Old thread, mods please close it. Thank you

Tomorrow they will amputate her left leg…
All the effort was in vain, neither surgeries, medication, fields nor prayer could save her leg. :pensive:

For me it was and is mostly a success, using fields I got better eyesight, better teeth, diminished breathing issues/asthma, no medication needed for allergies, hemorrhoids no longer a problem, etc., yet for my mom, nothing could save her leg…

A doctor told me recently that she had no circulation there, that’s why nothing could be done, plus if they dont remove her leg, the gangrene will spread and she will have to fight infections too, she will definitely die without this surgery.

Perhaps if I discovered Sapien Medicine faster…
Perhaps if she would have listened to fewer fields, but more often, idk at this point…
And of only she would have also done autosdugestions and yoga daily, also if she would have tried to walk and not choose to stay in bed all day…
But she was weak, in the last few months she could not eat.

You guys helped her, you tried to save/help her, either through distant healing, prayers, servitors… and I thank you all.

I will no longer update about her situation and I hope that she will have/get the strength to fight and to live.

Take care everyone and thank you for everything.


You take care of yourself as well, my friend. :heart:


Thank you. :pray:
All The Best to You and Everyone. :yellow_heart:


Back in 2019 when my mom was dying of cancer I tried many SM fields but she died anyway.

Later on I discovered that there are different layers that one has to deal with before getting optimal results from fields, like PONR.

Now I was able to share PONR field with my brother who’s mentally ill and he’s moving foward in life since then, he dropped medication, he dropped psychiatric assistment and he’s going out a lot and developing new friendships. Something that wasn’t possible before PONR with regular fields.


excuse me, could you please explain to me what is the PONR field? :thinking:

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Point Of No Return, there’s a free stack and a paid field.

I’m Gonna add some links here:
