Order of Testosterone, DHT, and Estrogen Reducer

As far as I know it is an estrogen inhibitor, not reducer. So it would make more sense to listen to it first, then testosterone audios.


if sapien says listening reduce extrogen aftere testosterone booster i’m gonna follow his advice.

He creates audios! Who better than him knows to use them!

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Yeah, I emailed him personally. Waiting on his response now. He said that before the “DHT” audio was released. After he released the DHT audio, he said to play it after “Test.” That’s where I got a bit confused as to when to add “Estrogen Reducer.” I’m guessing either play “Estrogen Reducer” after “Test” or play it after “Test and DHT.” I’ll keep you guys posted as to what he says


What of I only listen to DHT audio? Or one day Testosterone and next day DHT. Will it work?

Yeah sure, try it out and see what works for you. For me, I always have to play Estrogen Reducer after playing Test and DHT. Else, my mood is always out of balanced

So, Sapien said this is the best order. I had a feeling as well:

  1. Test
  2. DHT
  3. Estrogen Reducer (Play this last because not all the Test will be converted to DHT and there may still be some excess estrogen left from playing both audios. This balances everything out). Good luck guys!

I use this order:

  • Subconscious Limits
  • Testosterone
  • Dht
  • Hormone regulation
  • Androstenol

Are they too many fields? I listen to them twice a day (morning/before bed, when I can).

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I also noticed that they work better with speakers rather than headphones.


Hi @Gord99, welcome to the forum!

That playlist is fine. It isn’t too many fields. You can listen to as many hormone fields as you like. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is an FAQ answer about the number of fields you can listen to:

How many Sapienmed audios can I listen to at a time? (Updated)

You can listen to more than one at a time, for best/fastest results its better to listen one at a time. I recommend not listening to more than 4 at a time because you will be overloading your body and some of the fields will not fully work. This is mostly true if you are trying to create permanent changes (height, breast enlargement, facial structures, ext…)

These are for fields that you choose to listen to consistently. As in, if you choose the grow taller field and listen to it every day and also listen to the human growth hormone release audio.

That being said, if you listen to two audios that correlate, they will work powerfully and bring faster results. But lets say you listen to estrogen and then testosterone. Those two will cancel each other out.

There are also many fields you can simply listen to just to experience a mood or hormone boost, no matter how many fields you listen to. What i mean is to try not listen to more than 4 fields daily to create permanent changes. It will take a lot longer and sometimes, one or two wont work.


The max of 4 is suggested only to speed up results if you are looking for permanent physical changes. But if you are listening to different audios like ‘disconnect from negative energy,’ ‘energy blockage removal,’ ‘estrogen boost,’ ‘vagus nerve stimulation,’ then you can listen to as many as you like really.

I know we can be rather vague in our descriptions. Reason for this is because everyone is different. Experience is all rather subjective so for some people, 10 audios is fine and for others 5 is enough. Too many audios can overwhelm your physical and energy body as well so we try to be careful in asserting limits. Some people are able to listen to over a dozen and don’t find much issue with doing so. So it’s all very subjective. But in truth, there aren’t any universal answers for this sort of thing. It’s something that you will discover through your own testing and experiences.


Where should HGH 2.0 go?

The HGH 2.0 order doesn’t matter. It works perfectly fine for me whether I play it in the beginning or at the end. But, if you’re seeking Hair Growth, play after playing Test, DHT, Estrogen Reducer. After many trials and errors, I realized none of the order matters except I always play Estrogen Reducer last because it calms me down a lot. This is my order:

  1. Test
  2. DHT
  3. HGH
  4. Estrogen Reducer

Hey guys, could you give me some advice? In practice, another thing that I noticed is that since I started with fields I have changed a lot, in every sense: I feel much more relaxed, extremely confident, but in some ways even more aggressive. Before I was a good guy, very understanding with others, now I feel anger towards people who apparently have done nothing to me, like for example my girlfriend. About her, I feel the feeling that she is hiding something from me, I see flaws that I didn’t see before, I feel that she may not be faithful (Anyway I don’t feel jealousy) etc. The problem is, however, that things so far have apparently always gone well with her. Moreover, my libido has increased and I feel the urge to have sex with other girls, but, above all, the reason why is the anger and at the same time the disinterest I feel, since I started with fields, towards her.

What should I do? As I said, things have gone well so far and I don’t know what to believe, when I think about it I feel guilty sometimes (even if I haven’t done anything wrong yet).


Well, the increased anger and aggression comes with an increase in Testosterone and DHT. It happened to me as well. The best solution I’ve found for this is to play Estrogen Reducer last because it calms and relaxes your mind where you’re more in control of your own thoughts and it becomes easy to manage your aggression. All in all tho, if you’re seeing flaws in your girl, it’s best to talk to her about it. These audios do open your mind to a new level where you see things from a different perspective. Could be that you already have a high Testosterone or DHT level in which you don’t need these audios as much, because anything in excess causes harsh side effects. See how your body and mind reacts when you take a few days break from it and then start again. From reading your story, it seems like you and girl have a pretty good relationship and ultimately, you’ll have to make the decision to see if she’s the right one for you in the long run. Good luck!


I wish more fields had music like in the dht field. It is energetic and interesting. This is actually the first field that I 100% enjoyed listening :D


Is it really necessary to use estrogen reducer as DHT lowers estrogen or so I have heard.

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Listen to your body. If you feel that you don’t need Estrogen Reducer, don’t listen to it

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I don’t know what symptoms I should expect from high/low estrogen :smiley:

If you dont grow boobs, you will be fine.


If you get irritated or angry after listening to Test/DHT, then add Estrogen Reducer. If you don’t feel any type of aggressive behavior, then you don’t need the Estrogen Reducer


Lol I already got them removed, would be a shame if they came back :smiley:

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