Opnions on hanging out with "Low vibrational people"


Now, I am much more aligned with my Higher Self’s plan in this incarnation. That’s for sure. It happens in degrees. The Soul Continuum has been a HUGE factor.


Isn’t the real you, that part of consciousness, also a fragment of your Higher Self?

And with that, doesn’t it also has a say-right in what is happening?

I believe it does.
And that is exactly where the power of your Free Will is.

In the end, being Barry is just a role.
Another tool you have chosen for this adventure.
So that you can learn the intended lessons through the “lenses of Barry”.
It is not like you are being stuck with being Barry forever or until some game mechanics decide that you are now allowed to play someone else.
You are free to choose anew at any point in time.
You give yourself the permission!
Not the game mechanics.

This is because you are part of your Higher Self and you have co-planned everything.

By you using this field, all your parallel incarnations have also used it.
Which means that intended lessons suddenly have been able to be learned faster, leveraging everything for every incarnation and the same time making the need to follow certain game mechanics obsolete.


is not the work of our beloved Captain not enough to teach us not to quarell about theological terms?

it is pretty clear that each of you and all of us have simply different energy… and also not forget we also all process energy differently.

them metiiculous wearing of the karma crucible mandala for a couple of months together with other tools and maybe the new homam audios had brought me to a couple conclusions of something i never learned in my past lives.

the lesson learned was: life is in all life forms i can see with my 3 d eyes. life as in source energy. so in my personal development and spiritual work before i simply and programmed with neglect through my Environment omited paying attention to all of the life forms here on earth i an observe with my own eyes. when i unblocked this the rewards of it were enormous in sake realisation, healing and energy. connection also. like missing peaces of puzzle came together.

my own mistake was neglecting and missusing (as a child) a part of the natural life (not animals mind due) which had backlashed and backfired on my self and my incarnated soul all of my earth years till now. it was a cold thing to do on my side and i am heartfelt sorry about it. the good is is that being incarnated soul when you unblock your “mistake” healing of the whole comes pretty easy and quickly.

the process i went through was in no means painless and i ought to pay lots of attention no matter how much work i have, how others are with me and so on.

and i acomplished the goal and solved the problem set of the Karma crucible NFT, so the mandala itself showed me i neednot wear it with the others for the time being. and await if there are more further calls from this energy tool.

in short: it seems my own karma revolves around themes of neglecting and disrespecting stuff, ommiting stuff as useless when it can be useful.

i hope my post balances this topic and gives what for the seeking here.

take care all!


I really enjoyed the exchange between you two.

From my point of view it seemed that Gnosticmedic27’s beliefs, conscious/subconscious/unconscious, were being challenged. I wouldn’t ascribe this to JAAJ, but more like aligning to moments were mental constructs could be shaken, shifted, and lightened. Being ready to create that experience, for his personal self and including everyone viewing.

I felt in the exchange that some very good questions were brought up, and JAAJ being JAAJ, very clearly and articulately addressed each one directly. I don’t think I could of thought of or expressed the meaning more clearly here.

Really grateful for JAAJ’s chosen role in writing ideas/concepts/experiences, in direct ways that people viewing can very well learn from, apply, be reminded of, or just find validation from their own life experiences, e.g. ah someone else reached similar conclusions.

Value Gnosticmedic27’s chosen role to bring about debate, or rather to give attention/shine the spotlight on some very valuable spiritual information. This is stuff that can be questioned and found greater clarity in. I also often find that can it can be readily applied, like right after reading and learning about it.

From an earthly perspective, and identifying with physical body, can be perceived as very “real.” And the layers above like emotions, thoughts, beliefs, can be very important to do whatever you’re doing here.

But I’m tempted to go with the Free Will direction, all that implies and ‘vast’ potential that exists in consciously choosing, yes choosing a path of Free Will. What actual “game mechanics” would be left?

Personally I’m not one for written debate but wanted to share a view here.

