Pancha mukhi Hanuman Homam



How can I get ashtamangala prashna divination ?.


Hmmmā€¦ I am not exactly sure! Last time I got this done was for a local temple who consulted me for some issues in Pittsburg. We had some experts flown in from a place called Guruvayur in Kerala.

Some online sites offer it as well, but not sure how good they areā€¦ Most of the experts are in the state of Kerala.


Itā€™s Tara goddess statue with tibetan hand made wooden shrine

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A statue by itself is just wood :slight_smile:

  • who consecrated it?
  • is there life force in it?
  • Is the deity happy in her surroundings?
  • Was the statue being used by someone else?
  • Has it absorbed energies from previous surroundings/rituals? etc.

No easy answers except for trial and error and a good divination. Hence, in olden days, idols were always given through ancestors, or by the Guru so that is energetic ancestry/history was known :slight_smile:

My teacherā€™s grand teacher said: Durga, when worshipped mentally, is pure bliss-awareness. You make a giant idol of her, bring her to a physical plane, then a lot of rules come - you need to treat the idol like a real deity, follow rituals, appease her attendant deities etc. So, before you get an idol, consider all the implications, especially if the idol is bigger than what can be fully concealed in oneā€™s palm.


Since this came out when I stare at pics of Hanuman I feel a blissful feeling in my heart chakra (not intense but a nice feeling) and I feel peace come over me what does this mean exactly?

Should I start reciting the Hanuman chalisla and is there any mantra for Hanuman or even Ram that would help build a stronger connection because Iā€™m guessing the above is a sign to build a relationship with Hanuman?

Also Iā€™m an athlete and I saw that body builders like Hanuman would that have any relation here?

Any guidance and advice would be appreciated here very much :slightly_smiling_face:


I donā€™t know she was all ready here wen I arrived in bad shape because of strong b. m attacks from back home .


Could be anything - a connection, or just a relaxation response :) If you recite cola, cola, cola, even that has some relaxing alpha-wave effect :) You need to focus more on this feeling and see if it becomes reproducible and sustained in which case, it could mean something. I usually ignore ā€œfeelingsā€ for the most part as the mind can be a trickster and grants experiences that we subconsciously crave! More craving usually means more loss of energy which should be avoided!

I listed one Rama mantra above which is called Rama Taraka. Hanuman Chalisa is very effective.

Yes, celibacy and strength are two characteristics of Hanuman which are of interest to wrestlers, etc. Hanuman is supposed to possess and grant Vajrakaya, impenetrable body. Also to note, he is immortal and one of the few deities physically present on earth in current day and age.


I notice a big desire to get this field and also I keep going back an looking at pics of Hanuman an get the same feeling and in my mind itā€™s like Iā€™m idolising(only word I can think of really to describe it almost is like Iā€™m in love with him or something) him even though Iā€™ve never had anything to do with him before would u say thatā€™s more then just a feeling ?

I will work with the ram mantra and chalisla as I suppose thereā€™s nothing to necessarily loose and I feel a desire to keep looking at Hanuman


You will only gain :slight_smile:

The only folks who seem to experience severe backlash from Hanuman are rapists and perverts who resort to sexual perversions that cause harm and transgress the free will of another human. I have personally seen Hanuman energetically destroy such folks even though they recite Chalisa. A famous blind saint in India even explained two such incidents (currently canā€™t find it on YouTube). For deities like Hanuman or the Goddess, keeping lust in check goes a long way toward aligning energies. For a celibate like Hanuman, all women are Sita, so as long as lust and ego are somewhat kept in check, you can make fast connections.


Hmm guessing itā€™s no coincidence I just picked up soul core restoration which was a very last second decision when the sale was on very interesting :thinking:

Also is jai shree ram safe or should I stick with chalisla and the mantra you mentioned?


Can you approach Kali without getting into tantric worship? Mental worship, as you said here, Iā€™m not sure where where the border is. How do you make a decision what kind of relationship you should strive to have with her? And are there specifically her mantras that are more benevolent than others (other than the Supreme Goddess mantra youā€™ve shared)?


It is safe, but it is a slogan, not a mantra. A mantra is one which is recorded as a mantra in a scripture, has a history of practice, a traceable lineage, the details of the original sage who divined the mantra, the associated mandala/yantra etc.

Every colloquial chant does not qualify as a mantra :slight_smile:

Ram for example is not Sanskrit, it is Hindi where a maatra is chopped off - Sanskrit is Ram"a" - there is already half a bija lost in the 4-syllable mantra Rama which is composed of r, a, m, aā€¦


Absolutely you can, she is the Universal Mother. This interview is an example.

Kali is a 100% tantric diety, and there is nothing normal, usual, safe etc., about her. She is the most thunderous power of Shiva and only those who have conquered fear of time and death, or misfortunes and loss of material pleasures should approach her through mantras. She is completely wild, wild west :sweat_smile:

With tantric deities, you do not choose them, they choose you. They send you the teacher when the time is right :slight_smile: To treat her as Mother comes naturally to me as I have been associated with her for 17 lifetimes now, so it all depends on previous karmic connection.

Prayers, surrender, earnest conversations - none of these require rules. When you deal with mantras and yantras, which are like capsules of nuclear power, you better be 110% sure what youā€™re doing :slight_smile: Hence the saying - tantra is the path of superfast jets - you fly fast, but you also crash and burn irreparably.

We develop an inclination to a deity because we hear about how powerful he/she is, or she is the best etc. These are not karmic inclinations, these are just social media influence hahaā€¦ And usually, such influences will move on to the next hot deity or NFT that comes along, or the next new deity that someone heard of on google and found it ā€œcoolā€. An internal inclination usually is carried across lifetimes and the deity will ensure you are back on the path of practice. You just need to surrender your ego and go with the flow.

