, maybe even life changing for them, that was my intention at least. Or maybe they won’t. Maybe they’ll be turned off by what I wrote. Or maybe they’ll just buy go on amazon and buy the first “Kriya Secrets Revealed!” book and try it and fail miserably. I’m simply putting forth what I know from real experience, despite its subjectivity, it might provide valuable information for somebody. Whether you think that’s practical or not is for you to decide, and whatever your ego’s interpretation of what i’ve written is somehow “false” and “misleading” is on you. I’ve only sincerely relayed what happened to me before, and what has happened after.