Thank you again you two.

Also, like the quoted bit from Dreamweaver, especially on options that exist with suffering ie identify with it or rise above and learn, and develop :)

How wonderous how this thread has evolved, while reasonably remaining within topic. :blush:

Quite the Opnions Mouldytea

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Uh no. I’m right about the central point that cause and effect is a real thing. If it’s not real, why does every cause have an effect? It’s EVIDENT that everything about our lives up til this moment is self created. You can even see this in the mundane material things of life like going to school to get a degree or choosing where to live, etc. and even all these things are influenced by our birth charts. Our birth charts are maps of our previous experiences and psycho-spiritual development of the planetary and zodiacal archetypes that correspond with them. Our interests, tendencies, the way we interact with the world…it’s all self created patterns of energy (which manifest as astrological influences as a birth chart)- aka cause and effect aka karma. Karma is not reward and punishment. It’s simply cause and effect. No different than throwing a stone in the water and watching it ripple. Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause.

And we are trapped in the realm we belong in until we transcend it. It’s not a pre planned choice for most people. You cannot transcend the solar system you live in without perfecting the Solar system within you itself. You have to integrate the archetypes before moving onto the next level. Aka heal and develop them. That’s why PU made the Planetary series in the first place. We are born with a new chart every life in order to perfect these archetypes. A chart you created yourself with your own actions.

This idea that we choose our lives before hand is new age idealistic crap. The EGO hates the idea that it’s not 100% in control of its destiny all the time. We are in control of it. There’s nuance to that statement. But it’s not like we don’t have to work through our karma in order to overcome it.

Btw none of us would need to use morphic fields if we weren’t trapped in some form or karma (self-created patterns) or another. If we had perfect free will, we could choose to ascend to Shiva’s Loka right now at will. Can any of you do that? Nope. Because you have not integrated the archetype of Shiva perfectly.

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Let’s give an example of how we create our own birth charts/karma-

If you decide to dedicate yourself to consciously developing all the attributes that correspond with Mars, in your next incarnation you will have a strong Mars placement.

If you decide to polarize towards all the negative attributes of Mars, that will reflect in your next birth chart in some way.

If you put lots of emphasis on beauty, love, and all the archetypes that correspond with Venusian energy, this will reflect someway in your next birth chart.

This is our “karma.” It’s all self-created. Not somewhere in a Higher World where you’re planning it all out ahead of time. It’s happening moment by moment across timelines and it’s evident this is the case. Maybe it’s not happening in a linear fashion as we perceive it, but it’s self-created nonetheless.

All those squares in your birth chart are representations of psychological patterns at conflict/tension with each other. Where did those tensions come from? Not thin air. They were created by you throughout many incarnations.

My North Node is in Aries because I lack in the positive psycho-spiritual archetypes that correspond with Aries. My Higher Self gave me the North Node placement I needed to develop in this incarnation because I failed to develop them previously. It’s like the Higher Self trying to systematically chisel a perfect Diamond Soul that is a perfect reflection of the Solar System. This is how I view it.


Love you Gnosticmedic27. Respect your act to share your views plainly and openly.


After re-reading this, I want to address this.

I’ve never said that there is no free-will. Of course, free will can override karma. We are doing this anytime we change a pattern we have. All change is karma in action. This is literally the point of the spiritual path. Choosing your own path to liberation. Of course, all possibilities are present in every single moment. Infinite possibility. But this still does not change that we have karma that is self-created. You guys do understand the science of morphic fields proves karma, right?- Individual and collective patterns of energy and consciousness are the basis of the Universe. We are all collectively creating this whole thing. This is all karma. Cause and effect. Existence exists because of karma.

Look into “Dependent Origination.”


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I don’t quite have a choice but to hang out with lower vibrational people lol. I don’t quite have anyone in my sort of path in life. Rather unfortunate but it is what it is.

