JAAJ's Mystical Journal

rey lightning

The last few days I was sleeping to this field on loop.
Also with the Arcturian Intercession tag under my pillow.

This night I had several realizations of the specific points in my current lifetime where I acquired certain traumas and emotional damages because I was raised in a traumatized low-consicousness separated-consciousness human society and not in a developed and collective-consciousness society like e.g. the Arcturian one.

I call them the “specific human society traumas”.

Most of these traumas do not exist in advanced alien civilizations and cannot happen there in the first place because of the whole structure and setup of these societies.

These realizations triggered an immense emotional release of hidden resentment at my own choice for incarnating here and resentment for humanity in general.

I guess, I wanted to first-hand experience the concepts of separation, isolation and spiritual loneliness at any cost…? :man_shrugging:

Of course, the Arcturians comforted me right after this emotional release and I felt much at peace again.

Various internet sources say that so called “Starseeds are here to help humanity with Ascension” (whatever that means).

I don’t know whether this is true or not.

For now, I need to look even deeper into myself and find out more about my true self.

Assuming for a moment that what these internet sources are telling is the truth, would the real me be then be open to help humanity? And what are the real conditions under which I have chosen or would have chosen to help?

  • Would the real me choose to help despite the cost of these traumas?
  • Would the real me choose to help despite the cost of these traumas with them being fully healed again during the incarnation?
  • Would the real me choose to help despite the cost of these traumas with them being fully healed again after the incarnation?
  • Would the real me choose to help only without these traumas ever happening in the first place?


Ihmiset kuin mantraa sitä toistelee
Entä jos sen voima niin vain vähenee
En sitä suurta sanaa tahtois kuluttaa
Enkä sanoo ääneen en ees kirjoittaa

Kuin karhuemo pentujaan ja luoja luomiaan
Niin minä sinua vaan
Vaik leipä loppuis vesikin yksi pysyis kuitenkin
Minä sinua vaan

Ja jos joku päivä sinä enää et
Sittenkin ois mulla selvät sävelet
Vaihtokauppaa käyvät toiset tunteillaan
Minä tiedän että sua ainiaan

Kuin karhuemo pentujaan ja luoja luomiaan
Niin minä sinua vaan
Vaik leipä loppuis vesikin yksi pysyis kuitenkin
Minä sinua vaan

Ja jos joskus syliin mustan maan
Mä sua joudun kantamaan
Niin minä sinua vaan

Kuin karhuemo pentujaan ja luoja luomiaan
Niin minä sinua vaan
Vaik leipä loppuis vesikin yksi pysyis kuitenkin
Minä sinua vaan

Ja jos joskus syliin mustan maan mä sua joudun kantamaan
Niin minä sinua vaan
Vaik leipä loppuis vesikin yksi pysyis kuitenkin
Minä sinua vaan

Reconnect to the Idea of Being Loved

I was reflecting about the essential human need to be loved.

A need that in most cases and for most people is never properly catered for while being incarnated here in the physical.

Now coming back to the idea of “Starseeds” incarnating on earth in order to help humanity, it is pretty clear that most of these alien souls would also be faced with this severe traumatic experience when incarnating on physical earth.
They would probably know in advance what harsh awaits them.
And additionally, coming from highly advanced alien societies or even being parts of collective-consciousness-societies, it would hit them even harder.

Now if I personally would be a Starseed that would have come to earth for the reason to help humanity and for that reason alone, I would 100% have chosen an incarnational setup with a lot of psychic skills so that I would never feel alone, or lost, or unloved, but that I would actually be always connected to my mission and through this connection feeling loved all the time, and therefore, could spend most of my time on earth actually helping humanity than healing my own incarnational traumas.

The fact that I did not incarnated with super high level psychic skills and for that reason have to go through the same trauma healing that most people on earth are going through, indicates that (Starseed or not), I did not came here to help humanity but to work on my own topics and my own development.

If the mission is “to help” and if it takes half of the incarnation to just remember this mission, then the mission cannot be “to just help”.
Then main objective of the mission must be something else.


Higher Self is Home.

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Maybe to understand/study love? To come to a place where it isn’t unconditional and we go through traumas ect and different levels of love.

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"You’ve got the words to change a nation
but you’re biting your tongue
You’ve spent a life time stuck in silence
afraid you’ll say something wrong
If no one ever hears it how we gonna learn your song
So come on, come on
Come on, come on
You’ve got a heart as loud as lions
So why let your voice be tamed
Maybe we’re a little different
there’s no need to be ashamed
You’ve got the light to fight the shadows
so stop hiding it away
Come on, Come on
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream to
the words dry out
so put it in all of the papers,
I’m not afraid
they can read all about it
read all about it oh
At night we’re waking up the neighbours
while we sing away the blues
making sure that we’re remembered yeah
cause we all matter too
if the truth has been forbidden
then we’re breaking all the rules
so come on, come on
come on, come on,
lets get the tv and the radio
to play our tune again
its 'bout time we got some airplay of our version of events
there’s no need to be afraid
I will sing with you my friend
Come on, come on
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream to the words dry out
so put it in all of the papers,
i’m not afraid
they can read all about it
read all about it oh
Yeah we’re all wonderful, wonderful people
so when did we all get so fearful?
Now we’re finally finding our voices
so take a chance, come help me sing this
Yeah we’re all wonderful, wonderful people
so when did we all get so fearful?
and now we’re finally finding our voices
just take a chance, come help me sing this
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream till the words dry out
so put it in all of the papers,
i’m not afraid
they can read all about it
read all about it oh
oh-oooh x2
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream to the words dry out
so put it in all of the papers,
i’m not afraid
they can read all about it
read all about it

(song meaning)

What is “Karma”? – Part 2

Continuing my exploration of understanding what „Karma“ really is, this time I am looking at the positive side of „Karma“.