Unfortunately, modern-day Hindus are confused about what a mantra is, what is Vedic worship (Veda did not teach puja, only yajna), which are tantric mantras, which are puranic, what is best for what, what is a human-developed chant (jai shriram, har har mahadev) vs a mantra, etc. And I am not even talking about Dhyanguru, Pillai or their clone SZ type of made-up shit :slight_smile: The answer is to learn, research, educate oneself so that the wealth of knowledge does not disappear. When we lack knowledge, charlatans will take advantage, sadly, using the typical buzz words - seduction & wealth.

By the way, a field that can cleanse one of unclean/unsafe mantras is PUā€™s new Egregore removal field.


I appreciate your answer very much! What should one make of the deity making an appearance to them, Iā€™ve heard stories over the years, I assume thatā€™s not the same as thisā€¦


Deities usually do not manifest physically. They appear in dreams, send signals, talk telepathically, etc. It is oneā€™s own battle to figure out if there is genuine communication or just imagination. I am of the worst variety - I refuse to accept communication unless the deity smacks my head and says, ā€œoh my dumb child, how much more proof do you need?ā€ As Buddha the Tathagata says, ā€œThe mind is a tricksterā€ :slight_smile: (deities are also projections of the Cosmic Mind, but let me not muddle the water by going this direction)ā€¦

Meditation enhances everything! The quieter the mind is, stronger the connection ā€¦

The basic foundation for any spiritual practice is the same! These become extremely important when indulging in tantric practices.


First of all thank you so so much for sharing your precious Guidance :pray:t2:.

I have read about several people destroying their Homes and killing their Family members unknowingly just because they started Practicing Some Random Tantrik Mantra of some Ugra Devi-Devata like Shri Narasimha, Devi Pratyangira , Devi Kaalii, Shrii Sharabeshwara etc etc from the Internet without realising the necessary precautions that need to be followed first.

I have one question though - One of the most Stubborn Dosha or Curse as per Vedic Astrology is the Pitru Dosha or Ancestral Curse which is formed due to certain Planetary Combinations in oneā€™s Natal Chart especially those involving Planet Rahu.

What makes Pitru Dosha especially tricky is that in this case Appeasing the Troubled Planets responsible for the Pitru Dosha is NOT of Much Help as all the ā€œOfferingsā€ and ā€œPujaā€ performed for the Planets is INTERCEPTED by Oneā€™s PITRUS or Exalted Ancestral Beings BEFORE those Offerings can Reach the Concerned PLANET Or DEITY which Greatly Reduces the IMPACT of our Puja and Rituals. And So the ONLY way to Dissolve the Effects of Pitru Dosha is to Conduct Specific Puja Rituals directed towards the Exalted Ancestral Beings OR Visit Specific Temples and Places like Gaya, Varanasi, Rameshwaram etc. where the MAIN DEITY itself is present in a Form that facilitates in Dissolving the Pitru Dosha.

Also there are 2 main forms of Pitru Dosha - In the 1st Form The Exalted Ancestral Beings residing in the Pitru Loka are Unhappy with their Living Descendants for not appeasing them with the necessary set of Rituals and so the Pitrus manifest problems and delays in the life of their Descendants so that they Realise their Mistakes and make the necessary course corrections.

The 2nd Form of Pitru Dosha is Much more Severe and in this case the Soul of the Person remains trapped on the Earth Plane in the form of a Bhoota of Preta because His Last Rites could not be performed AFTER his Death by his Family Members and His Karmic Merits were not Good Enough for him to Reach the Pitru Loka on his Own without the Help of Any Ritual performed on his behalf by his living family members. Such a Soul remains trapped on the Earth Plane awaiting Re-incarnation in a Physical Body.

For the 2nd Form of Pitru Dosha the Narayana Bali and Naag Bali Rituals are performed and for the 1st form of Pitru Dosha the Tri-Pindii Shraadh Ritual is performed.

So are there any other rituals apart from these for Dissolving the Pitru Dosha @Maoshan_Wanderer ? And is it possible to create a field specifically for these Pitru Dosha Rituals ?..:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


These rituals, when done effectively, work fast! I can request @Dreamweaver for ancestral issues, great idea! Honored Ancestors may help tooā€¦ I am sure he can address various involved complexities and get the energetic best ā€œidealā€ ritual energy out (unlike actual rituals where effectiveness depends on the skill of the performer in a big way)!

Practices like Durga Saptashati, Lalita/Vishnu Sahasranama certainly help with all forms of doshas, but how long it takes to see results depends on the intensity of practice. pitrunamadhipo vishnuh - the mandala of pitrus is controlled by Lord Vishnu, so Vishnu Sahasranama, its recitation and homa can be helpful if other specific rituals are hard to accomplish. This was recommended by Karpatri Swamiji for those that were unable to do shraddha, tarpana and related pariharas.


This could be very helpful!

and Shani Pooja


Pitra dosha cannot be removedā€¦ itā€™s something that someone has to go through. The amount of the degree of the dosha need to be checked whether it actually going to hurt someone or not.

Even if someone born with high pitra dosh. Later in life it will manifest its effect. But usually manifest in different part that might be positive in some way. Later on it torment the individual. Pitra dosha is

It is a pitra dosha itselfā€¦like I said. If one born with one. In the current life. One has to suffer in some way. But it will be unexpectedly. The degree is determined. You need to check that to see it.

People with high pitra dosha usually live greatly but then certain yoga activate the energy. And boom. Itā€™s changing everything. It could be like bankruptcy. A fatal accident. To even death.