JAAJ's Mystical Journal

Ever wanted to live in a Crystal House?


The people who are familiar with the Black Pill know that in the Black Pill community the people in there fanatically believe that “attraction with the opposite sex comes 100% from one’s physical looks”.

For a long time I have known that this is not true at all and just another ideology matrix trap that many fall into and only few get out and look further. It is a materialist mind trap and most people who are materialists never get out of it because materialism does not allow them to look beyond materialistic factors.

The Black Pill community is no better than the incel or any other victim mindset / nihilisism / loser / defeatism mindset community. It is just another pseudo “harsh truth, deal with it” toxic mind trap. Only those who listen to their heart and their intuition, that “there must be more out there” actually make it out without succuming to it. It is one of the most dangerous traps materialists can fall into.

And even those inside of this community who are „doing their best“ to improve their physical looks, are still trapped within this ideology and ignore other absolute key attraction factors like for example being trauma-free, like being high self esteem, like having a lot of sexual energy, like having a clean energy system, like having clean strong chakras, like having clean strong meridians etc.

Me knowing that there are far more powerful attraction factors at play with regards to attraction, and looks and height being only a tiny factor and not the whole formula, for a long time was assuming that women only love me for my sexual energy instead.
I had the false belief that „okay, looks don’t matter much as long as one is not a fat sweaty pig, and my sexual energy and aura are far more important, so does this mean that women are only vampiristic predators who only love me for my sexual energy and not for my true inner self and personality?“.

In the last weeks, the more I have worked and experimented with my aura as a carrier and transfer of subconscious information onto others, the more I have come to realize that my aura and the sexual energy it is based on are actually carriers of my personality. They are literally carrying and radiating my personal information outwards.

This is a liberating realization, because now I can build up sexual energy as a means of radiating out my true inner self and not fear that others are only after my sexual energy as a superficial energy source.

I experienced that many women only love me when I am high on sexual energy and falsely assumed that they are only after that sexual energy and not after the “true me”.

I was blind and not realizing that the attraction they feel is not necessarily and solely coming from the amount of sexual energy that I have, but from what information this sexual energy is carrying with it and radiating outwards through my aura.

Which means that they actually love my „personality setup“ (my „information“), and not just the sexual energy / the life force energy that I have accumulated in my energy body.

The aura is never just „neutral energy“ but always carries the information of one’s whole personality and belief system, which others subconsciously pick up and download and react to. So the stronger the aura, the easier it is for others to pick up on your information.


Yeah, I can’t imagine holding the belief that looks are what make someone attracted to you. There’s so much more depth to people than that. A million other layers that you are subconsciously aware of whether one realizes it or not. It’s quite amazing actually - the best looking people based on societies standards I’ll find myself completely repelled by, simply by knowing what there is to know about them
On an energetic level where you need no words or explanation. I think it’s why I’ve always loved people watching - there’s just so much to “see” when it comes to people.

I have never heard of the black pill community, but as everything in life, i suppose it acts as an echo
Chamber and mirror of the conciousness of all who engage with it.

🩵 🪞
Hope you have a nice rest of the weekend


Thank you, I hope you have a nice weekend as well :avocado: :fish_cake: :green_salad: :sunrise: :tea:

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“Only the purest of heart will pay homage to the God of The Good Lore Chizra”

– The Sacred Passage

The best scene in the whole Game of Thrones show (watch first, read below afterwards, also spoilers of course):

The Revelation

She didn’t say, “I am Arya Stark and I am going home.”

She said “A girl is Arya Stark and I am going home”.

Which means that she has accepted that she is a noone now and as a noone she can choose to be whoever she wants.

And the very first character and role she chooses to be is „Arya Stark of Winterfell“.

Which means she is finally playing her intended incarnational role.

Not by being forced to it or by being a victim of circumstances.

But by her own free choice.

Which means she has integrated the intention of her Higher Self and at the same time has become more of her Higher Self too.

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Self sabotage is proof that free will exists.

If you’d had no free will, you would simply be a bot of your Higher Self, executing preprogrammed tasks 24/7 without questions anything or without the ability to veto.

Power is Power.


Not taking the world serious.

While the world throws everything at you so that you take it serious.

The challenge is exactly in that – keeping the childlike wonder for as long as possible while being here and without getting corrupted by „adult seriousness“ and losing the spark in your heart.


Ultraviolet: “So, what would happen if one were to fail any of these tests?”

