Parkinson stack

I have started to suspect that I have Parkinsonism and probably longer than I thought of. At least some symptoms that greatly exacerbated can be traced long ago in time, maybe years before I even started any fields.

Was using Parkinson and bunch of other healing fields on and off thinking that I have energy overload and need to heal my nervous system in general way and recently skipped Parkinson field for three days which led to my condition worsening a lot with dome characterstic symptoms, then after using it today 3.5 (approximately) times in a row got a lot of relief from depression, facial numbness that presented like trigeminal neuropathy and also inability to sleep. Really day and night difference. Which I wrote off originally for anything else, then after starting to listen to fields to either energy overload or trigeminal nerve compression.

So it seems that I will add Temporary Boosted Thinking and Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation also daily, and Opus Manhattan. How much each? Is Opus something safe and beneficial to play for long strides of time in this situation?

I can spam Brain Regeneration a lot and PBoY too. Is Advantageous Brain Plan or Drops of Memory good specifically for this purpose?

Should I use Parkinson field 3x once daily? Or it’s totally safe to have it two times 2-3 plays?

Is Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation beneficial to use 5 or more times in a row with this input?

I have other healing fields like Caladrius and Eternal and some more. So feel free to brainstorm some advanced stack :slightly_smiling_face:


There are some things I don’t know but I’ll reply to what I have some hints about. Both these fields I’ve already read here on forum that it’s okay to spam. But I’d remind you of the recent version Gentle brain regeneration that could be even better for you.


Ok, time to get on PBoY overnight.

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Yes. It is safe and very good to loop.

Deep Magnetic Brain Stimulation, however, should only be used 2-3 times.


Is Parkinson’s Disease Help an upgrade of Experimental Parkinson Treatment or are they different and can be used together?

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Is Basal Ganglia Massage safe to use with such situation? I’m yet to have appointment with my physician, so no precise diagnosis.

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Parkinson disease help is removed from YT. Where can I find it. Have share it with a friend, they are new yo sound healing.