That said, I love the people in my life. Even if they are lower vibe and whatnot, part of ascending in the path is being able to lift the others around you. Even if in subtle ways… just showing love, being kind and understanding goes a long way in people’s lives. If I grow, I’d like to share that growth with others around me. It only feels right to give what I can of myself to humanity in whatever way I can.

But there is a bigger aspect to this. I think part of growing, is learning to not be too phased by lower vibrational energy. Being able to maneuver it lightly, with love and grace and in a way that uplifts others rather than cause friction.

Cause, even if you grow in isolation by avoiding people… you will still eventually have to deal with lower vibrational energies. You will still deal with people that would best be avoided. Part of ascending is evolving yourself to be able to deal with samsara without being consumed by it. Part of that is building resilience to it and being able to transmute it through your presence alone.

Something I’ve noticed in many spiritual traditions is that there tends to be a key element of avoidance. Back then, you were to seclude yourself from society just to dissolve your ego. Now, I’m seeing many online gurus and whatnot giving the advice to cut toxic people out of your life, get rid of social media, don’t do this and don’t do that.

I think secluding yourself from society is very effective but just unrealistic for most people. Most people have no way of just leaving the world to meditate all the time and most people would rather still be a part of the world lol.

I think that avoidance of toxic people, toxic things and whatnot is necessary in the beginning up to a certain peak in the path. Those things would certainly get in the way and some people certainly have a way of draining your energy. So it’s best to let go of all those things so you can focus on healing and finding peace within yourself.

But I do believe there does come a point along the path where you will grow quite a lot and learning to navigate the world you avoid is going to be necessary. Because what you avoid is also a part of you to some extent and being able to maintain your zen/peace/mindfulness during adversity or bad vibes is an essential stepping stone in the path. I say this because you will 100000% get tested to the extreme.

Life is going to test you. In fact, it will probably break you. I’ll be very honest with you guys and let you all know that me and Dream have been broken to the core a few times along this path.

Life is going to hit you with some of the biggest obstacles for you to move forward. And it will push you until you are able to learn those lessons if you truly want to move forward. It will force it out of you unless you decide to give up. And I tell you this, there are some extremely difficult realizations and things you are to let go of along the path that might be too difficult to do to get beyond those points.

And in many of these moments, you will be dealt with the lowest of vibrations, most of which will come from you but sometimes other people. And if you have been simply meditating, using fields, ext… while avoiding adversities/low vibrations, you will more than likely break when you get hit with some extremely difficult things along the way. Your zen will be gone. For your zen was never trained to deal with the lowest of the lows.

I tell you this because I think this is certainly a misstep in a lot of the teachings I see these days. People aren’t quite being prepared to deal with the lows of reality. And when those lows hit people, they just get taken aback and everything they’ve learned and all the growing they did up to that point just goes out the window.

Just keep this in mind along the path. Be better prepared than me and Dream were.


People have various paths in life. Everyone moves at a pace; may not be conscious or fit with their perception. Somethings may or may not happen within periphery of awareness.

Personally really agree with a lot of the content just above the quoted, and would probably word it the same way.
Afterwards I think it’s more about SammyG’s telling of experience. With that passing on of a “warning” or “caution” that may have helped them beforehand, with the intention to potentially help someone else along their path.

The thing is for me, I kind of view it as a belief or episode of experience. It may or may not apply or even be relevant to someone. But it very well could be. It’s a matter of identification, and whether someone’s narrative resonates or fits along your path.

I guess I’m writing this because there are some people that look to gurus, teachers, influencers, leaders, etc. Whether SammyG is or isn’t any such roles isn’t so relevant, as to note that he does play a key & loving role in this community. More to what I’m saying is that some may look to role-models, to copy, imitate what they are doing, how they are, or where they’ve been. I guess that’s fine early on when there isn’t much of a basis or foundation for how you view yourself or interact, relate to reality. But looking to someone else’s path isn’t at all necessary to traverse your own. I guess it’s optional.
All is already within, and without.