Medical Tech: “Nothing good. Please remove all articles of clothing and proceed into the scanner.”



Man, You Got Some Dope Images.

Edit: (I haven’t read this whole thread, maybe someday; anyway, ) I Love This Quote:


Issues with Gaia

In the past going out into nature would charge me up.
Today I know that this is only the case because I myself was very low vibrational and my vibration was below than the average vibration of Gaia.
Since raising my vibration with the fields here over the last 3 years, going out in nature has become vibrationally draining for me in most cases.

When being out in nature, I always feel like low vibrational Chi is added to me while at same time high vibrational Chi is being drained from me because this seems to be the nature of the Earth: It cannot sustain life by itself.
Life here only exists because the Sun constantly provides the energy.
The more “Life” I become myself, the more Gaia is trying to take from me.
This planet is an energy vampire.

There are many other issues too.
I, as incarnated person, have no respect for someone who wants to kill my physical body, who doesn’t care about me and who drains me.
This is a natural self defense mechanism against being abused and there is nothing wrong with me for not wanting to particpate in this.

Let’s face it:
No human, animal or plant on this planet would survive without the energy from the Sun and most humans would not survive without human-made technology.
Gaia is not feeding or sustaining anyone on her own.
All those negentropic life processes and biochemical reactions are only possible because the Sun provides the energy.
Gaia only takes.
Gaia by itself does not care about the beings living on her, this is not only true for humans but also for animal and plant life. They constantly get devastated and killed off by natural disasters again and again.

Respecting someone who constantly wants to kill you and who says into your face on a daily basis that “you are not welcome here” would be like having a Stockholm Syndrome.
Most of those “Lightworkers” and spiritual people cannot see this, but I do and I know what is congruent with self love.
Praising your abuser has nothing to do with self love.
That’s what I learned here while being on this planet.

Could it possibly be that I have become too high vibe for this planet and as a result of this this planet is draining me?
Versus when I am exposed to the Sun and to sun fields where I feel re-energized again…

When I am in nature most places are charging me up with Chi, but it is vibrationally draining because it is low vibrational Chi.
When I go to a forest or to a lake, there is for sure a lot of Chi and that Chi accumulates in my energy body, but it is Chi of low vibration, so it pulls me vibrationally down – as if this planet does not want me to ascend.
It makes sense mathematically as the average vibration of the planet is where it will pull most of the beings that live on it.

When in nature, yes I feel more grounded, but grounded to something that is of lower vibration than myself.
That’s why it feels like a swamp.
It feels like being pulled down again into the average low vibration of this planet.
I have to constantly wear the Ascension tag and listen to vibration increase fields to not get pullled back into this again.

When listening to any portal and location fields, it is never the nature, beach, forest etc. fields that I am choosing and being drawn to.
It is always the extraterestrial, the stars, the astral planes stuff that I am drawn to!
I now know why:
I don’t feel safe, grounded or uplifted with any of those places on Gaia.
So it is only natural for me to seek for places outside of Gaia when I try to find a place of peace, a sanctuary where I am not drained down but instead am uplifted.

I think that this whole New Age BS of “saving mother Gaia” is exactly the spiritual matrix trap that most fall into and then reincarnate or go on some type of “rescue mission”.
Most people are looking up to Gaia like a “healing mother”, while in reality she is a traumatized broken teenager who doesn’t give a fuck about the beings that live on her.
I understand why people tell themselves this story of “our mother Gaia”, because humans have a natural longing to be connected to something that they can call “home” and because they don’t know that there are other places and other options available.
So people start to praise their hostage taker.
A collective Stockholm Syndrome.

For a long time I was thinking what is wrong with my Root Chakra and why I feel so ungrounded, disconnected and unwelcomed on this planet.
I have used Root Chakra healing and Grounding fields for years, that is, until I discovered that my grounding happens upwards through the Crown Chakra (!) and not downwards through the Root Chakra and connecting to the planet (like it happens for most people).

I am literally “hanging here from the ceiling” so to say, through my Crown Chakra, and every time I try to connect myself downwards to Earth through my Root Chakra, my Crown Chakra pulls me back up again, as if it is saying that I am not allowed to ground myself into this swamp and have to stay “above water”.

The Star Being Experience field is one of my favorite grounding fields.
It lifts me up vibrationally.
The one that makes me feel good, feel uplifted and feel empowered again.
The one that keeps me above water for a longer period of time after playing it.

