JAAJ's Mystical Journal

This is true … it’s like we understand the 3D world with our five senses. But say for example antelopes are colour blind (by human quality) and can only see the world in shades of blue-green. So they can never understand the mix of red in the world and how it looks like. Likewise if we had say 8 senses we would have experienced the world in much higher quality and known different things which right now with five sense we cannot even comprehend even if it exists right on our face. Same with math or anything for that matter… it operates in its specific domain defined by the limitations of the human body. But for things that are perceived internally from the higher perspective can only surpass this boundary and give us deeper understanding of the universe… this can be concepts but it can also be math and it can be everything else too. One genius Indian mathematician Ramanujan who had no formal training in math was a born genius and solved several equations considered unsolvable during his time. He used to say, “An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God." He often received spiritual insights from this Goddess that he worshipped. So the limitations of the 3D world can be surpassed by going inwards to ‘see’ things conceptually which can’t be otherwise seen outside.
In my own learning of math and sciences all these years and succeeding noticeably with clarity of concepts, I have noticed myself understanding more then the written text… making pictures out the the stated concepts and seeing things beyond the problem at hand in my mind and connecting concepts from different branches of math or seeing them as interconnected… this has been all internal work which comes from within. You eventually develop your own unique internal world of concepts.

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Continuing the discussion from JAAJ's Mystical Journal:

I have been pondering this since I read it here a while back.

  1. If it takes 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2 (or longer) of the incarnation to remember the mission or to even wake up, that does not appear to be a very effective “strategy” to remember…

  2. I have for some years thought this society focus on “to help” is a program that taps into our natural tendency to love, care, support, help and exploits it in ways that stifles, binds, traps, hinders, smush down humans.


I couldn’t have agreed more to this @Muse. Unfortunately for me, almost all of my close relationships have been people who have been exploited all their life in the name of help. They wanting to help, had resulted in their massive exploitation by people and the price of which was my life being compromised. But nothing can stop them from ‘helping’ even though they know what’s happening and they feel they are being noble. Maybe it’s their incarnational experience that they came here for and maybe it’s my incarnational experience to live within such relationships and feel what it feels like


As with most lessons on earth, this is a lesson in more self love.

What I would tell those people is always the same:

Never help others at the expense of yourself and at the cost of your self-esteem.

Your own self-esteem, self-value and self-love must always come first!

Otherwise you are selling yourself out.

And you are selling yourself under value.

Don’t be a sell-out / simp.

Selling yourself out always means offering yourself and your energy for below your true value.

Self-betrayal is the worst type of betrayal.

Self-treason is the highest level of treason.

Allowing yourself to be exploited again and again is a symptom of low self-esteem, often even of self-sabotage due to trauma.

Unless a healthy level of self-esteem is obtained, one will always feel like one needs to “give more” before one can receive something back.


Sometimes people feel trapped and unable to come out the situation where they are compromising their self esteem. They feel stuck in that place since the cost of breaking free is extremely high and may even cause significant damage to their loved ones. The are essentially sacrificing well knowing that this is unfair to them and yet the other choice seems worse not only for them but for people connected to them.

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Consciously chosen self-betrayal is still self-betrayal.

It still does damage to oneself and one’s self esteem.

And if you self esteem suffers, everything in your life suffers, including your own mental and physical health.

A certain level of self-esteem and saying no to being victimized is necessary in order to reach escape velocity from the earth’s emotional matrix. Otherwise the cycle repeats and repeats and goes on forever…

The “sacrifice yourself for energy vampires” game can go on for as long as the universe exists…


I can completely see this and now know how it keeps you stuck in the cycle of negativity thus keeping your vibration lower and not letting you achieve that escape velocity needed to quit this matrix.

But even then it’s practically impossible to break free. But then that’s practically … I am now looking for ways when you can escape emotionally/mentally/spiritually even if you are stuck ‘practically’ at the moment in the victimhood.

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I can think of at least 2 ways to do so:

1st is what I wrote at the top about creating “Positive Karma”, where everyone has the always the option to create some positive karma for themselves:

2nd option would be calling on the Law of Grace:

There are for sure other ways too.

The common factor in ALL ways is that the person in question must make the choice to want to break free from their own free will point of view.


What does this mean … can you explain this further please? Thanks

It means you cannot save a soul that does not choose to be saved.
Everyone has their free will. Some have more, some have less.
No one can be saved against their will.


One of the biggest challenges of physical incarnation on Earth is to learn the lesson and superpower of compassion, despite the world you are in doing everything it can to make you indifferent and compassionless.

Compassion is a super rare commodity on physical earth.

Most things here are not your friends when it comes to become more compassionate and learning compassion. The system here will try and do everything it can in order to turning you in a miserable hateful resentful negative being, or into a indifferent compassionless heartless grey rock.

When it comes to learning compassion, 21st Century Society is not your friend, but a control mechanism to keep the individual a slave.

When it comes to learning compassion, most humans are not your friends, but are selfish narcisist NPCs.

When it comes to learning compassion, Gaia is not your friend, her animals, weather, microorganisms, plantlife etc. will kill your physical body at their earliest convinience.

But then probably it is exactly this very maximized adversity that allows to learn the lesson of compassion in the fastest and profoundest way possible.

The system will always offer you “an easier” solution to react to something than going the “compassion way”.

But by consciously choosing to go the hard compassionate way anyways and despite of, you are actually learning to be compassionate.

Most souls currently learning the skill of compassion do not see it yet, but it is considered a real superpower in higher realms.

