Our World in 2050

Hey everyone,

Please share here your thoughts/understanding/predictions for our world in 2050. How much do you think our world will change in the next quarter century? What kind of changes do you believe will happen in the context of societies, world order, international and inter cultural exchange of concepts, healthcare, education, causes we care about, spiritual evolution of collective, technology, distribution of power, art, science, gender roles, parenting, environment, capabilities of the human body…. There are endless parameters in which our world is ever changing for good or worse … what are your preceptions ? :earth_americas::earth_asia::earth_africa:




So you think it’s about end of the world now… it could be who knows … we could be hit by a comet soon


I think mankind is wakening, and it goes further to 2050 and beyond… if you believe in “the precession of the Equinox” mankind has been falling asleep (not remembering their past lives, forgotten certain spiritual knowledge the Egyptians/Lemurian/Atlantean people had etc.)

We live in an era with great developments, mankind will hopefully cultivate it differently as time passes…

In 2050 and beyond we could be more altruistic and empathic instead of full of greed and lust for power…

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Appreciate your response and thoughts
My personal option is that certainly world is advancing spiritually… however I am not a supporter of altruism… self love is our first responsibility.
But this isn’t a discussion threat … all opinions are welcome :blush:


I have no idea… if the 2030 agenda/trajectory isn’t averted, I don’t want to see 2050 lol


A lot of us will be living in AR/VR, attending schools, colleges, offices, meetings etc.

Machines would further do all the heavy lifting cutting the need for human physical labour completely. Drones are already being used for delivery and auto pilot in cars and trucks replacing actual drivers. Unlike, now, driving will not be an essential skill to learn.

Lack of physical exercise resulting in more obesity and other health complications but we would have ‘magic’ pills for everything making humans addicted like junkies.

AI gains human like consciousness and will figure out a way to subtly influence human psychological behaviour, more AI companions further disrupting social tendencies.

Elimination of paper currency, money is digital and in order to use paying services we will need to watch an unskippable 30 second ad which can be removed by a monthly subscription.

Further rise of feminism and bearing children will be deemed a curse of the patriarchy and beginning of decline of womb birth and all future children will be made in labs in tubes.

I have a lot more on my mind.


I’ll become the president and rule over all you anons

Nah, jk lol

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I believe we are currently evolving through humanity’s emotional dark age and evolving towards a period of great awakening, in all aspects.

As the purge intensifies for each one of us, things may appear as getting worst from a limited point of view, but if we look at history and use our intuitives senses, such conditions always led to great evolutions for mankind.

It is hard to believe how harsh our elders’ lives were, and I believe it will be difficult for our children to believe that we grew up with so much fear, separation, and trauma.

All of that to say…

I used to be a proud pessimist, but I now believe that if we keep working we will have a much more balanced World in 2050.


And what is that agenda?

This one’s funny… but then who knows.

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With fields around … it may not really be a joke :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

That is so true imo!

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Technosedentarism will intensify.


Quite likely … if I understood what you are saying …. this is fact is already intensified during the pandemic and it will continue to

we live in a time of manifestation and best from my perspective is to work in reality in the now.

2050 is out of my reach to see and wouldnot waste any energy to do so.

we create the future as we live in the present moment.

if one sets its intent to be really focused and present in the now, all one will be feeling is bliss.

alas everything around us tries to make us do the oposite and disperse in the past or in the future, where we as human beings have no power and no say.


I appreciate your thoughts…:slightly_smiling_face:
This is a fun thread … no one of course can predict the future accurately.
But more than future the answers shows our thoughts about the world as we know it today and where do we see it going with what we know now.

Well, all that I put out are my personal observations on the current trends and the trajectory the world is currently on, atleast on the material plane. There is already a narrative being spread among women especially Gen Z which I think this thread is inappropriate to share on. Yeah, who knows, let’s see.

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I wasn’t saying funny for you … I was saying if it happens it would be funny … and yes … who knows

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Okay, I think I should have worded it better, lol. I got that, it is the social lounge, all conversations are light hearted, of course.

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