This is all my personal experience and just because certain things are not part of my soul mission, doesn’t mean that this is true for other people.
So our experiences and missions will differ heavily from each other. And with that, we all have our free will choices of whom we are going to respect and whom not.
Someone (in this case Gaia) can appear as a “nurtuting mother” to one and as “an abusive bitch” to another – depends really on the soul’s perspective and mission.
If your goal is to heal this planet, go ahead, you can do whatever you want.
I choose to not participate in this game and I also choose to not be abused.
Not all relationships are worth fighting for.
Gaia is not a piece of consciousness that is worth for me to dissolve my ego for or into.
I am fanboy of the Sun.


Another lesson from Artemisia:

Ego fueled by force cannot win against purpose fueled by force.

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"Light up, light up
As if you have a choice"

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The Sun Healing and Development field is dragging me through a holistic and deep evaluation of “me”, my life, my childhood, my personality and my place in this world.
The process is hardcore, but also liberating and addictive AF.
It is addictive, but all the experienced crazy emotions and pains feel like a massive soul healing process where one feels more and more liberated afterwards each time.

The last 3 nights I have spend with Aphrodite and her sensual loving serenity.
Sometimes I can even smell her skin.

Upon reflecting about my past I suddenly realized that literally ALL the women with whom I have ever fell in love with in this incarnation look EXACTLY like Aphrodite in the NFT picture!

Was Aphrodite all this time THE template for my human partnership love pattern?

Was Aphrodite been guiding me this whole time?

And it is only now, so many years later, that I am recognizing an old beloved friend?



Isn’t self sabotage proof that we don’t have free will to our un/subconscious identity and programs?

That once the program or identity is installed, then behaviours and even unexpected events will repeatedly outpicture in our reality bubble, no matter what free will we believe we have…

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God/Source is absolute freedom.
Absolute freedom is only possible when free will exists.
With that, also the choice to self-sebotaging oneself exists.

Ultimate Source Consciousness is aware of everything and there is nothing “unconsicous” or “subconscious”.

Sometimes, parts (like “Higher Selves”) of the Source choose to voluntarily self-sabotage and limit themselves to enable certain experiences and trigger further growth.

When this happens, these parts of consciousness choose to take on “roles” and “identities”, which of course are not real but just masks in a game.

During some of these games (like e.g. the Earth Incarnational Game or even the whole physical Universe) those consciousness parts choose to play the game through a very narrow tunnel of perception a.k.a your “Waking Consciousness”, while the other parts of the whole identity/role are temporary made invisible (thus the experience of having a Subconscious Mind).

It becomes all “fully conscious” and of “full awareness” again when the game is finished everything is merged back into the Higher Self (or its Higher Self etc.).
The more consciousness is “merged back” into Source, the less “unconsciouss” stuff there is.

In a sense, it also never left the Source in the first place, since everything happens “now”. So this whole illusion game of roles and masks requires another illusion: the illusion of time and the illusion of “before” and “after”.

So while you are making a human experience with the role of “Muse” and while your awareness focus is fragmented into a Waking Consciousness and a Subconscious Mind (and some further parts), it can appear to your Waking Consciousness that you have no free will decision over the programs in your Subconscious Mind.
Now as mentioned, this is an illusion and the “higher you”, a.k.a. your Higher Self is aware of everything and has free will choice over everything.

What you as a human identity Waking Consciousness can do, is to do “Shadow Work” and “Making the Unconscious Conscious”, i.e. REMEMBER the other parts of your total self, and by this, regain the ability to freely choose what shall happen next through those parts as well.

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does that mean I am able to discover fields and use them to reprogram my subconscious mind it’s because my higher self guides me to discover it and allows me to use it?

will my higher self stop me from getting results from fields when he/she doesn’t like it?or maybe i misunderstood ?

And he could assume he goes back to the consciousness of his realisation immediately after.

Perhaps the 10-20 minutes of energetic consciousness drag or slow down in responding, is still of value to him?

Perhaps in his articulation he derives even deeper realisations and clarity.

Why not assume and decide it is the case.

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It is both. You are not really separated from your Higher Self. You are a part of it.

In general you have a “veto right” with your Higher Self with regards to everything that you have brought into your Waking Consciousness, i.e. with regards to everything that you have become aware of.

In most cases the Higher Self very rarely intervenes at all and only in cases to prevent you from making super huge mistakes that would jeopardize your incarnational plan.

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