Orion Energy Infusion Meditation

Very excited for this one, and sad to see no one has created a topic yet, so here we go.


:rotating_light: CATHARTIC WALL OF TEXT ALERT :rotating_light:

I’m writing here, even though my review is a more generic one. Reasons:

  1. Because I promised @Samurai.
  2. Because I feel you @wuMing.
  3. Not gonna let Betelgeuse die alone. After all, I have it ruthlessly squeezing my natal Venus :laughing:

Actually I was going to write a VERY harsh review :boom: but since there may be some prudes, gurus and above all youngsters watching (I only care about the latter tbh :p), I decided to keep it soft. Because my damn marshmallow heart would feel sorry if they came to be traumatized.

After all, what’s Orion about, in its deepest layers and beyond unorthodox appearances?

:heavy_plus_sign: being both one’s own enemy and savior…

:heavy_plus_sign: DIVERSITY, including its most awkward, marginal and “disturbing” forms too (NOPE, this doesn’t necessarily mean dangerous, pervert, racist nor demonic, for Alnilam’s sake!!!). My point, since I first came on this forum, as well as in my overall life. A tendency to defend this diversity, even though I eventually end up labeled as a desperate psycho and sometimes felt/feel lonely as hell because of it. But hehe…

Some rare people like Samurai understand what my rage is all about (things like “awwww how cute is this hybrid Alien, sooooooo different and exotic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:… but how evil are these Mbuti people who dare living on Earth without sharing my narrow vision of life and moral code!”… and vice versa… lizards, iguanas, etc. If you see what I mean).


Come on guys. Let’s be fair ;)

I’ve been through all the galactic meditations. Several times. Nothing went according to my expectations. Not even one single thing (or except maybe Orion… Samurai :blush:). Some traumas have resurfaced, along with some very pleasant Kinder Surprises… encouraging me to face some buried fears, when no more gravity to stand on my 2 feet and act too proud… encouraging me to forgive some people and circumstances… even my parents, etc.

Overall, I’ve learned from each of those meditations. Learned how to improve my life here on this plane as an “ordinary human” ;) while acknowledging the idea of belonging to “something bigger”.

(insert relieved prudes and gurus approving with their heads… hey, just give us a short break dudes! ;p)

Special credits:

The first contact with Essassani remains the biggest shock :boom:, one of the Top 5 moments of my whole life so far. As for those that I wanted most;
that is Arcturus (because of endless respect for GENUINE masters), Pleiades (because of my good ol’ haunting Kartikeya lol)… AND “secretly” Orion (because of 6478 reasons): those 3 have reminded me that nothing is definitively earned, that no light possible without darkness, that my own planet :earth_africa: :heart: still worths living on it, etc. etc. blablabla…

(insert some John Williams music from an extra famous saga. No matter its objective “value” nor what purists say about it, Episode III is still my heartbreakingly favorite… along with the ending scene of Episode VI, of course… because this combo is the true Orionic spirit, in my naive opinion. Were Anakin and the Sith the only culprits? Or was there a restrictive consensus which needed to be shaken off, in order to unlock some abilities leading to a less stereotyped and more inclusive final peace? etc. etc. Endless and timeless questions)

Dreamweaver and Sammy: your work was making things easier for me so far, but this galactic collection did not… and as strange as it may sound, I’m glad for it. Not to mention the giant privilege to be a part of this unique adventure. You guys are just a couple of…

dream weavers.

Deepest thanks to you both. For everything.


How about, in the future, we create a brand new planet in the astral like Mintaka…?

Gonna require some help from the Hunter but definitely do-able ;D


You can already count me in the volunteer team, my brethren ;)

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Aoa year ago

No idea why but this is the star wars galaxy just feels right…


Mirelle Xavier2 years ago

Hi God! :heart: I love you :kissing_heart:


Mirelle Xavier2 years ago

OMG, I can feel the signals in my brain!!!


Jordan Williams2 years ago

This isn’t no Saturn or black cube worship is it?


