Pancha mukhi Hanuman Homam

When it comes to pitra dosh. One has to honor the acentors. It doesn’t have to be with shani…its completely different. Shani has nothing to do with the conjunction sometimes so doing Shani pooja is not something you should do

Pitra dosh form when sun and moon with the effect of rahu is combined. People need to check this to determine their dosha. Then you can perform it. Performing something that is not written in our chart can do something not good for us sometimes. So be careful


So not Shani Pooja for Saturn position?


I would suggest to do Shani remedies.

I would Summerize it…

1 if you have transit of saturn. That creating certain yoga. In negative manner.

2 if current mahadasha of Shani is on.

3 if Shani sade sati is on.

4 if antardasha of Shani is on.

5 if you want to do Shani prayers. Never looked at his eyes. Just bow down. Imaging his leg is better than look at him directly in the eye.


By Removing Pitru Dosha I meant making the effects of the Dosha much more Tolerable. That’s the whole point of the Astrological Rituals and Puja is to either Neutralize the Dosha completely or Make its negative effects much more milder and tolerable.

Also there are many secret temples and powerful places in India where you can get rid of even stubborn doshas by 95% but you have to stay in these places and do dedicated rituals for 3-6 months which is not feasible for MOST people.

Another way as told by @Maoshan_Wanderer is to develop a Strong personal connection with a deity by doing regular Recitations of Lalita Sahasranama or Vishnu Sahasranama or Ram Charitmanas or Bhagawat Gita or Garuda Purana which can even Allow a person to Completely Transcend the Astrological Dosha and Limitations present in his Natal Chart, but you need a certain command over the Sanskrit language and lots of Dedication in order to do so.


Indeed, these are all remedies, akin to wearing specific gemstones. Your birth chart is an immutable aspect, my friend.

The most effective approach is to confront and manage the situation with a composed and tranquil demeanor. By doing so, we can steer it towards a more favorable outcome and better prospects in this new chapter of life. Naturally, we all desire positive outcomes. After all.

The optimal strategy is to perceive challenging transits as valuable lessons rather than attempting to evade or diminish them. Regardless of their implications.

Here is my most effective solution. be patient and remain humble during difficult times. Remember, there will be a positive outcome after this challenging period.

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most epic thread in recent memory


There are plenty of examples of people in Hinduism who have transcended their Birth charts like Sage Markandeya who was supposed to die at the age of 16 but he ended up becoming Immortal due to his Strong connection with Lord Shiva and he even composed the Maha Mrityunjay Mantra for overcoming untimely death and even achieving Zero Ageing and Immortality IFF You are able to UNLOCK the FULL Power of the mantra.

Similarly, Sage Adi ShankarAcharya composed the Miraculous Kanakadhara Stotram to Manifest Money, Wealth and Prosperity in the Life of a Poor Woman who had extreme poverty yoga in her birthchart.

Sage Valmiki was a Dacoit and Murderer who used to KILL people and LOOT their belongings but after getting initiated by his GURU he used the RAM NAAM TARAK MANTRA to Cleanse All His previous Paap Karma and even went on to become a Supreme BrahmaRishi.

Shri Krishna blessed Sage Sudama who used to do continuous NAAM jaap of Shri Krishna to Overcome the Extreme poverty in his Birth chart.

My point is that God has given us tools to Overcome our Karmas…it is upto Our Awareness, Efforts and Dedication that how much we are able to MAKE USE of these Tools to Change our destiny.


not everyone is prepared for spirituality or inclined to contemplate it. However, it is possible to overcome this obstacle. It is important to note that only 25% of our lives are subject to our free will, while the remaining 75% ( fated)

However, achieving this requires a strong detachment from worldly concerns and a greater focus on unconditional devotion to a higher power, whether it be God, the universe, or any other term you prefer


Very interesting podcast about upcoming full moon, Hanuman Jayanti and other astrology snippets - 15 mins.


Aren’t these safe also?

• Om Mani Padme Hum
• Green Tara Mantra
• Om Tat Sat Om

And I think also Klim Krishnaya Govindaya Gopijana Vallabhaya Swaha

That one has been safe and beneficial for me. It was taught in the Gnostic tradition of SAW along with the other ones that you said are safe and the ones I listed.


These should be safe

Not a repetitive mantra, this is more of a contemplate on the meaning mantra.

It won’t hurt, but without a lineage connection, understanding the associated breath work, chakra visualization, mandala visualization, I am not sure how much effect this locked mantra can produce even if recited millions of times. You can practice it that way, the only question is - is it worth the investment? Folks can activate the mantra without all of this too - but such cases are few, so you want to weight the effort vs gains! But yes, it is safe and mostly used for love, seduction, charm, wealth, power, etc. It is the Rajagopala formula (Krishna as the Emperor).

FYI: Mahasudarshana field includes the energies of this mantra as well.


I had always used it as a protective mantra as it supposedly invokes the energies of the upright pentagram. That’s so awesome to know it’s in Maha Sudharshana. Thank you for that info. Next to Shatachandi, it’s my favorite Homam thus far. Keshava Vishnu is underrated too. I noticed a lessening of complexity of my mind immediately when I used it. Which makes sense considering it lessens the complexities of life. Inner manifesting the outer.


Yup, the mantra of Mahasudarshana is an extended formula of the same mantra :slight_smile:


I absolutely loved this, thank you for your suggestion, I wish it was even longer than 15 minutes, if you find something similar where they share interesting stories, please share more.

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Thank you Maoshan for all the knowledge you share, since I read your posts I am careful of the mantras I listen to. I always call myself Shiva as a deity, I am sure that reciting Om namah Shivaya and connecting with him appeased my mind, and made me see things in perspective. I always come back to him. I just find myself sometimes inclined to listen to other mantras to cultivate other aspects of consciousness. But now that I have heard you talk about how it is better to connect with a single deity and work steadily, I will go back to Shiva, he always offers me power and comfort. Maybe I will recite the ganesha mantra as well, but I will stick with these two.


There is nothing this mantra cannot grant :slight_smile: It is hence one of the most sacred mantras universally celebrated in three streams: Veda, Tantra and Puranas. Probably the only such mantra revered by all three schools! Even the heterodox tribals (shabara) and siddha schools consider it their highest mantra!


Thank you for all this wisdom, I always come back to Shiva after all, I will take this as a sign


@Maoshan_Wanderer Maybe you are not around anymore, but I wanted to ask you a question, could the Tejas Alchemy field refine my consciousness, allowing me new meditative states? It is my next acquisition, but I saw that in the thread people talked a lot about the physical improvements (which are great), but I also wanted to know what power it could have on the consciousness, I also read your post that it could eventually awaken the kundalini (correct me if I’m wrong).



Ojas - Tejas - Savitur fields are the essence of Solar/Vedic Alchemy. Physical benefits are just side effects.

My primary spiritual stack (barring some unreleased fields) are: Panchanga Yoga + the above three!


That’s incredible! I think it could be a good combination with Ascension-naut, Tapasya of Savitur is on my list of course, Savitur is my dream (just seeing the mandala makes me bristle), I just can’t afford it now, but I’ll save up to get it. I hope they don’t run out of copies. I hope “Tejas Alchemy” can accelerate my spiritual growth anyway. Thank you very much, it’s always a pleasure to read you