If, as per my understanding, „negative Karma“ is a kind of „subconscious open bill that is still to be paid off“ between souls, then „positive Karma“ is a kind of „subconscious voluntary voucher“ between souls.

If „Negative Karma“ equals Resentment, Anger, Guilt, Shame, Unforgiveness and Being Unforgiven towards a certain soul…

…then „Positive Karma“ equals Gratitude and Appreciation towards a certain soul.


Negative “Karma”:

Person A steals from Person B.

It does not matter whether Person B consciously knows that Person A has stolen from them because Person B‘s subconscious mind still knows about the theft and so does Person‘s A subconscious mind also knows that a theft has been done.

Both person‘s subconscious minds are aware of the action that happened against Person B‘s free will. Through this mechanism, Person A can never act “as if nothing wrong was done”, because the subconscious minds are telepathic and communicate with each other all the time.

Because of this violation of free will, Person A‘s subconscious mind has now created an additional piece of cogntitive dissonance in itself to still remain in full functioning mode without stopping all processes.
This is similar to how a harddrive is fragmented into many partitions.
Every new cognitive dissonance creates a new partition.

The more such partitions are being split off in someone‘s subconscious mind because of such cognitive dissonances, the more energy is „reserved“ and „put temporarily aside“.

With the result that Person A has now less energy available and because of this has limited the maximum possible vibration that it can reach.

When Person A comes clean with Person B, AND is forgiven, both person‘s subconscious minds can obtain cognitive alignment again between each other and thus any previously stored energy that was reserved because of the cognitive dissonance can now be released. The „negative Karma“ has been „burned off“.

Positive “Karma”:

Person C creates an awesome product that helps a lot of people.

Person D is one of those who is using the product and is really grateful and thankful to Person C for creating the product.

The positive energy of gratefulness and appreciation that Person D has towards Person C, creates a kind of „voluntary energetic voucher“ that Person D subconsciously gifts to Person C.

If Person C should need any help with something, his/gers subconscious mind could „redeemer the voucher of positive energy" through any means that are available in the complex net of telepathic communication between all beings.

This is like the telepathic version of Person C simply directly asking Person D for help and Person D being happy to help Person C out of gratefulness and appreciation.

Person C who is receiving energies of gratitude and appreciation also experiences an additional push that helps Person C to raise his/hers vibration further.

Person C has created “positive Karma” for himself/herself by helping others AND those others sending Person C energies of gratitude and appreciation back.

  • Forgiving PLUS Being Forgiven = releasing negative energy that was previously stored as “negative Karma” (the cogntitive dissonance and the subconscious resentment between the parties)

  • Appreciating something = voluntarily giving to this something vibrationally uplifting energy

The big difference is that in order to release “negative Karma” the subconscious minds ON BOTH SIDES must be brought on board, while with “positive Karma” everyone always has the possibility, however tiny it may be, to consciously show appreciation and gratitude for something even when their subconscious minds are not on board with this.

Or in other words, “to be forgiven” one needs other’s agreement on all levels, while in order to show gratitude, no permission from anyone is ever needed.

So in a sense, regardless of how low someone sinks, they have always the choice to start redeeming themselves by showing gratitude and appreciation towards something – and through this mechanism slowly start raising their vibration back.

Which also means, that only that type of help that is being given to others out of free will PLUS is appreciated by others out of their free will, actually adds to the “positive Karma” of a person.


This is exactly was I have been thinking/saddened about for past two hours 12 at midnight to 2 am … did my incarnation got wasted…. I won’t touch details here but what you have written here is exactly what I was thinking too. Probably the ‘real’ purpose of this incarnation was to experience this waste of extraordinary blessings and then grow from this… the plan wasn’t even to ‘use’ the blessing to help humanity. Possibly… possibly not


Deep stuff hidden in mainstream song in plain sight…

Baby, this is what you came for
Lightning strikes every time she moves
And everybody’s watching her
But she’s looking at you, ooh, ooh
You, ooh, ooh, you, ooh, ooh
You, ooh, ooh, you, ooh, ooh
You, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

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"You’re right here and I know that you’re looking for trouble
And I’m just like the fire you need to rumble"

The Source wanted to experience what "a harsh experience“ is.

So parts of the Source who are particularly courageous decided to take on this task and incarnate into the physical, taking on temporary trauma and going under full amnesia.

You all here can be proud of yourself.

The Source loves and admires you infinitely.