You are not “altruistically sacrificing yourself”.

No, you are learning a superpower that you don’t understand yet, because you don’t yet see the advanced games that lie beyond this Earth matrix game.

Having experienced the constant shaming, guilt-tripping and attacks on my self esteem by humanity throughout my whole life (and lives) almost has made me completely indifferent to humanity and Gaia.

The system tried to sell me the idea that there are only 2 ways, the way of joining they narcistic parasitic side, and the way of total indifference.

I am choosing neither of those loser options.

I can choose the 3rd option instead.
That option is called compassion based on healthy self esteem.

I will NEVER join the side of these low vibe losers.
I will NEVER sell out to these disgusting imbeciles.
And I will NEVER become indifferent towards what and whom I care about.

In fact, mastering the lesson of compassion, my ego would be indeed entitled to crown itself with the title of having the moral high ground, lol.

In fact, they should be grateful that I am not joining their dark side, as my Higher Self would in the long-term simply turn them into my little bitches whom I would abuse every moment for the rest of days in the most traumatizing ways possible.
I know this because I have seen into the Abyss of my own dark side.
That side is a tool in the portfolio of my Higher Self, it has it right to exist and be there, but I choose that it is not necessary to apply it in this iteration of the game.
It is not worth it.
Would just be a negative investment.
A loser investment.

The Dark Throne is a trap.

Thank you, but no thank you.

At the end of the matrix game, it is just another toilet seat.

The system is too stupid to notice that Dark Rey is no longer “Rey”, but Diana in disguise.

"Your heart is not open so I must go
The spell has been broken, I loved you so
Freedom comes when you learn to let go
Creation comes when you learn to say no

You were my lesson I had to learn
I was your fortress you had to burn
Pain is a warning that something’s wrong
I pray to God that it won’t be long
Do ya wanna go higher?

There’s nothing left to try
There’s no place left to hide
There’s no greater power
Than the power of good-bye"


They don’t know it yet.

But when the game ends…

…no one wants to sit on the Dark Throne anymore.

< secret found >


Chapter 14 of 20: The Priestess of Everything


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Everything is going to be maxed out in 2024.

Maxed out to the top, almost unlimited.

Snow will be whiter than white.

Hormones will surge.

Lovers will love.

Emotions will become rays of light.

Cities will become metropolis.

Expenses will be consolidated.

What once was many, will become one.

Vortices will spiral out of control.

The universe will fly.

The purpose is in the essential.


To reach the most simple, the most final and the most liberating of all the wisdoms, you have to work your way through the whole of complexity.

At the bottom of the glass that is filled with complexity, the ultimate simplicity awaits.

At the end of the rainbow there is only :infinity:


I don’t understand I thought all higher selves were kind,
I also thought higher vibration = kinder
and why their higher selves won’t protect them
I also don’t believe your higher self is bad or evil maybe I misunderstood your words?
i’m so confused rn
cuz my step-father abused me with violent when i was young don’t tell me his higher self was helping him at that moment

i saw your venting comment at venting thread before
i remember you said plants,views & animals on earth are ugly
people like them because they forgot how other alien planets and the astral plane looks like
i finally understand why you don’t like gaia(earth) :joy:

I like roses and other flowers on earth
i also like butterfly and cats
maybe i will change my mind one day like you? idk.

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It was true for JAAJ back then. His truth compass changed.

All is flux. Nothing is set in stone. Leave the past in the past.

What matters is Now.


yea I know JAAJ is a nice person :relaxed:

not only JAAJ’s higher self
I just want to confirm are ALL higher selves are kind or not
nothing personal

if my logic is wrong it means there’s exist super high-vibration evil demonic being :confounded:
I just don’t want such being are exist (,godlike demonic being something

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Everyone’s Higher Self has a loving and evil parts. That’s how the Higher Self reaches completion, by learning about and integrating all aspects of existence, including the dark and evil side.

The Higher Self can then choose which of these parts it wants to live out on other planes. Which then simply acts as further learning for the Higher Self.

The Higher Self is everything.
It is up to the Higher Self’s free will choice which of its parts it wants to express.

The game of physical Earth incarnation is a hardcore learning environment. A lot of shit and super dark stuff happens here. Traumatized beings are traumatizing others and vice versa.

Your and your father’s Higher Selves are pretty detached from it. Your 100 years of human life is a just a short blink of an eye experience for them.

The Higher Selves don’t want necessarily to suffer, but in higher realms those special earth experiences are actually super hard to achieve, so Higher Selves incarnate into the physical knowingly at the cost of also experiencing temporary trauma and pain.
In the end, those are experiences too and it is hard to understand this when you and your ego are the ones who are experiencing the trauma and pain.
Just know, that in the end all will be well.

If you want to shorten the amount experienced pain and trauma, I highly encourage to get Conceptual Conglomerate so you can learn lessons before they have to become painful in the first place.

Wait until you see the roses, butterfly and cats on the astral planes in the perfect form and in Millions of new colors that your physical eyes cannot perceive on physical earth :wink:

I think that most Higher Selfs are kind.
But not all.
Some simply choose to not be so, which is okay, because Free Will is free afterall.
And some temporarily play the evil guys, to enable certain experiences for others. This however, should not give anyone’s human ego an excuse to be an asshole from now on. Other’s Higher Selves can still retaliate stuff if you interfere with their plans.

There for sure exist some super powerful demonic beings.
They do this out of their own free will and of course certain choices come at the expense of what things those being can experience or manifest.
They are also rather a minority. The “higher” you go vibrationally, the fewer there will be.