That’s my warning or caution I suppose.

And we all can experience paths in our own unique ways.


I guess the path of oneness isn’t for the faint of heart, but at the same time when the idea first gets introduced to you…there’s like a gravitational pull that feels like its the only path to peace or at the very least it leaves a imprint that doesn’t go away or a itch i guess. Still when I have embraced oneness as way of being or tried to perceive everything as oneness (cause i I don’t think if Iv ever realized the experience) it leads you to be really open and vulnerable which can make you really malleable which is freeing, but if your sense of self or will isn’t strong then you can get lost in the currents and back in samsara. Its definitely some of the difficulties Iv come across and something I am need to work on.

I guess that’s where the path of wholeness comes in lol. As always thank you for your insights Sammy, they always feel like gentle reminders to keep on the path.


Path of ascension, enlightenment, ego dissolution, higher vibration or whatever you want to call it, it’s all the same really. I say this because many people here don’t believe in oneness and that’s fair. But whatever your spiritual path is, roadblocks do tend to be a part of it.

And it’s quite logical. If you’re on the path, there are blockages in your way that keep you from being fulfilled. There are attachments you have that make you dense. There are things in your way and if you get far enough, your subconscious will naturally manifest these roadblocks in pretty heavy ways that are difficult to deal with. But if you’re are steady, consistent and resilient enough, you can work through them. Maybe it doesn’t have to be as dramatic as it was for me and dream.

That said… if you reallly want to go past just finding confidence, more positive energy, more love and abundance and go farther into the path of ascension, then… yeah, there are certainly some very tough truths to experience/embody. The level of surrender/vulnerability and just stepping into the unknown is immense. And I can’t stress how dramatic the subconscious manifestations and challenges that tend to come about.

Cause for example if you are dissolving your ego… what you believe in, what you love, heck your entire beingness will be put into question. It isn’t just thoughts in your heads… the challenges are just real life situations that would test the attachments, ext… How?

Whatever you reject/hate/fear exists in the world and one way or another, you will run into those things along the path. When you are clearing your consciousness up and releasing all that weight, these ‘negative things’ are not cleared and when you run into them in life, you will automatically react with negativity. It is bound to happen. And because you are on the path and clearing so much, these things you still reject will weigh a lot more and have a much more dramatic effect… resulting in some rather dramatic events.

There is so much more to it that I can’t really share. You’ll know when you know. Just… like I said, learn to find peace with what you despise, don’t agree with, hate, don’t want to lose, ext…

If you can learn to not involuntarily react negatively to these things, these roadblocks may not be so difficult.

But yes, we are all on different paths. I am sure for some of you, the path might be easier along the way. And while what I said might sound discouraging, it shouldn’t be. If I could walk this path all over again, I would a million times.

A freer and at peace state of mind is worth all the money, all the effort in the world. And with that freedom, all those other good things come to be but a more genuine state of peace that doesn’t need anything to feel peace. And there is still so much more to see, learn, and expand on. That isn’t even the cusp of it all. The path is always interesting and revealing as it should be. It’s just when on the path, you’re just trying to find some peacw within yourself, you haven’t really got the fun part yet lol.

And I genuinely believe this is the path that everyone’s higher self is on whether they know it or not. And we are all at different stages of it. None higher or better than the other. Just the ‘right’ stage for each one of us.


Sammy, do you mind please sharing a few examples for such extremely difficult realizations? I am now super intrigued and super curious after you wrote this. Thank you.

In the original Conceptual Realizations description it is said, that the realizations (the lessons) can be learned from observation of others.

I wonder how many of those “extremely difficult realizations” can still be learned by going solely the Conceptual Conglomerate field looping path?

I am aware of a few things that CANNOT be learned and realized through observation alone, namely you have to actually experience them yourself.
Among those things would be for example:

  1. Developing Compassion
  2. Developing Real Free Will

I think these cannot be learned by observation alone and one has to live through those experience in person in order to conceptually integrate them. Would these be examples of such super difficult realizations?
Ones that one cannot learn by using a field and observing stuff but which one has to experience yourself?
Or are there some far more difficult ones?