You are doing God’s hard work by performing and experiencing these physical incarnations.

In some other dimensions, Higher Selves who have completed the physical earth game are considered “Gods” themselves.



Luv: “I’m the best one!”

Not all that appears as love is actually real love.

Real love always goes hand in hand with Free Will.

Without activated free will, consciousness can experience the feeling of real love, but it cannot proactively generate it and become a conduit for it, because as explained, that would require actived real free will as a prerequisite.

No Free Will = no real (unconditional) love.

Consciousness → Free Will → Conduit for Real Love


The Matrix never completely reboots, it just recycles everything from the previous version and tweaks the scenarios slightly. Each cycle, or yuga, is the result of the one before due to the law of karma.

Zion, as a section of the Matrix itself, is a staging environment for the code that becomes aware of its true nature.

The Merovingian is a trickster routine inserted to create conditions that force the human code to learn and evolve. It’s a catalyst for change.

AP unquestionably has altered my perception of existence. I merely need to implement and daily remind myself when the harsh reality of the physical world confronts me during life’s routine grind.

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Treasure hunting on the rise as number of finds reaches record high | UK News | Sky News.

Of course, as above, so below … lots of astral, mental, and psychic plunder to find, too.

So true ! It’s really the concepts … that’s how you understand… understand anything in the universe

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For example, one of the reasons why mainstream mathematicians are not able to understand the multi dimensional world and its dimensions in a practical way (but can only understand them mathematically on paper) is because they use a quantitative model, i.e. math, to describe something that actually differs fundamentaly on a quality (conceptual) level.

Each level has a completely different quality and conceptual setup than the others.

The higher level planes are quality-wise (conceptually) on a completely different level than it can be expressed via math (that only properly works on our level).

Those higher worlds are only understandable via conceptual thinking/realizations. Physical world mathematical understanding is not sufficient enough.

For this reason, I do believe that higher dimensional advanced tech is also very conceptual.
Like for example, most advanced aliens operate their space ships via their thoughts (maybe they are creating live morphic fields?)…etc.

…one day we will know (or remember lol :alien:)


This is true … it’s like we understand the 3D world with our five senses. But say for example antelopes are colour blind (by human quality) and can only see the world in shades of blue-green. So they can never understand the mix of red in the world and how it looks like. Likewise if we had say 8 senses we would have experienced the world in much higher quality and known different things which right now with five sense we cannot even comprehend even if it exists right on our face. Same with math or anything for that matter… it operates in its specific domain defined by the limitations of the human body. But for things that are perceived internally from the higher perspective can only surpass this boundary and give us deeper understanding of the universe… this can be concepts but it can also be math and it can be everything else too. One genius Indian mathematician Ramanujan who had no formal training in math was a born genius and solved several equations considered unsolvable during his time. He used to say, “An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God." He often received spiritual insights from this Goddess that he worshipped. So the limitations of the 3D world can be surpassed by going inwards to ‘see’ things conceptually which can’t be otherwise seen outside.
In my own learning of math and sciences all these years and succeeding noticeably with clarity of concepts, I have noticed myself understanding more then the written text… making pictures out the the stated concepts and seeing things beyond the problem at hand in my mind and connecting concepts from different branches of math or seeing them as interconnected… this has been all internal work which comes from within. You eventually develop your own unique internal world of concepts.

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Continuing the discussion from JAAJ's Mystical Journal:

I have been pondering this since I read it here a while back.

  1. If it takes 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2 (or longer) of the incarnation to remember the mission or to even wake up, that does not appear to be a very effective “strategy” to remember…

  2. I have for some years thought this society focus on “to help” is a program that taps into our natural tendency to love, care, support, help and exploits it in ways that stifles, binds, traps, hinders, smush down humans.


I couldn’t have agreed more to this @Muse. Unfortunately for me, almost all of my close relationships have been people who have been exploited all their life in the name of help. They wanting to help, had resulted in their massive exploitation by people and the price of which was my life being compromised. But nothing can stop them from ‘helping’ even though they know what’s happening and they feel they are being noble. Maybe it’s their incarnational experience that they came here for and maybe it’s my incarnational experience to live within such relationships and feel what it feels like


As with most lessons on earth, this is a lesson in more self love.

What I would tell those people is always the same:

Never help others at the expense of yourself and at the cost of your self-esteem.

Your own self-esteem, self-value and self-love must always come first!

Otherwise you are selling yourself out.

And you are selling yourself under value.

Don’t be a sell-out / simp.

Selling yourself out always means offering yourself and your energy for below your true value.

Self-betrayal is the worst type of betrayal.

Self-treason is the highest level of treason.

Allowing yourself to be exploited again and again is a symptom of low self-esteem, often even of self-sabotage due to trauma.

Unless a healthy level of self-esteem is obtained, one will always feel like one needs to “give more” before one can receive something back.


Sometimes people feel trapped and unable to come out the situation where they are compromising their self esteem. They feel stuck in that place since the cost of breaking free is extremely high and may even cause significant damage to their loved ones. The are essentially sacrificing well knowing that this is unfair to them and yet the other choice seems worse not only for them but for people connected to them.

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