Legendary Fish3 years ago

So what will this do for us when we listen?


Julian Gregg3 years ago

I like the constellation videos. Is the intention to have the video connect the listener to the energy of the star system itself, or to connect with the beings from those regions? (Or both?)


lisa3 years ago



Real Divine Souls3 years ago

Thank You, It’s Really Relaxing​:blush::blush:


:blush: HAPPY3 years ago (edited)

I want to request Bermuda Triangle Energy :arrow_up_small:
It’s not a constellation but I’m sure the sky holds amazing energy there


Anastasiya_S3 years ago

Wow…I just finished reading articles about Orion, came here to grab Sedona portal, and now I see this…what a pleasure, thank you Sapien)))


Zaubaschnute Majestät3 years ago (edited)

Wow, a Half year Ago i saw this Tunnel during an meditation!


Spacewitch 19943 years ago

Very beautiful. God bless you :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Wisteria A.3 years ago



Vida Maria Ixchel3 years ago (edited)

Very nice !! :revolving_hearts::cyclone::kaaba::tv::trackball::gem::couch_and_lamp::cyclone::mailbox_closed::sleeping_bed::gem::trackball::cyclone::control_knobs::cyclone::studio_microphone::revolving_hearts::mens::rabbit2::gear::anchor::revolving_hearts::seat:


S E3 years ago (edited)

I am speechless and very grateful :pray: also for the quote „Whatever you do may seem insignificant to you, but it is most important that you do it.“ :cyclone:


Mrs. Anonymous3 years ago

I can see Orion’s Belt from my porch. Seems so close I could touch it


markmassive13 years ago

it sounds very galactic and real. Hug you Sapien, thank you Big Bro!


RompeTuSilencio3 years ago

Thank you so much for this, this is awesome


Bianca E.3 years ago

This feels like home to me


Brendan Lombardi3 years ago

Did the dmt video right before


oly3 years ago

Ready to fly my friend


AlKiMisT11113 years ago


How does it come no one is sharing any experiences on this field?

Would you be interested in writing an update here after 3 years of your last testimonial here?

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They left this post few months back…

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Hi JAAJ, sorry for the late reply but I’m not around anymore, except as an occasional lurker to get news about the fields. Also dropped by to leave a review the other day.

I don’t have any updates since I haven’t used this meditation for the last 2 years. The same goes for the custom Orion pendant Dreamweaver kindly made for me back in the days. Aside from the provocative jokes and somewhat petty convos in which I took part on the forum, again, “back in the days” (it was hard for me to accept imposed “taboos” and monochromatic views back then. Now I react less lol), I was genuinely curious about that constellation and its history, mostly because of some dreams that I interpreted as related to it.

Shortly put, the meditation field always felt extremely… “sad”, whereas the pendant was quite heavy yet interesting to wear (impression of not having any floor under my feet most of the time).

The “messages I got” (if any) were quite mixed and confusing. I can’t really tell what I “learned” in the end. I believe other infusion meditations, Alien intercession + fields such as Detachment for Spiritual Growth have been more directly helpful in my case.

That said, never regretted having that pendant or the meditations with the audio field. It was something I “needed” to go through and who knows, maybe I owe them some fragments of the “improved clarity” I have now (so to speak. At least, a little more than before).

That’s it, vaguely said :)


Thank you very much for your feedback Bronyraur :slight_smile:

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Well if I am to judge by Bronyraur’s feedback…


Haha yes Drift, the translucent little figurine would be me, trying to catch what’s hidden in the tall lady’s eyes. With no much success.

And yes, not only the floor, but everything else around felt very slippery and blurry when wearing the pendant. Maybe not 24/7, but quite often. So a little like the landscape in your image.

That said, it might be useful also for becoming more aware of trickery. A well-known fact is that some of the stuff we try to avoid or escape catches us sooner or later. So it’s probably better to take the time to acknowledge its existence without necessarily falling for it.

Also a good field to learn about redemption. Just a personal view, of course.