I am very much interested in understanding this more please.

I was thinking that highly spiritual people will face super high levels of challenges from the negative forces being thrown at them etc., I have experienced this in my life too, so I can only imagine that Dream probably went through stuff 10000x more challenging…

…but then also for example if you and Dream can now summon Angels and Aliens 24/7 for help and support, doesn’t this also then make those challenges a little bit less severe and ominous again?

Isn’t the challenge kinda directly proportional to one’s levels skills and tools?

Because if it would not be this case, then it would not make sense for the Higher Self to incarnate here since it wouldn’t be able to learn anything from a completely impossible challenge…?

Imagine how much zen and patience a typical Spirit Guide must have. Shows me, that not everyone can simply become “a Guide”.

But then also, I heard that our Spirit Guides are usually something like our 2000-5000+ parallal selves, and so the right one steps in at the right time with the special skills to help when needed.

This reminds me of the discussion we had here with you around 1.5 years ago on the forum, I mean the “modern humans being all snowflakes” thing versus “we have to make everyone feel good at all costs approach”.


If a person is on the spiritual path of oneness, or possibly of the higher self,

things can get kind of weird.

Like when you’re quite conscious that a thought passing through isn’t at all you’re own.
When an emotion that suddenly raises in your body is the sensation that you can visibly see someone experiencing as part of their reaction. “ahh, a spider!”
A memory you have is from a distance ancestor, or someone else that lived years before that isn’t at all directly related. Or a close one’s emotional/traumatic memories can become your own.

The “greater realization” is that none of this is actually ‘your own.’

We have our biological dna,
our upbringing with family, friends, neighbors, classmates, geography, culture, etc,
along with the astrological energetic imprints.

There’s all sorts of programming and conditioning that goes with an incarnation.

The beliefs, thoughts, emotions, physical body…
if associated with an ‘I’ individual or ‘we’ specific group,
it’s the stuff repeatedly created, expressed, interacted with.
Like beliefs that are held with conviction, and passed on to another to share.
Or emotions that haven’t been released, can be stored or carried as “trauma,” and that can be perceivable by another.

…it’s all stuff that has become familiar or normalized through living. We know it, believe it; it’s the easiest to identify with, and attach -a self- to.

View it as all part of the collective. On earth, humanity.

Being aware, conscious. Accepting and in love with all of it, without needing to be any of it.


Re: an easier path

So there are thoughts of morphic field theory, and the study of the hundredth monkey effect with them apes washing potatoes and other islanders learning distantly to do the same.

Or the story of the first person to run the 4 min mile, and how “all of a sudden,” more people were breaking that threshold. Related beliefs that someone had done it, it was possible, can do it too.

Or the story of nearly any technological breakthrough, and how at first only a few are able to access, work/play with it, and then becomes produced for the masses at increasingly lower costs & use
E.g. vehicles – transportation
Wired, wireless communication

With more people choosing to ascend, dissolve their ego, whatever spiritual practice, I think it may be easier to do so, for all the ones that come afterward.

Another, like if all your friends were suddenly into meditation. Then a bunch of meditation studios, workshops started popping up in your neighborhood. Advertisements/Marketing, people talking about it, etc. The ideas, beliefs stories of experience would make it much more accessible, and it would be very convenient to first start a meditation practice.

The earlier ones likely have it, “the hardest.”
The much later ones, maybe the easiest.

I guess if you’re reading this, on this forum (around this time), and you’re on a spiritual path, then you’re probably one of the earlier ones.

Flattering your ego (not) intended ;)

Ok I guess that’s enough


[Gets unplugged and wipes blood from mouth]
“I thought it wasn’t real.”

“Your mind makes it real.”

– The Matrix (1999)